Mciiijjau Mirror ij« SCHOOL MiVtS CJiuucii iNews ft … ro d an laqv/eed sells 12,000 v/rigole/s a duv grubs and 15-0*00 minncv?. - [PDF Document] (2024)

w f.«Vj^MU!iprqi

be h n c k n e / Dispj ' .n i W e d n e s d c y , February . 2, 1949

Mciiijjau Mirror , ij« ie, a m j A U c r e SCHOOL MiVtS

l I'viicbigcui's secret p r imary iu1

u n a e i art? a n d me iuuii mau ing •ne ai-acic is L/. n a i e nrajce. s iaie i trea&.j and. a po^tm-iux w-unuiuai^1

lor governor in tne n e p . prunui -ie*- xit» iiairn& ii n a s l u v i ^ u po^ -uxor noni-uiauon a u a ei*jcac** oi Xiicavuut.M.^ Wn3 w**-o w i i ^ ^ l y -

wimiout oo i igauon to p u r ' y piui--forms of taxation a n a 'fcuus ^c! x^.ui cjiu*uor in s t ead oi ability !

£>iaii.« uocs jaoi- lavor a u a n u a n -ing in© p r imary o n u returning

to m e - o i u conv*nuon s y s t e m ox f ^ r * S i t l i a F e r H e " g e 7 s " h i ^ r " e r ^ d - „ , L

«U y e a i s a g o a s i i e n e v e r g o , a-: w r i £ r 8 h o m Bia Silver L a k e ' M i s - P c t r k e / called the meeting long with irrank M c K a y wnen ^ o f P i n c k n e 7 w h e r e he ha* t o 0 ' d e r a n d expla .n^d the p a r -* « w u e r r u u a y » w n v e n u o n s . 12 a c r e s u n d e r l e a s e . W r i g g l e r . , ' ^ C S J 0 I ' ^ ga ther ing . fcupi He d o e s avo r a pre-primary con, a r e h a t c h e d from t h e o f t h e

vention a t which p o n y a e l e g a t e s M n a n d a r e ^ ^ ¾ ^ t h t . cou ld a p p r o v e n o m i n e e s m e s e . l a k l ' ^ o m , T h c y ^ f o r 2 0c ,

wi tn a n y otner n o m i n e e s w h o hi- d o 2 uhs a r 9 c £ m b o r e r S / 7 5 c .

CJiuucii iNews

MLT W i l l i D1ST SCHOOLS io -f- *1* J. bchmih, Pcatoi-The Pinckney school bd a n d f : W J ^ ¾ ^ 8:0u a n d 10:0

odier interested persons met ai'^Uy M a 3 J 7 : 3 0 A - M -the school lau.^, uiqiit. ' ihe IS C^ 1 1 ' s s ions Sat. 7:30 10 9:00 u.: .

w h o l e s a l e ' a i £ t w ^ o ^ e n d children to the Pin ~tmaays,-before 6.QG m a s s c^-aiey school weie invited but ow f **da:>'j>,-aftr Ncv^nna Devo '

o sioei storm a n a i cy ioaas Novenna to Our Sorrowful Me ' a r e eager ly sough t a l t e r b y M i c h i " ^ n i o e r were -miss ing , Among Fridays at 7;30 P.M. icjan's s e r i a l h u n d r e d t h o u s a n d ' t a 0 * ° ^prosc-med w e e riozria.' .co f isherman. Kendrick. Kimball ^ P ^ ^ / r f ' b i e . Pe^ly&viUe,Haufie' C O M M J V m C f c J n u a m S u n d a y ' s Detroit N e w s rota-, l l l U " u M e i v i n - T » e Chubbs ,Hua- ' t C c n t f r s a a i w r . ^ g i a v u r e h a s p ic tures a n d a write-, S O i l ^ o r n © « . Wuians , Caay , Uee ' Rev. D- D, Biady, Minister up oi Ford h u b b e l of Howell, c v e s a n a r o u n g b v e were no : re-

No. S

ft o lei

THE bAiT BUSINESS The bait ! ujiiiess h a s b e c o m e

big D U S U I C ^ in M i c h i g a n a n d to­d a y thfcie a r e 1700 l icensed re- ' lau dea le r s a n d 200 aeulexb. "inair wares a r e wrigg leis- g rubs a n d minnows which I lil<* ]

lU(5 i-'iliCK;i>.

It w a s the sam^ s 'oiy ui u^.v lay, l n d a y m^iu.,

, < ni^i (eum won ^ / ,' -iiargin but uxc 1 i .ec-i. los-. Vv'itn j n u v s y i j ino hoops 'for 9 points u n a I - . .- j^-y and- Dai row lor a • i n e Pinckney li/st t eam

1--4*-j -si'iment

i l i v - ' - . I i W ^

n i a i i j



i tecaer too^ over a n d explained lie 'lit:- lion. An 1^41 t» in i-nrcil-

i : . / , . ' : re v/as i-J/. It h i". lnc.xc

e d pet i t ions would b e on the pri­m a r y bal lo t

Brake evident ly h a s in mind Kim Sigler a tormer Democra t w h o w o n t h e Rep. nomina t ion a n d w a s e lected governor , a u e to the g l a m o r h e r ece ivea a s g r and jury prosecutor a n d t h e at^empi of a circuit j u d g e to smother the invest igat ion. He r o d e to victory] a s a reformer, bat t l ing the forces of corrupt ion. j

G. M e n n e n Wil l iams from a

a doz-, o ther qrubs cor."!-'-) "! T 1 1 1

co: golden rod a n d laqv/eed sells 12,000 v/rigole/s a duv grubs a n d 15-0*00 m i n n c v ? . Th"v wrigglers a re tlie f avor i e di^h cf bluegills, thg meet plentiful e a ­ch in Michigan


Fuye Corner^ 2 J . i 'owiorviilc, Elizabeth ShouiL 35, Fowlerviile; Jack Minock. 27, Howell, Dorotny Maikoi, 25, Howell; W a r d V/olie

jyi.: )Lvi Jy un^n uiiL ye>;u i- m <c i cij'.a ioo. A census i n o v / j that m tne uoxt- 6 ^ e a i s tnis tucteasc v/i.i L^. i ' . iue at, /QLC C'i iioni k.u 30 pupiis a y e a r

j.xnj Pinckney dist. h a s only a n ' a.^st-u valuat ion ot 34/9,0UCt l i i e Vvi.-ans di-is h a s a va iua . cu oi over ^oLU,000, ' ihe Harris 1 a n a

Ciiou P i acuse ..- • • v • Urgaui»t & i^ioir Dji'-..-.

• • Wirs. .Merv/m i*un)p_v L. S. S. Sup*. . Merwin Campbcl i

Choir iYajtise Wed- /.'A'. Wed.- Feb. 2, 1949

4:00 Junior Choir Pix . is J ?:30 Senior Choir P iacnse

The Pastor 's Corifirma'icn class ..IJO.S UL tli«=> pa r sonage ut this

time. #:30 Young Adul t ' s par ty at Albert Shirley home,

Thursday , 8:0U Bible Study a t the Parsonage-

Sunday , Feb. 6«h 10:3U Church Service-. Se:

mon . . . . "The Adventure of Beinc


aovei in danger- r m a l ^coio wa.i P.ivjkuey 'So. Dexter lb

l i ie secoua team v/cic c-j^m weak on hitting taw- Da.sket ieli l0 ihe Dexter reserve ' c a n : o i to 15


ii^i iO:. ; r .'j

* ,

C Clark • ^ l i ^ L n u u O i i < .

or., D. Clcu! v/er; Df-xu:-.' lien-^-M. Dola!; Poinit: Dai:o*v burc- ' , 'J, iSing

t u i :

. ci.> 'U

G i'i.iw.-»no •?

