Eyes For You - Chapter 7 - SoftBallOf_Anxiety (2024)

Chapter Text

"Papa…? Why is mama not waking up…? She not answering me." I ask as I look at mama in the white bed. Mama's eyes were closed, sleeping peaceful as there was a long loud beep on a tiny TV with a straight line on it.


Before the TV had these funny little squiggles that would pop up.

Papa looked down at me. But he was crying. Why was Papa sad?

"Mama's gone…" he said in a hollow voice.

Gone? Mama wasn't gone! She was right there! I giggle at papa being silly.

"Silly papa! Mama is-"


I stop talking as tears filled my eyes at papa's yelling. "D-Dead…? What does that mean…?" I quietly ask.


Tears roll down my face. "Mama…isn't…gonna wake up?"

"WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND YOU BRAT?! NO!!! SHE'S NEVER WAKING UP! EVER!!!!" Papa then raises his hand and slaps me.


I fall to the floor as I begin to sob while he continues to hit, kick, and call me mean names. Papa never acted like this. Why was he hurting me…?

I feel him yank my hair as he pulls me up, making me cry louder. "SHUT YOUR f*ckING MOUTH BEFORE I MAKE YOU!!" I immediately comply, afraid to be hit more.

I see him scowl at me before finally speaking. "Listen here and listen good brat. You are nothing. Nothing but a f*cking reminder of someone who you'll never see again." He throws me on the ground as more tears begin to stream down my face.

"Get out of my sight…" he seethed.

I get up and run out of the room as fast as my four year old legs could carry me and back to my own room for safety. A sob makes it way out as I quickly slam my door to my room and jump under my covers to hide from the world. Why did papa do that? Did I do something wrong?

Was mama… really not coming back…?

I suddenly gasp awake, startling the nearby Student Council members sitting in a few chairs in the Infirmary. How the f*ck did I get here…? I thought I was in the Faculty-




Right… Amao was dead now because Horuda killed him…And yet I could care less…

"Oh thank God you're awake Y/N! You were out for so long!" Shiromi cries out in relief as she flings herself onto me and latches on like a leech. I see Aoi get up and leave the room as Akane joins my other unoccupied side for a small hug while Kuroko doesn't move from her spot..

"How…long…?" I croak out to the girls, hoping they got the message of what I was trying to ask. Geez my throat fell dry as f*ck.

Kuroko steps into my view in front of the bed as the others stepped away. "From what Shiromi has told us, you've been unconscious for the past eight hours." she answers.

Eight hours!?

Well that explains the dehydration at least.

I suddenly hear the the Infirmary doors open andsee Aoi walk back inside… with three police officers trailing close behind her. Right. Questioning about the now two dead students. Well this'll be so much fun…

"Good afternoon ma'am. We have a few questions we need to ask about what you witnessed today. Is that ok?" The one with grey hair speaks up.

I could only just nod, throat still too dry to talk. It seems Aoi noticed my lack of verbal response as she pivots on her foot to face the officers now crowding the bed.

"Think we stick with yes or no questions for Y/N? I think she can't really talk for the time being." Aoi mumbles. I nod my head in agreement at what she said. Because if I know I try anything with my voice right now, it'll end horribly. The officer with brown hair nod to my unofficial big sister at her request.

"Of course. Ready Ms. L/N?"

I nod my head. This'll be a fun next hour or two.

It, in fact, took three hours of questioning from the police before I was finally released to go home. Even though the whole Council offered to walk me home, I declined. Since I wanted to be alone and just process after all of today happened. And by this point, the sun was already setting over the horizon. Giving out the lasts of the day's light and painting the sky in a breathtaking display of pinks, oranges, yellows, and purples.

And yet I could barely register such a thing as I made my way down the sidewalk. Because two thoughts were plaguing my mind right now.

The first running loose in my mind was I still didn't care about the fact that Amao was dead and gone forever. Was this just a trauma response to what happened in the Plaza…? Or was I really so heartless…? I mean sure, Amao's flirting was starting to get annoying at that point. But not to a extent where I wanted him dead. So then why? Why didn't I care…?

Maybe Google can help with this bit…?

I had pulled out my phone and was just about to type that into Google when a news article was presented to me on the News page.

Breaking News!

Akademi High is now under police investigation at the murder-suicide of two of it's students, Amao Odayaka and Horuda Puresu. According to resources, young Amao had been stabbed multiple times by the young Horuda before said girl stabbed her own throat.