.vhu .t j * i i i , :

• i : : i

i" a

S vva J e

; L-i c r u i s e iTiO i oi li.e i i;:co;.i„ c,-i;.o& from s=ia:e mon'J/ . J ' l . 'e Vii :r.u^-y school tax U c t jiiiUs l(ji iho i-^hooi. ond 'x ,».:11.--

uio scnool deb , hor^^ oi Lit riit:'. ra i se J nVuL-i a n d h«ave

Rep. p a r t y family- is now the gov elected on the Democra t ticket.1 18- Fov/lorviilo.-Dorothy He is a t e d d s with the Dem. s ta te , IB, Howell ; Melvin B i c h m o - . u ^ j c h a i r m a n r conduc t ed e n d fin j Gregory Alotha C. jodvan . 2^-Gre •o:nced h is o . . :i c a m p a i g n . j gory

Mr. B iake while h^ hap muchj " ~ ab ih ty , u n d o u b t e d l y is lackinq in, Char les Clark a n d Don L U I . „ ! CI_

•gkrmour or cha rm a n d n e v e r ' were h o m e from Western b . c^e ' i j J I I J ' ^ s t he h e a d l i n e s I College last weei^ during e A a m J troaUe geUing by on thu;

The county clerks is sessior- ' R e s e l l Clark a n d *Wie oi i u u ) The tutiiion in the r incl iney l a s t w e e k dec l a r ed aga ins t so-. waUia Beach cal led at tn«, ' cret p r imar ies . ^ ; Wal ter Clark home S u n d a y

The secret prinrctry w a s intrcd-, iVlrs. Irvin Kennedy is spe'ndinc u c e d 14 y e a r s a g o to protect Rep ^ e week with ;he Amb:c:be \ e : ' office ho lders a g a i n s t the Roose-i n e d y family in Howcii vei t : \^ndsEdes, Later s e p a r a t e Harold Ga l lup a n d farnny o!

r iua : ' j a Corners dist. a l so 4iave Disciples Today" iiJvj'i. \ a h w u o n s . ' Ihe P inc jney j 11:30 S u n d a y School. " Jesus '

\an.-aiiori uiso is mdui . ic ie i i to Eariy Teach ing a n d H e a h n r j ' \ bor.a j.c-.: a ii^-v/ scnooi JjuilditUj 7.00 Pilgrim Feliov/ship mee1-c a l i : ^--° *'"J '-^t- c-ji:.:chdatedt>i*ig at th^ Church, Topic: T h e thev v.cuia n a v e an ascesse-i ?-..; V/ay to Abundant Livina."


•.-. 1. i> -ar^, G i'?-. -.;-' \. nckney Pies •h . . .. .;. :

icknv '' ... Clark C Mat teson ' '> Coyle , G 5"- ^ s i i t u t i o i i S ' i J .

1 VanBlaircr.m. f...


- ..-. .wa m i, \xi-

••-* • • U . i l v u ^ e

-v.-*!. o » , e v i c t

t-->wo loiaiunjs

--w o tm out

- 'u iJiocK.^ng '-4 pasbca . it

-<~-b -lie m o v e ne move will

wo.ut i iots, that this i.aii i.'ver wi tnessed a n d

v.uii :^.;e n.^:e i.i Wopc:iy :...11...(^0 : , a i . ihey will

; HI rent i:x:rec.;o. According iiov Murphy, o Depict I U I I . : . -

^IO 1..0^01:7 './i/. lomain v a ; jan t until tne reiit con

UIO >.. w * ^ - i i o V . ' i l l

w> UJ

, • - ^ ^ . — ^

I c a u s e t h e ) - o u n - r y

j h u l a n d i j i d ;

• J. * J I —

-J G

h l U I J

1U 1J,

v; J O V g u i i ,

A:n4 . ,r

om l c ' e . j

n:.ii;'.j nc

ii-rois a re a«

1 1' 'C;t.'- o r - ' - r

od wiio pled

I Monday , 7:00 Family Church | J c ? f f r c y( D^>''^ ichcc-l' Sucp:<r. sponsored by Pilgrim FPI-I

m c ! Fmgs 'on , by Pilg: jowiiiiip young peop'o, T a ^ n t «how jiroqrn.n: Bring pbt-hick 1 ji., i .-i I tnhlo service

..^...—x ,^-1

Points Schr. lie:- ?, VrtnBlaircurn 1- L. C: eton 3, Murrey 15.

! l ' h u;r

n c.'. I

I i ; :

U l i d i n c

( i

lUCl j . l l c i r l r ; - , s (H ;

ballots w e r e adcVd to keep .-¾ D2.101- cal led a t tne Mur:ay i i e d / n a m e S u n d a y 1

Jr i iV ' Leawidge oi Not­

ify and^iMiss Dc.

v/iacje 01 Delrcn spent la /•

coattail r iders from getting e i e c ed. This backHr^d l;:s( v - ^ r e n d c a u s e d Kim Siglers de -x - '

However , it is to b e gr^a ' lv d o u b t e d if a secret faco v o u l d w i , h M r s _ Eleanor Ledwio. complet-ly ch.ock nl-amor which K e y l n Ledwidge f.^rnt Sa 'u r .

d o - b e - * if p a r - r. n - - > w o d d i i : i ( f f Hubert Ledv/i,.t ;., :;.,:. ;billbocrrd- a:i orct 'oncal v.3?.ce f ( 0 y a i Q a k o v e r the r a d i o a n a a h a p p y per , w<al'or Clark and -//h.-f c-

1 on I/'rs. ' ' e a n n e M e y e : a. i. ho'pi !-cl Ypsiiana Sa ' -uiuay

gr:.. s c h : ol. hi ; ; 1 ; s

sr:,.] i . tuh ' iOi !

cu '« :de puphs i i 32.b3 lor ...j^-ilo and 51279 10: nic/-

tip e n d Mr


H IJO Meeting c>f the ! Goinsley 4. Crcgcry 3, A u x l ' . c i / at th?l 2 ' G r a Y l

Mr.'j Flir.abeth 1 ^ 0 ^ A ^ b u r g e y ' s has ' E'hcl GustafsonJ l a s ! m i ^ ^ i « ol r k.v c:a

nev a 42 to 40 wm Lake las1 r.-iV F j '

: u ; i-



o:c» i i : : ' U ' - - - i . -l.c f ;i . . . V -./Uld p i . ! : . u •

O i r i ' j . l >' U ' . d .'j U J ^ I .

riu;': ;., !,.;.c-vc:

o d . :P. t h e i i 'J 'n,- 1


OS ^ / 0 iu ;

A;;n iVrhor cio this m;

a n d r

r T - ' l ^ l l l

•soocility on the p ' j tTonn


__^_ court l^jweek^ud^ehyon^ jsentehcerr uhn Harwe l l of Lan-3ing to L. _ne-haii y e a r s in Mich £tate p*iP.« ?. for l a rceny horn t h e ' s r ' 54dt? • i ^ - d w a r e stoi^.. f o w l e r

ville. j . - - alsD faces a sirriilar of-i ense :.. Lans ing

E v c i y : Tayior , 18- of Brighton y>\ed : - d t y 10 t ak ing $400 rrom h e r aun t , Hattie Swartz. . S h e spent it for c lothes a n d tcxi faie.

Ber: C h a p m a n ; ,no h u ^ b e e n

W. .fl-.t

Mart in Ri'.ter ^r a n a Lake land cal led ai ' he Gk^-k h ; rne S a a i r c c y 1

Mr. a n d Mrs. Howvrra .-?'.;, a n d \'\x a n d Mrs Hov.ard hie-

pelle jr- of Detroit r.per.t S u n d a y with" Harold R a d y and" tamTky —

G r a e e Ghem Ying vVu. U. ot K. Chi Lose stc-d^nt, wee enter tcmod a- (he Albert Shirley h o m e Sun.

Gera ld a n d Ralph CMkon .ve­

na r

r.'Q cd lo i

ii'-jureu. on o^e:d' iii..j '• nd at U'-ih Hov.'el: '.; <:.0.:.0 c.-i^euiios a re

ul A l u m b e r , of e.< arke^. i;cir-on

\ . - - tu;..':.•;>. l a k ; i g

c* p i r t ;:i tLe e... e .-35 £iuv;crd ' i r r^yT Tjcdri

•-. • J : . i 1 . • 1 ; - . :•:•. ; . . " : . * / , \'.

-. '. . . . , , . '••"•• o< : : - : • ; ; '.>. • : : .

/e . cr- u. •.' in p.^.i.-i \/::l cU school

:: ' u • r.[;r. a-d D C J '.i"'< mt 'tiUr-j iiox; Th-ir-",day .':

f see k 1 -'-e c r.r. - e: . ! ^ • .¾../.d rerre. :;en!a'._/es he

< « ,



«' e ; i l l 9 A K ^ a n d Juo •'-!!: toofc it on t ;

>'s 14 .i '>0'.»ii i n t r o d .

bu] n e \ e r

j h t r. •

, . 4 i i e ( .


r 1 r.ic. 1 . 1 . 1 . . , ^

^ iy v ; - t s_-*w

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••'. >.U i . O - J . C l i J u

I D . ; joy u . . u .0

queu-iuns v/cre "i c t ' r . o V-_ \ .

0. prominen' on.

• •- • . t i i u jviJo oafcaicr a girl He v. Carl J one ha,

<u';e:id Ooe ihn cohece

i e j uued ..IiU v/ i i i

• 1. 1 1

r.: t

1 !o


• 3

C O J W i Y COi^FEhE.NCE r* . i -— T

F n d a v for th.e TonTTy con-tco'ch'^'n, oc'.col chi

The d o — feren"

v i l l


the v/k

. .:rr.. end P. T- . \ , "u'owrll h '£h scl.- :1. -J-: Dr. E^rrcn-on- U. r,f

IT: ."• 'Yl

th a i v e .

n n n

up north fishing over *0:.ner G a s s a n d wife of Brigr.

- . . . , , • ton w e r e S u n d a y g u e s t s of t n e ' n r , L-inro?n- G*..-*—1e4i4«red-r ^OKhned to the toma a s y l u m for- L e s ^ M c A f e e i Q 1 l u - r^ r , p r c _ ^ n r j h n

8 y e a r s pet i t ioned to b e dec la red , m,Qrd W h i t e ^ 24< b r . g h t 0 I 1 c o r : H c . v _ r d T h a v o r -

s a n e but w a s ordered re turned <c» ^ . . , ^ s u i c i d 5 S u ! l d c y t / £ i : c c , . ; ^ . the a s y l u m I i n g h i m s e n

"" rdr- a n d -Mrs. H e r m a n

er j aue r s e re ;

::.r- i . , , . _.v.„ ..i.ovV is a. tiir. iieucoi 1 ^^.. 1 i

"CIJIIJ: ' . . . . . . . - : : . • .: . . . . . . .

-,•;.u'jiner h a s a^ked a new uiai. ••uago onii'.n \yui lute en . . ..,.,,.

nnjii riiov.n, P.ueKsinih se< 5d iioiiC-^noes i»ion. a n d o;i l u e s .

^. iLi^, i>^ .'. i: • ^.u :.'-i.i ueiv* . . .o ia im sou'-h oi hero to U l e r 0^ : i . , , i . u ^....^, • <».i.

Howell l>erna-dine Lynch h-^s ..,_-

onia i h e Aim Arbor Lod. p l n i k r,

i ranchaise expired la.^ v.

1 :uCKne-y

2io<j) d e i .

u i / . ^,0 x i 1

clSJj Ut . i

Z U J w ' w i ,

VlU - t i o J ; J

odo bk.2- 1 ^

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^ J ,.; - ' . . a e ,

i - i . r l a . v . l

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c •! 1 J.

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oi'AN D U G S


• ' A - J


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irion'hs old eid e n d ha i . . jcis' ano the r . • .,'.-. nus* \ .o enildren

,udge p u t ding s h e

.. up 'or a d . ;u r.'erilization 0 no *the hrst vf 1 pronounc

In.r.ieious bills . '...a 1 LOU h a v e

in v a n c u s s ' a t e s v e d . Opposi t ion v/'no are o];osed

rrrrh control h a s i^u-.j enough to


u 1

A p u /


• u 1 u ' 10 . ]

• U A l : ; . :

u d u n :

j .


a :


..ocn: consid !o t j i v e . ' ; i ( jh

: . , i ju 10 smo--j recess but iu.fieuded b y •:/;al and t h e

W h eoc

.gv .0

' f avern ' Bob V/iJto

Marathon ! Reads Lunik-: ' Wh'le Fren

Produe'.s Die Set Blues Pinc ;mey Fab.

• • • /

n '

h o ; /

c i h o u '

t :r . ' r]r'.r..,


-jr.E'hel G 'C^n: Mild I


V;ddiT.e JDANCE AT Gr tEGOhY FEB. 13

T h e Yc-jnglove School P.T-A:| wil l g ive a d a n c e a t the Gregory) Mr. a n d Mrs. George Thornp Town Hal l on the night of Sa 'u r . ; son spen t M o n d a y in loleco-O

w A L V i , h \

yer a n d son, Emme'.t left for Gal I V t ^ v i ^ v w . t i a , u , u ; C l i tornia M o n d a y ! ^ J ^ ' ^T

a ^ ^ Pa s tor Mr. a n d Mrs. George Thcrnp- ^ ° ^ " < ? W o i s m p 10.00

j It /ai l t e renewed, ^a id R o a d ' 9 o r V . D r : l g

v/as m use bu years I h e new ....',-:.> .-

electrk: road s t a r e d b e t w e e n j ac^sou a n d last week.They charg.. cents a mile. The- r.. c h a r g e s 2 cents

A sawmil l h a s been Jim Cook woods

The h o u s e ot Lyme. Pettysville with ail 1.

Mr. W i e a n d h a s take

22 ?••)

Jl 14 9

. . . . j . . .

l unn in ; vn. riiL',.

1 ene-hc . ui Cenia .

se : up in

Die Set Reds Schc. ju le tor Feb.

Peds v." Tevcrir P,_o Cory: KcBTv3* Whi 'e Ti0r ;pr

p- ' ;OJed r.'re co. -vu* ; n e • -j'..j-r r

C ' . / J u Ol Ule r; .

d.a a., / ., ud'.. :n 'o Ihe ci'jaie'ue ::a: n1'.'. srneue durmr;

<.K (..!',r, v/;l^r^Teported ci the tjoy.a a n d 50 the 'jiriu smoi;o. Ye

dn .es cr.jUji; . it w a s 2a / ,:rs hack that

, . : : i . j c t ( ; nor ..niohmu en

a p-

j . - i o i ::. , ,


• -•..:!, a e i g

her c : neal : r ,a he de-

\'-'c- douct . i r; naves / u.u' they

i c h e . : !.3urs. ,..he.i? d u n g s

d th.e uncus over did w a s l o -insist


7/e 'hi:dc one of the

r.i D - u iw , T»/i ^.1 ° " ^ir.oKing T onods dunnq work vs blues;Bco White vs Maro .uo: f 1,^ . „ . , „ * . •. , . ..,

jr'eb* 13th. Mus ic b y Ld M a a s Or-.ciieslra- Admiss ion o J ;

PR. CHARLES TENI.ANT Dr. C h a r l e s Tennant . 59, w h o

La$t W e d n e s d a y Mr. a n d G e c r g e Thompson a t t ended Trini ty C h a p it 1 £)• hr-S;. he re g r a n d oiheers e>:::