Doing some extended researching, this apparently isn't the first time the private academy has dealt with murder. As back in the 1980's, when young highschool girl by the name ofRyoba Aishiwas accused of murder and was later put on trial-

I shoved the phone into my pocket after readingthat.

Well that answers my second thought a bit.Which was the fact that Ayato was in some way responsible for both of the students deaths. It's clear at this point he had kidnapped Horuda, some how brainwashed her, and told her to kill Amao then herself. This should've bothered me. No, scratch that, this should've scared me. I should be scared about the lives he could possibly put in danger. I should be scared for my own physical safety. I should be scared at the fact that my friend not only the son of an accused murderer, he was possibly one himself.

And despite knowing all this, I didn't say any of it to the police.

Because just the thought of Ayato being locked up and away from me brought me to tears…

I quickly swipe them away though before they can run down my face.

Ok it's official. I can't deny it anymore. I like Ayato. Like, really like him. Possibly even love. Actually that sounded a bit more accurate. I was in love. To the point that I'd let something like this slide.

I was in love.

In love with a stalker.

In love with a god damn murderer.

Have I gone mad? I must have honestly. But then again…

I've always been like this.

Always been a weird one when it came to how to love someone. Or how to be loved by someone. My ways of loving someone, now that I think about it, were so twisted, dark, and downright toxic that when I first mentioned it, people thought of it as a joke. And though I said it was, that was the moment I realized something was wrong with me.

So I pretended to be normal.

Pushing away those thoughts of love to replace it with more…bland tastes, so to speak. Though it's so hard to reign in those thoughts back to "normal ones". But maybe I've been going about this the wrong way. Why try to push away and try to change who I really was, when I can just welcome it instead? No harm, no foul right? Especially if there's more to Ayato than meets they eye.

As I smile to myself and skip down the path home once more. I feel the prickly feeling of my guardian angel's caring gaze as he watches over me while I continue forward. I feel the smile I have turn from genuine to something a little more sinister.

Tomorrow brings a new version of me. The true version of me. And I couldn't be happier about it.

The next day I came in earlier than usual to set up in the Gymnasium for a quick funeral ceremony. All the students were nowall gathered into the Gymnasium to pay respects for Horuda and Amao. And with the latter dead, the whole Cooking Club was one big sobbing mess. Along with a few a few other girls who apparently had a crush on the boy.

The ceremony was short but sweet. A good thirty minutes later and everyone was out the door. Either assumingly to go sulk or continue on with their daily routines. I stayed behind with the other Student Council members along with our principal, Kocho Shuyona, to clean up from the ceremony.

As I was gathering up the remaining flowers on one of the tables on stage, I felt the prickle of Ayato's gaze. I turn out into the Gymnasium and spot him amongst the crowd with a blank expression. I feel a smile rise onto my face as I waved at him. I see his expression soften a bit before giving a tiny smile and waves back. I couldn't control the giggle I let out at his actions. God, why was so-

"Ms. Y/N, a word?" I snap my head into the direction of the sound of our principal. He looked a bit pissed but also…petrified? Did I do something wrong?

I hesitantly comply with his request, walking towards him so we could continue our conversation. His gaze was cold the closer I got to him. "Y-Yes sir…?"

His gaze becomes a little softer before sighing out entirely. "Listen Y/N, I need you to stay away from that Ayato kid. He's dangerous."I felt a frown begin to form on my face. I get Ayato had a few loose screws like me, but that didn't make him a danger.


…Ok maybe he was, but like I said, Ihad a few loose screws too.

"Why do you say that Sir?" I couldn't help but question. He doesn't actually think Ayato was responsible for the murder-suicide right? Because if so then…

The man leans into my ear before whispers harshly. "I'm betting you've read the news reports of what happened at Akademi in the past. He's the son of a murderer, Y/N. So I wouldn't put it past him that he had something to do with this."


So he knows Ayato did this…

He must've mistook my silence to shock, as he leans away from me and continues, his next words were a lot softer. "I know it might be hard to accept the truth Y/N. But if you continue down this path, you could get seriously hurt. Or worse. I'm trying to help."