- the - -degress Thr..-,ciny-



choy Morning Woiship Sunday S c l ^ o i Ycuug Peor- 'es Meet ing Lvenir.^j Vv^^ah.p 3:15' p e -ysville store Supi; ••'•-.: Po.scop Harrow W m . Ifi A s s t -• Wal ier Esch rali led ci tthe Anderson

lnou: 7:30j bu rned T u e s d a y . I n s u r . n c

.' :< c con 'en I ever 1:


J See the secret ,: .ees riue -.0--..-. • 'See the IMmger rnyu.ury: Le-I how to join tiie Comic Wueuiy ! Club a n d get your blG PltiZu. I PACKAGE filled with surprL.cs:; ! See the Comic W c y Corner in

1;:;.! J.' l !


ho,- :eir c o n t r a c t w i ' h

001 /-. - - i .- 1 >•< - ^ - Mi 1

;ou O:

h e fore.

woe re



i t u x 183.


ey S k d c u o

h a s h a d a h o m e a 1 Hi-Land Lki tney a n e n a e a <. for a n u m b e r of y e a r s d ied inj Nolan school ol the Redford hospitaL Thursday , f Miss Roseanne Lav H e l e a v e s a daughte r , Iris, 4 bro-| ter of t he la te AhV d h.- ^-thers a n d 4 sisters- T h e funeral ' Dexter township* died in Bo- :

w a s a t the Hamil ton Funera l Co ,o rado ,Sunday wncre sue -. H o m e in Detroit M o n d a y in char-j hved 40 yea r s .She l e aves c s g e oi the Knight Templa r s , Detd ter. Mrs. F rank O'Tocle a*-d roit Commandry No. 1. A num-! brother. Wil l iam o' Arm L:\


-^::3 Ser v; kh



I-re. ,-e-r Meeting w e d . nve . 8:0C . :JKTH HAMBURG CHURC1*

c.^crhliout Rdd* 6 miles northwest of P tnckney) - . • • .

Sunday Schci-1 10:JD Supt. . Maur ice Lcinbach Mornina M»-«sacj 11.CO

ll :4u last week The co- a s s ' n of farmers club

will mee t a t t he cour t .house in Howell Feb . 11

s tore c o i o r comic magaz ine S u n d a y ' s — J e b . G 1 i.^u4 of 44*ei Detroit Sunday Tim-.

. v. ;.. / / ; :o : c FCr>o

.ucu .. .u u . i s s e s s

• h . . u : u / c r

, n n : c r :c j

c le-.p'e major i 'y vo'^e to ra:.:o the 15 mill limit a n d e: ....:• '.'> hou"u" : per.od to 20

limitation taxes ra i sed cr principal on

.ro; th<

ir.:cre. oc or irr. r

r o, «v a / r . 9

Mrs- Rlah Reoxon a n d d a u g h t e r Betty, of Lans ing cal led en Mr. a n d Mrs. Albert Dinkel S u n d a y

Mr a n d Mrs. Llo^d H e n d e e ¢ ^ tended the March of Dimes ball

While wah .u . i g over he . ..-d a y night V>.\ a n d Beek so w A'- lore.(. y a n d Editor Lo "o;:h. in nngs ide see 's c


Jaer ot P inckney people a t t ended .


Burial m Dexter. Robert Gra inger and \ •;.-> !y c.r

Lansinq spen t Snr. at the Louis Milan 36, Dundee 28; Che l sea Coyle h o m e a n d wi h ' T ^ . C.o\V

46. F la t Rock 37; Leslie 59, Stock! a n d Mrs. Eva Kelvin ended en bridge 34; Hanover 48. Concord, Mrs. Hose Howard c'- St Joe i< -28; M i d u Center 41. Vandercookl pi ta l 36;.

i a r e n a When con a t HoweU Sat . night with Mr a n d : m G l k s Attorney L'

, , - „ _ , , , • coulc s ta . t a be' • r - n j s i Russell Glover a n d family of- ._„ rtr,., w-c. »,-..

wife a n a m b y at the Frcnt l in Fowlerviile spent S u n d a y at t h o ' ' ° ? Qr ^ * N ^

hcrr-e m Howell S u n d a y S £ ^ ^ S p e a - ^ h o m e , - q " e t c . , Gornena Bo A en a n d fam-1 Krs . Clara Eisele a n d chi ldren '

P--., xj . , , a t n o w e u o a u nigni- w iu t i n i>au3hn a n a his molher.Mrs. Mrs- Ambrose Kennedy

r iorence i^iugnn c a k e d on ' ! ' ^ -- —

n Ko:

Lav ,. . . . i :or

'. >e:re.

1 ^ . - . *••

CDunu/ will vote to ra i se 5 mills ^or-,- for - schools. Ki lan , S a h n e

, and Manches ter a re all k> build new addi t ions this y e a r a n d Ann

j A;boi will vo^e on a S3,000-000 ' bond issue

a . M n

L"e--. V

J-r Lynn H e n d e e a n d -ou

a n d Bex at*ended Fu CBIBBAG£ PLAYERS! [ a t Mich Sta te college last T;-'-:d.

All desiring to take part in a( C. W. Hoekei of Ar.n Arbor ^ loca l a f b b a g e tournament g i v e 1 w h o h a s b e e n confined to his ; Harboldt of Hi-Land La<e a " = n c ihtk n a m e to Clare Miller. | h o m e by illness for s e v - a l wks- ^ t h e f u n e r a j o f j ^ . j a m o S fen.

• I expects to return to h>. work to. n a a t i n r^ t ro i t M o r d a y S T ^ V A I l H T I N r S CARD PARTY j d a y a s ass ' t t rees , a t t h e Ee n- Harold Ga l lup e n d family of

' " • " - • " • -* Detroir cal ied a^ the L. J. Swar-thout home Sa tu rday

Kenneth ?Iramer a n d wde of

.J/ o: ^owe l l caLed on Mr a n d a n d R c y Eisele a n d Miss ludnisl *XS!!L i,.j5 Andrew Nisoo.1 Fr iday { k l o i D ^ r o i t . s p € n t S u n d a y with) a ^ m


Mr and Mrs G c o ^ - j h l e a h o n ' M r , Fmmn V<$L~ 7 _ M£" c

Eob STmgjer ana v uc-t to qo *o Te>:c3 to

' 0€ J- ' ! . . _ . . . . . *.*.. a n d Mrs , , , , , - . I^r>. Emma Vollmer r v p-,v r i <zh0r^^T oi Hew*.m were

a: ended the funeral of Dan! Mrs Albert Shir ley 's Rip 6 - T « L v h u T tf ' " " ^ ^^ " -iceman. 95- a Gregory S u n d a y ' 4 _ H club sent a 25 p o u n d b o * of1 ^ 9 ^ h ^ G '

Erdley VcmSickle a n d Robert clothing "to" G e r m a n y last week . | ^ a n o h t e r c r t " Kent Lake en U. S morning when

n a their :ai

16 cpects i y a s

Tlkt Ladies of S t Mary's Altar] r ^ y Eailer odsftr will sponsor a St . . V a b m ! Leon M e a b o n o r d of

Card Party at h i g n school! Dexter spen t S u n d a v wt*h Geo arm* o n Friday n ight February Meabon ir a n d fr 16- Invite your friends. Every on-

Mrs. Virqinkt Wytie Grant has h o m e from Midi. Slate

I Mis . VI vs^ufnsd


Sdk r.e and Dovie Temole 'on a n d ' • " i^r lv of e ? r o ncdoor spen t

a t the Albert Shirley

Mf- a n d Mrs. / - n i r e w N e ^ t spent Tue?. w ' h Idr. a n d Mrs. V T m. : d - ^ , At present Ur-.e the member s o*

of the Mich, legislature, d e s p ^ s

T-ouis C o y l e 1? on f he ?i^k li?». Mrs.Rose Melvin Ho-.vcrd r - ' r

e d a s t roke les t -/e«*V a n d w ^ v , ^ . v « « « ^ /«w« t a k e n to S t J o e r lowi te l . A ^ r * r ; J o e G r i - - - rr-1 W u i \ - , p e v ^ ^ r f ^ i t ^ J ^ ^ b o r . S a t in the Swar lhout Ambul S , n . ^ j ^ G n , , h a n d . ¾ J * ^ - ^ ^ -

in Ann Arbor

They sent it to a German b o y whom Daryl Shirley got a c q u a i n t ed wi!h 2 y e a r s e g o when h e w a s in G e r m a n y with the a r m y j cf occupat ion

David Aberdeen w h o h a s been w e n d - r g a week with his pcrr-|-, t boos{ orc^ ents Mr a n d Mr« Frank A b e r d - | T n e . A*n~, m e t * a s a 1 trar 'dve feature t e n . returned to Albion college * em a r e no- ^ ^ r ^ y ' -v T - c a v law suit h a s tied up .neu p a / *" " c h e c l ^ S o far they a r e p r y t e s s

a n d hotel ke^pe ' s a r l o t i e r s who aare them c rcai , a r e s a i a

One fa'is to unders tand the j e: ..oUnen's in the a ' m e d for v/h:ch h a v e caused the 6us

dor . ox tiie d^eut until April » ,r • . k 1 ney continue die s u s p e n

if ion m a y be exterf^ed farther j The answer is p robably that t h e j young m a n jus' throuq \ high sch

>ol or college hoc no other p l a c e o a o which offers the s o m e ad-


i . a n ' a g e s . Employment is getting , ;~hv a n d lavoffs a r e inc reas ing By enlisting in the armed forces he is sure of a living j n d t h « i v;-hen h is enlistments terra e n d s 'be-e e r e numerous benefits-Iks' ?,f*rnnry which a n enlistment r-ke= i« undoub ted ly its m o s t a t

Sun da v/as


[ w a s formerly Margaret Curlett j ^ ^ getting impalord

^ f c V ' * ' h: **m^M

O. E. S. NOTICE T K P Pinckney O E. S.. will ho ld

"i« r eau l a r me**tin<j o n Fefe-flrQO a m. for the purpose c l \ '

1 Initiition ^


The Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday. February, a, f t *

>»»-- >,\

i Si'

COAT BARGAINS 1 size 12, E• Kk, 35.00 N n w y ,0

size 12, <;rey, 49.00 ""^""^Hw " '2 1 size 12, Black, 29.75 " " — 7 : £ 2 ¾ ^

size 12, BJaok, 59.75 ][. ""••*• %%Z < £ 1 size 14, B-ov.-n, 79.50. "°x' NOW t S 1 size 14, B!!.-u% 49.00 . .„. .* ~ " ' ' JJ£$ g 1 size 14, Bu.k, 24.75 . . '"' { $ $ fr?

size 16, Brown, 39.50 "" - £ o w «-> 1 size 16, Black, 105.00 "" S o w ton 1 size 16, Black, 79.50 . '" S i s ze lbVo, Black, 79.00 . . . . . . . . . NOW SUQ i size 18, Black, 49.00 ' ""• * NfJw S o •l size 18½. Black, 42.00 . . . . * N o w «•»

l Mz,e2011.., black, 39.00 . . NOW «•>" 1 size 4-1, Navy, 29.00 '. M"' N o w & 1 size 22½. Black, 42.00 .. " ' " ' "" ' £ o W $ « 1 size 22½. Red, 89.00 .....'.'. '"' "" ZnZ &] 1 size 26i 2, Black, 44.00 .'.' .* .7,^.".'. '. ' NOW $ £


At a meeting oi the P. T. A oi wmana Lose scnool the arch itect's model oi the proposed ad diiion was shown

Mr and Mrs Harry Lee oi Lake land spent last week with the Al ger Lee iamily at Sagatuck

The rowtoi^to ,Kiiiaengar<$en whicn has been having hall day sessions is now going full days another teacher being hired

Bom to Editor Rudnicki and wiie of the FowlerviUe Reveiw Jan.26, a son

Dexter village has let the con tract for their water supply exten sion to the Livingson Company oi Detroit tor $48,000

Despie cold weather woik Is progressing nicely on the new South Lyon school building- The second floor has been poured

U ° * K It*** i SYLVAN THEATER Chelsea Mich,

• M W M M I M M i i l Thursday. Friday. Feb, 3. 4 Edward G* Robinson. Gail Rus-' Friday. Saturday. reb, 4. i

sell John Lund la

NEIGHBORING Born to Mr and Mrs Lester

Truhn of Pinckney at Rowe hos­pital, Stockbridge, Jan- 22a son

Leon VVorden who enlisted in the army is at Camp Breckenrii ge, Kentucky

Wm. Dailey and wife of Ann Arbor have been appointed supt. and matron of the Washtenaw county infirmary. He was dep. sheriff for 26 years and while on night duty at the jail some years ago was badly wounded oy a Detroit gangster who was tryina to free another gangster held at the jail — Special sevices-were held "al Dexter and Saline Friday by the

< Christian Rural Overseas pro | gram where two more carloads

of wheat were dedicated for over seas relief. Rev Fr Walsh presid ed at the Dexter services

The body of Clare (SpeedJ Gil more of Gregory, former Pinck­ney high school football player who died overseas was buried in the National Cemetery at Springfield. Ill- Friday

Howell Lodge No. 38 F & A M will observe its 100th anniversary next year

The heavy wind recently blew out windows and damaged the

' county jail Lou Moore, a former Gregory

business man, hotel keeper, died

at rhe Odd Fellows Home, Jack­son, last Wed. He has lived in ^helsea late years. His wife died in 1941. Rattlesnakes are supposed o be dormant in the winter but one bit a dog belonging to Webster Map le of Brighton last week

Mr and Mrs Elmer VanBuiran of Howell observed their 63rd weddinq anniversary last wee1:.

Mr and Mrs Lester Sharp of ^Hamburg have announced the engagmen of their daughter.Mary Lou to Robert Keating of Imlay City

Bom to Mr and Mrs Jack Paton (lean Craft) of Pingree Jan. 21 a son. Norman David

25 Years Ago The pupils of Chubbs Coineri

school gave their teacher. JV*JS. A'Aua Harris a surprv.fc pany on uor w*i i'aay last vvee'c

There wiU be an auction oi the Erastus Kennedy farm Feb. ij . John Kofi prop

Mrs. Dora Da,' f, attended the dedicaied oi the Howell M E Church last week

Mr and Mrs P hi Sv/urthout iiiunche Martin. Mvs. Villi Hj:h-ards and Mrs. Grace Croloot at­tended the lecture "Junk" by Rev M S Rich at Detroit Friday

Ernest Commiskey and Eileen Grant of How ell were married Wednesday ?