I felt a little pissed off at his words. I know he was trying to help. Trying to get me to see the reason as to why to stay away from Ayato. But that wasn't going to happen. We may have met two weeks ago, but I knew he wouldn't hurt me. Because I'm sure if he did, he would've done so a long time ago. And the fact that this man thought he'd ever do such a thing made me wanna-

I take a deep breath, willing myself to calm down before saying or doing anything I'd regret. I look up at him with a fake smile that didn't quite reach my eyes."I appreciate your concern Sir. But I like giving people benefit of the doubt. Besides, how could Ayato be responsible for this? There's no proof he did anything wrong."

I see him frown at my words, but I could care less. Was I being petty? Probably. But he doesn't know Ayato like I know him. He wouldn't harm me. Murderer or not.

He sighs once again before replying back to me. "I understand you like giving others the benefit of the doubt, Y/N. Just make sure he doesn't take advantage of it alright? And if anything happens, come straight to my office and we'll talk." He sounded more commanding at that last sentence and I fought back to roll my eyes and scoff at him. As if I'd ever do that.

But still, I nod then bow my head to him. "Of course Sir."

He curtly nods before dismissing me from clean up duty. I hop off the stage (which earned a few bystander's stares) and headed towards Ayato, who hadn't taken his eyes off me the entire time I was talking to our principal.

"What did he say to you?" Ayato greeted me a bit demandingly. I snickered at his actions. Desperate, isn't he?

"What? No "good morning" or "how you holding up?" And here I thought you were a gentleman." I teased. This gets a sexy chuckle out of the boy.

"Fine then. Good morning to you darling. Now what did our dear principal Kocho say about me to you?" he teased back harshly. I sputtered a bit at the pet name, feeling my face growing hotter by the second. My brain short circuited for a split second before processing what Ayato just asked.

"How'd you know he was talking about you?" I finally squeak out, cursing myself inside for sounding so shy.

His gaze turned a smidge darker along with the tone of his voice. "I could feel him glaring at me the entire time I was watching you two talk. Now I'm not gonna repeat myself, Y/N. What. Did. He. Say?"


…Damn him for sounding so hot…-

I swallowed thickly before telling him what had happened. The more I explained, the more his face contoured back into his blank expression. Though his eyes portrayed something else.

"I see…" he mutters, more to himself though. Because at this point I was just rambling on as we headed inside the school together. As we walked, I felt him lightly grab my hand as he dragged me to the Plaza by the fountain. All the while I was going on and on about the principal.

"Can you believe him though?! Labelling you as dangerous just because your mother was put on trial in the past?! Hasn't head of kindness before?! Honestly-" I continued to grumble as we sat down, him giving my hand a light squeeze. This got me to shut up as I finally glanced dow at our interwinded fingers.

Oh my God, please don't you dare blush Y/N-

Too late.

The heat rises onto my cheeks once more. I then feel his thumb slowly circle around my outer hand in a comforting manner. Goosebumps made their way up my arms and all over my body. If he dares say anything about my body state, I think I'd die.

"You really are adorable Y/N. Never forget that." He turns his head towards me and gives a smile full of adoration.

And just like that, I'm dead.

"You ok Y/N? You've been spaced out for the past five minutes since lunch started." Taeko asked as she puts down her book to face me. I just nod dreamily, this morning still on replay. I hear Budo, who was next to her, sigh before he finally speaks. "I think she's in shock still. She was one of the people who witnessed the murder first hand."

Its been like this all day. Any time I'd space out, the teacher would gently ask if I was ok before going back to teaching. I understand where they were coming from. If I'd been normal than maybe that would've been the case.

But alas, I'm not normal so that wasn't the case.

Taeko suddenly gasps loudly before snapping her fingers. "Y/N, I have an idea! Why don't you come with us this weekend to the ShisutaLive Theatre? They'll be doing a "The Phantom Of The Opera" live performance! It'll help you forget about the murders, even if just for a bit!"

I frown as I look over to Budo, since this sounded more like a date activity that they planned ahead of time. The Martial Arts leader nodded his head. "It was originally supposed to be a date. But since what happened, I don't mind you tagging along. God knows you need a distraction more than everyone right now."

It… would be nice to go out not gonna lie. Even if I didn't need it. Besides, now the both of them are giving me puppy eyes to say yes to their request. I sigh quietly.

"Either way I'm going aren't I?" I shake my head with a smile. Both ravenettes nod their heads in a serious manner. I guess I'm going out this weekend then.

"Alright then, what time's the show?"

Eyes For You - Chapter 7 - SoftBallOf_Anxiety (2024)
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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.