Glenn Miller, and Genevieiye Gaffney were married Saturday Mr and Mrs. Wm- Gaffney cele brated their 25th wedding ann­iversary Saturday

Mrs Lillian Wyhes car turned over last Wed while she was driv ing to school but she was unhurt

LoreUa Soper oi Gregory broke her arm last week cranking an auto ISO partook of the sparrow shoot supper at Unadilla Friday night. The ball team gets the bounty money

Don Swarhout and Gerald Rea son visited the Sprout sehool last week

NIGHT HAS a THOUSAND EYES Ceased? Cartoon Novelty

• i . . - - i — — — ^ a s s —

Saturday, feb. 5 Eddie Dean


"CARAVAN TRAIL" la Txucoio*



Elyse Knox. Marie Wilson Cartoon

"THE LUCK OF THE IRISH" d Comedy 8tarrlna

Tyrone Power Anne Baxter, Lee Cobb

Cartoon ana latest Nov*

Sun.. Mon« Tue*., Feb« (. 7. 1

'APARTMENT FOR PEGGY" Comedy in Technicolor

Starring Jeanne Crain, William Holdtn.

and Edmund Gwenn A Rare Rollicking Screen Treat

Cartoon and Pete Snu'h Sonday Shows 9.5,1,1

r«dneaday. Thursday, Feb. 9. 10


Sun., Mon.. Feb, 6, 7 Mot Sunday, *jis P. M, Contnuome

Ddmund Gwenn. Donald Crisp * Abbott & Costello, Andrews Cis< Janet Leigh aad Lassie t e r a ' T e d L e w la & Band


"HILLS OF HOME' Technicolor

Comedy Cartoon TUB


Tues.. Wed., Thur., Fri., Feb. 8, 9, 10, 11 Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon ,

Peter LawiorcL EUzabeth Taylor , Th"e M u s k 0 l M" la


James Craig, Lynn Bari- a^d Una Merkel

Coraiing:Liie with Father, June E,.,,.,

"JULIA MISBEHAVES" Comudy Novelty Cartoon



Friday. Sahuday. Feb. 4, 5

'TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH' A true melodrama of narcotic snuggling

Starring Dick Powell. Signe Haeso

Cartoon "House That Jack Built" Sunday, Tuesday. Feb. 6, 8 "THREE DARING DAUGHTERS"

In Technicoolor Starrina

J alette McDonald, Jose Iturbi and Jane Powell

In c Musical Romance News.

Valuable papers should be kept in a safe place. Your deeds,mor-tgages and certificates, surance policies, jewelry and other vcl' crLi:^ should be pro­tected a .:•-£ and theft.Box-es in . :: it your needs may ;.- !,-' ' \. < ..r modern safj dope--!/ ', n :. c-nd at very nom­inal ^iiias- I.Cay we show the:n to you? o


I Member Federal Deposit Ensur-ance Corp. All deposits up .to $5000 insured.

Cominigt Big Town Scandal. Caropu* f r o t e c t vOUI c a s h b v U*lng OVJ

Honeymoon, Dream Girl. NIGiiT DtFOSITC^Y

t>immTin7aiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiikiimmiiiiTiiuiiuurjiiicfifiifu § m

•' Need an Oil Hot J Mm

Water Heater § We have severed makes on hand also oil Unlis.

A Complete Line ef a


I Toilet Cotnbinatloni 1 as well as All Bathroom Fixtures Electric Heaters Pumps

. of All &ind* aad Kitchen Sinks.


Telephone Pinckney 157F11 lepairisg c Seeeiality





# Leaders of unions representiug nil-/osd engineers and firemen seek to force railroads to add extra, needless men on liesej locomotives. This is sheer waste —s "alike-work'' program which would

fewer improvements and higher costs—for VOL'! Railroads use modern diesel locomotives be­cause they are one of the means of giving faster* better service to you.

Two men compose the crew of a diesel. Ttxtjr occupy a clean, comfortable cab at The front.The engineer iiandies the throttle. The fireman sits and watches the track With no coal to shovel, be ha» practically nothing esse to do.

No Benefit To Yo« Now the leaders of the Brotherhood of Loco­motive Engineers and the Brotherhood c r

Loooneotive Firemen and Ereiiiemen want to use the diesel locomotive s ^ a means of forcing a feather-bedding scheme on the rail­roads. The extra men they propose to add to the dseast crews are not needed. There is no

The ssniosi leaders are fightingasaong thero-t which union should furnish

tftwee extra, needless men. The Brotherhood of I^acomotree Engineers have even threatened

You may not be interested in this dis-two unions, but yon would he

if these groups succeed ir feather-bedding schorr..

at would tneaa a slowing up of th­ree* o f the railroads—o.

is the Bissetaridiug aymboi. siaebigheet paid

raflroad rmr-!oyp«—real aristocrats of lab - ' Their p^v is hiph by any standard. Grami of these demands, therefore, would mean tit . the railroads, would he paving out million** i'-unearned wages to thuee in the very'highebj, pay brackets.

We'd Like Te Spend This Money On Y<* You, V.row how much the diesel has mean! to you in incrrrsed speed, comfort and .conven­ience. The railroads have mi-.ny more of thein on order for even greater improvement in service to you. But _nt edicts drains of money, such as this present demand of the unions for needless men on diesels, reduce the ability of the railroads to spend money on better serv­ice for you.

Proud as the railroads are of the diesel. it is only~a small part of their improvement pro­gram. Since the War. literally billions of dol­lars have been spent on improvement of

traci nd stations, on new passenger r. <\.,;,, , irSj gg w e j ] ^ on diesel locomotive.-,

.he many other less conspicuous de-railroading that contribute to im-

piov. ; service.

Feat : Bedding Means Less Service To You . :n feather-bedding schemes like the proposed, would, if successful, divert ns of money from our present im-nt programs. Even worse, they make nents like the diesel worthless, by he cost of their operation prohibitive. demands are agai^t TOUR interests 1 as those of the railroads. They are to "make work". Neither you nor

oads should be forced to pay such a penary for progress.

Thai's why i . / railroads are resisting these "make work"-dc n^nds to the \&&t ditch—and why they are telling you about them.

But Kr­one i • large :-prov im' r . . : • . .

—as v. schen-the rav



Morning Staves

Farmer's Feed Supply 0 . PHQME 144 a MAX MISSEXMsV



*h *

s o o n 21« «. is? lasearv . ^EET « NEW roes 4, u. t. \ We are publiahsag this and other advertisenaents to talk with yo«

mmmmmmmmmm^^mmi mi • n • • » J

Plumbing Water SvOMttete.

Sjhmter iMafcel s*tw4t#MnttMts**ew*#**>

4 ^.:

Tht Packati Dtopcrtfe

••$Spfck< Tho Plnckney Dispatch

[Tutored &• fteconu .-•ua* iter at Pos*offic*j a>

inckney, Michigan undo

Published Every Wednesday 115 Main St. ..Pijck.* v, .V.c) Subscription r».t» $ n

Pasji W. Curletk, Publisher



Groceries, Drygoods Gents Furnishings

Canned Goods %

Lingerie Sttoes

Kennedy's Gei*

It's the EXT

service th ? t

means so mu ;h

Conveniently Located Customer Offices .


another EXTRA Edison Service

Mrs. C A Buecher lull in hex home buuua^ mormng ana DiOKe net iup- bn« was tuxen 10 a Dei roit nospuai bunday in Swarth oui ' s /imouiunc©

tiank. White and family oi How! ell called on Mi and Mis Ben I While Sunday

Mr and Mis Kenneth V/ylie and daughter. Kaye spent bat. with HuWrt Ledwiage and tamily in Royal Oak

AUred ttau and iamily and Mrs f Albion Picu oi Iosco w%e bun guests of Mr and Mr3 Win bne han

Mr. and Mrs. John Carver sr". tertained a' party oi friends from | j Ann Arbor bun night a t lunch

Gus Hannaman has bought the property on Unadiila St where the Barber Bros junk yard is lo cated He gets possession May 1

Dickie Darrow fell while slid ina down hill last Thurs and injur ed his arm

Mrs Edsel Meyer is a patient at Beyer hospital. Ypsilanii. Her] moher is caring for her daughter \ Cheryl and Edsel the baby i& with Mrs. Willa Lamb

The Pinckney fireman gave a ' roast ham supper at the fire hall last rihurs night. A fine time was ' enjoyed by all \

Mrs. Olin Robinson with Mrs. 1 Came Griffith and Mrs Mildred Miller atiended an all day sess ' ion Tyrian Chapte* O.E.S.of Det] roit Wed honoring their 25th an-', niversary j

Six candidates-from here were: slaved lor installation in the'

I Whiie Shrine at iiowell last Thur night but Ro^s Reads car was the only one to get there on acct of icy ruads-He and his wife stay all night returning the next day

A card from Roy Dillingham si'Uies he and h'\i »vi'e arc- now at Lakeland, Fla- wh<no hi.s bra-, ther, Don. lives j

Howard Read and family p ;i<! Sunday at the Goo. Wilde home in Ann- Arbor |

Mi. and Mrs vVm. Whulcy of< Ann Arbor were Sat guests of Mr and Mrs James Whitley «

Mrs Nettie Vaughn and Mrs Marjory Shehan and daughter j wree Sunday dinner guests at

the Roy Mer'dl home in Webster. Vincent Sheild and family cf'

Ann-^A.rbor were__Sunday visitors at the Lee Lavey home

Mrs- Gladys Clin'on entertain ed the 500 club at her home Sun

Sunday dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. Beachy were Dr.H.Clair Amslu*tz and daughter Vivian of Goshen Ind., An'onio Alverez

"and Eliezer Rodric^e^ from Bau-ankuitos. Puerto" Rico- who at present are students at Goshen College, and Mr and Mrs Paul Chaffee from Ann hxhox in the said County on the 31st day KARL J. ELGART, Deceased

Taxes l mil receive Putnam Town ship Taxes at my home at




Edison offices are located in almost every neighborhood for the convenience of our customers. Each is staffed and equipped to give you the best service possible.

Use any neighborhood Edison office for exchanging worn-out lamp bulbs and iron cords, for help with appliances, free recipes, and menus, and for other extra Edison services at no extra charge,

Edison customer offices are open every day except Sunday, 8:30 'til 5. Use them to get the most out of all the electricity you use.


Lucky you! — the day you look at and decide on this beautiful new gas range.

Il's a d.csrn come true, with all the famous Tappan features. Automatic lighting of top burners nr.d oven alike. Smokeless broiling. Uniform ! Aing. Thrifty roasting. It's easy to ope r...:: and easy to keep clean. Auto-mctic clock times the cooking of an entire oven meal with no watching.

Tor real values in time-saving gas ranges in c•••'-ryjjj-ice j?racked see your Philgas dealer

: touayl - , . - . , - . ; „ , k^

Hockey Service 484 EAS1 MAIN

25 YEARS AGO Former Pres.Woodrow Wiilson

died at Washington D C on Feb. 2 Henry C Ruen- Detroit business

man has moved to Calif to live. Mrs- Maria Cooper, 69- died at

her home south of here Sat. Sur vivina are 2 sons, Tom and Wm. She came here from Ireland when 1 year old-

The Line Boys will give an il luytiuied lecture at Greqory -tewn-hall on their trip through the states Feb. 8.The Nicholas sisters will furnish music






oj mU Court told at Fate* Otoe* in the Cfey of Howoll the acud County, on the 284b day of

17, A. D. 1949 1 .

It is Ordered. That all of the ere ditors of «aid deceased are required to present their claims to said Court at said Probate Office, and to sorve a copy thereof upon Ona Campbell, Administrator of said es tote, at Pinckney Michigan, on or be-

A tju* copy Hiram R. Smith Celestia Parshall Judo* of Probate

Register «•" Probate


Judo* j iM o'clock

the matt* of tto Enta**; of Eugene

appearing to the Court that the time «»«nmwrtrin of cknme oft— M*d \ ***» «mw*#J to

•mould to hmhed, «D« *at « ttM «f «aa»y 4 *w to nppPstJt* 40 aftcjovo. •«- ( *

and «djtMt «« 4a*-# mA 4-m* 4tf *



fare the 11th day of April A. D. 1949. at in tto ioseeoon. ledd time # ^ ^ M g x ^ W O R K

and place being appointed for tthe ex-and adjueteeat of aU ckrime CALL —^HOY J O H N S O N

a g o * * *nd d ^ e « « i pHOffE P f l f C O O T 1 » « Ordeeed. That ^ubliic

Dispatch, a newspaper, prln.. ar.d cir culatod in gai4 Coun:/. A tjue copy Kuam H. SmK\ CclesUu rarihall judge .obute

lie<&MM oi Pxohati

U l

9TATE OF MHaaOMM ! TL« rxocale Cour tor toe «~oumy of

C Urination At a seMOlT'oi said Court held a.

lb© Probate Office in the Cay of How-in tho said county on the 31st day BTATE Or iViiCh »*/iN

of Januaiy A. D. 1949 f h « ^>««ba||» Court tor u*e Cour'y PresentiHos. Hiram H. Smith, Judge of I§fteg»»oo

P r o b a t o r A* c —foe, oi said Court L. 1 IN THE MATTER OF TH3 ESTATE OF * * yxob** Ofiice in th« Ciry of ..,,A

KARL J. ELGART, Deceased. ,U m ^ ° C o u n t y o n ** 2Sth day & \ tt appearlna to the court that the , a n u * r * A" D - 1949-

time for presentation of claims against j Pro»«nt:Hos. Hiram R. Smjth. Judge oi •aid ««tate should be limited, and that Pr<> . a time and place be appointed to re- | ^ THE MATTER OF XH£ ESTAI« OI ceive, examine and adjust all claims, John Barber, Deceased and demonde against scid deceased by ' William M Gannon ha,- t filed in said

Court. " Court his final administration account It m Ordered, That all of the credi- | and his petitions praying for the allow-

to '


Friday. Saturday. Feb. 4. %


with Boy Roger*

Selected Shorts



iters aS aaid deceased are required present their claims to said Court at said Probate Offion ani to serve a cooy thereof upon L, E. Birdsell, administ­rator of said estate at Fow!erville, Mich. on or before the 11 tb day* of April A,

D., 1948, at ten o'cteck in the forenoon. said time and place being hereby ap­pointed far the esaaanaooo and adjust] neat of aB claims and denxavte again-• saM aeoeaeea.

It if Further Order. That public

nonat given by publicattoe of a copy of this order coee each week let f m o •MrxeasJsg weeks r>evfaus to

m* 4m *mm*m M mt

once thereof and for the assignment and

Sunday. Monday, Feb. I, Matinee Sunday 3:99 p.


I m *;

dHributtoti of residue of said estate. | IT IS ORDERED, That the 21st day of

February A D 194« at t«n o'clock in / w e * ^ the foronot. be and is hereby apooini. Eobort MltcbttnV WUlkSM HoicUd ed for •nnssiliii and aUowtog «aii ae-count and hearing said petrtion:

It » Further Ordered, ThaApublic not ice thereof be given by publication of a copy of this order, for three successive* weeks previous to scad day oi hearing *» fc« Pinckney Dispatch, a newspaper)

Pri«*»d and circulated In nod County.' Hiram R. Smith *u4«« * p ^ j ^ |

&•«, of

Thnnv, r«k 9J.10


**r Parshall,

- - S •r

{ « , 1 * 1

^ f - i y d'.w r Jb m M


Wednesday. February. 2, 1949

li STATE or wmwiw

Ii»o novate Coon Mr use county at Uvinasion

At a iHdea oi said Couit held a, the Probate Otiice in the City of How-m thu said County, on the 11th <Jay inJb **mSrMlH of January A. D. 1949 Dr* l i a y JUuUy. JM. A>

Pr©sent:Hos. Huarn R. Smith. Judge of *0ttQOM»^ Avnua Probate , J Daily lkuu A. 1*1. IO a;uu P. M.

IN THE MATTER OF TH$ ESTATE OF Lxcep* WeaiittSOay\ Bert VanBlaircum Deceased ^ MoidUe*V*trL«Sat /:Ou-o:OUpItU

appearing Io tee court that the '


Attorneys c: Lent First State and Savings BOA*

HowelL Michigt

tun* ioi presentation oi claims against •aid estate should be limited, and that a time and place be appointed to re­ceive, examine and adjust all claims I and demands against said deceased by

hssnis sal Court. It s Ordered. That all of ths credl-

iter* oil said deceased are required to present their claims to said Court at Mid Probate Otfic* and to serve a copy thereof upon Semico Howie, administ tatrix of said estate a! Brighton Mv.l.!*an en or before 2ie 23th day oi March A» ]).; 1948, at {en. o'clock in the forenoon* - ud time and place being- hereby ap­pointed for the examination and adjust] isent of all claims and demands again-• said deceased.

It is Further Order. That public notice thereof be given by publication of a copy of this order once each week j for three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing In the Pinckney Dispatch, a newspaper, printed asd cir­culated in said County. A true copy Hiram R, 8s»*4b Celestta Parshall Judge r " Jiobate'

Reajstet at Probate

Dtt a 1121,

& McCLUtoJiE*' Dentist

North Michigan Telephones

Office 935 rtes&ence 814 £venings by Appointments

HowelL Michigan

A H N E T S Cemetery Memorials

924 N.Madn St,Ann Arbor.Mich. Harold Chubb,

Local Representative 516 Fleming St., Howell

|Phono Howell 439 or 87 I Monuments • Markers

H£RB SNEED Phone 183 . 207 in £.Grand River

Howell Michigan Rsal Es»ate. Insuranceibrokeiage City. T"W> and Farm Property,

A Speciality List *our Property with Me_

" I.EE LAVEY General Insurance

Phone 59F3 Michigan

> « n


Pinckney * A U C T I O NEER

Farm Sales a Speciality BERT WYL1E

pfatae Pinckney _78F2i

established 18S5 tooaporated

McPl»erson .State Bank

BANK DRAFTS Bank Drafts or Money Orders

are now much more attractive as a means of paying out-of-town accounts.

Agencies other than banks have recently increased the cost o the purchaser. Following is a comparison of

our bank charges: Bank Charges

$001 to $9.99 .05 10.00 to 1,000.00 10c each $i001 Will pay reward for return

STANLEY BERR1MAN Attorney at Urw

207M E. Grand River. Howell


Repairs on AU MaKes Phone Pinckney 154F3

DR." C.J. TOWNER Dentist

8044 Portage Lake Road. Dexter • Phone Dexter 3461 n

| ; JANE TASCH I Sand. Top SoO, Road Gravel 'Letters or Any Papers Composed ( Fill Dirt and Read Built lor Copied at Your Convenience Blocks Laid, Piece or Contract I All Work Confidential ,7628 Toma Rd. Pinckney Rte. 2 747 Main,Pinckney. Phoae 50F11 j phone Dexter 8116

MAiiTiN J. LAVim Attorney at Law

Phone 13 Brighton. Mich* Phone" 157F11 Repair:*"?

MYRON J. HUGHES Plumbing and Heating

State 8717 Lakeside Drivs License Rusk Lak»

P. H. SWARTHOUT & SOM Funeral Home

Don C. Swarthout. Director Modern Equipment Ambulance Service

Phones 39 <S 63. Pinckjagyjffc-""FRED C REICKHOF* br.

OPTOMETRIST 120 West Grand River Ave*

Howell Michigan For Appointment

PI >ne 358 Residence 613

LLOYD HENDEE Live Stock Hauling

Weekly/ Trips Made to Detroit General Trucking

Phone 64F14 _ CARL JONES

Concrete Products. Gravel

[_(K>V,-*- .»tr»-.

Want Ad 6 LOST: 2 Beagle pups, one is black and white and one brown.

* j ? arcSware ©

Pine atch $1.50

Pinckney's uro

LAmt B%

'eats 4KwyLinF


.15 25

our for

Othor Forms •01 to $5.00 5.01 to $10.00 10.01 to 5000 5001 to 100.00

Wo believe we can show cusfomers a red savings this convenient way of sending money out of town.

Mcpherson Mate Baik A savings Account can be open

id with as little at a $1 bill-Money to loan at reasonable

rates. Interest paid on Savings looks and Tune Ceruiicate* oi Deposit

Jay Shirey, phone 72 WANTED TO BUY: Deacon cal ves at Jas. Rouse^Fami Gregory

'rirvMonday forenoons

FOR SALE OR RENT:Cottage at Swarthout Cove , Portage Lake.

L- J. Swarthout, phone 47F3 FOR RENT: A modem apt. with heat and lights furnished hot <S cold running water. an:i private eiitfance.Phone \0*?4 Pinckney

Mrs- Thomas Murphy WANTED: Daycare for pre-sch-ool age children in my home. $200* a dav. $.30 a hour

FOR RENT: Modem, : Apartment Max Reynolds

545 E. Putnam St. Pinckney Mich Tele. Pinckney 143F2

FOR &ALh:Air Motor W'indmi and a circulating heater.


METAL Wo pick up. STEFFEN & ROBli

Naale Pack co. Bert Wylie buyer R u l h R m e r 2 5 Q p u t n a m p h o n Q 6

Room >OrTSALE Springer Spaniel Pups, Make ao-~d p©ls fd* child ren _ John Carv ji Per lege Lake

Phone Pinckney 18F12 HFUfirTA^* b^i.^'&'RHPAIRS


Phon» Dexter «2536 AND

Gregory, Mich. Phone 18F1 All depositi up to $5000.00 insur- |FOR RENT-Modern 5 room house "id" by our membership in the Fed on Cedar Lake Rd. Ccdl 123F2 federal Deposit Insurance Corp. j sfeWER TROUBLE1 Over 80 Years of Safe Banking ; SAVE 2S%> Roots. Rags. Obstac-

SIAIE OF MICHIGAN los ©*c. removed without digging The Probate Court for • , . r^r*j t f by electrical machine. No results

LiTingston No chorge.AU work Wiafojtwd. R, , , V. „ , Also Septic Tanks Cleaned. 24 t How." i. M cou^y. « 4 . ; « ° « ^ 1354W4.

is the said County, on the 11th day of -J

January A. D. 1949 j Presnt. Hon. Hiram R. Smith, Judge j



l!teome Tax SERVICE


Spot Cash I

roperies Vegetables

. In the Matter oi the Estate of Kathryn Reasoner Deceased

It appearing to the oourt that Use time for presentation of claims agaisst tatd- estate -should"be~ tontted. and that • time and place be appoints it re-

Fish Markec Prises

Courteous Service

asive, examine and adjust all claims and demands against said deceased by and before sai Court

It is Ordered. That all of the credi-Iters off said deceased are required *o present their claims to said Court «t said Probate Office and to serve a copy hereof upon Myrtle Keisg Administratrix of said estate at 1329 Lewis st„ Flint Michigan, on or before the 28th day of March A. D. 1949, at ten o'clock in the orenoon, said time and place being here

by appointed for the examination and adjustment of all claims and demornds against said deceased

It is Further Ordered.That public lotice thereof be given by publication A a copy of this order ooce each week or three snaeesstfe weeks previous to jedd day of h#arisg is the Pinckney Dispatch, a newspaper, printed asd efr* circulated Is sedd Count?. A. true copy Hiram R. Smith Ctfestta ParshaH )wc* ^ Prokato

SfteifltoT of Probed

CATTLE $5 HORSES $5 HOGS 91.50 Cwt






Myers Boofeffy







214 East Grand River. Howell Phone 151


-s FOR RENT: ...3 Room unfurnished apartrnent

Mrs. Clare McMacken, 408 JJnadUla_Stre«4

TREE TRIl^JG AND REMOV ING Prices Reasonable Erper ience work. 5030 Burgess Rd* 4

et Wost oi Pinckrrey Phone* 91F11



The above space will be donat ed to any church, lodge, ve terans club, school iaimers club or charitable organize

tion. Feel Free to. Use it with Compliments of

». W Wylie n o s e vfishing to use this adr. CaU Dispatch Office beiof*

M^md^m «»0011 oi each week.


Mciiijjau Mirror ij« SCHOOL MiVtS CJiuucii iNews ft … ro d an laqv/eed sells 12,000 v/rigole/s a duv grubs and 15-0*00 minncv?. - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.