Pause : exploiter le pouvoir qui change la vie de se donner une pause par Rachael • EUR 22,29 (2024)

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Vendeur: the_nile_uk_store ✉️ (22.932) 98.3%, Lieu où se trouve: Ohio, US, Lieu de livraison: WORLDWIDE, Numéro de l'objet: 235575116379 Pause : exploiter le pouvoir qui change la vie de se donner une pause par Rachael . The Nile on eBay FREE SHIPPING UK WIDE Pause by Rachael O'Meara Feeling overwhelmed, burned out, or stuck? Discover the power of the pause. Sometimes life throws you for a loop. You're stressed out at your job; you're torn between work and family; your motivation and productivity are taking a nosedive. Your impulse might be to lean in and tough it out, but what you may really need to do is take a step back. Reassess your life with a clear head and dive back in with purpose and poise. In this enlightening book, Rachael O'Meara guides you through the steps of your own pause journey:- The signs that you're in need of a meaningful break- Planning your optimal pause—whether it's as short as a day or as long as an epic journey- Reentering the world with renewed clarity and purpose. Incorporating the latest findings from psychology and neuroscience and peppered with inspiring stories of successful pauses, this book will show you that the fastest way to happiness is to slow down. Whether you pause by taking a five-minute walk outside, spending a day unplugged from digital devices, or taking a few weeks off to yourself, Pause will give you the tools to find what "lights you up" and the ability to lead the most satisfying and fulfilling life you choose.As seen in The Washington Post. FORMAT Paperback LANGUAGE English CONDITION Brand New Author Biography Rachael O'Meara is a transformation leadership and executive coach, assisting others to fulfill their potential. She is a sales executive at Google and also hosts authors who have meaningful messages about mindfulness and emotional intelligence for the TalksAtGoogle YouTube channel. Her book Pause was named one of 2017's top business books for your career and was featured in the New York Times and on She is certified in Transformational Coaching from the Wright Graduate University for the Realization of Human Potential (ICF certified), and has an MBA from Fordham University. Review "Pause is the real deal. With proven techniques backed by science, Rachael O'Meara shows us how to connect with ourselves and tap into what we really value."--Arianna Huffington, New York Times bestselling author of Thrive"Rachael's book is fantastic. She writes with clarity, heart, and practical wisdom woven together. Her book is an oasis in the middle of our busy busy times." --Rick Hanson, Ph.D., author of Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength, and Happiness"Pausing can add wonderful value to your life. In this enlightening book, Rachael shares many useful tips and inspiring stories that show how to tune-in to your life, align yourself with your passions, and live with meaning. This is truly a book worth pausing for." --Chade-Meng Tan, bestselling author of Search Inside Yourself and Joy on Demand"Pause is a much-needed and timely book for those of us who often feel stuck or our to-do lists have taken over our lives. The lessons, stories, and insights Rachael shares will help you discover the practical and powerful value of pausing. In this step-by-step guide, she shows you how to return to the wisdom of your natural flow in your daily life."--Agapi Stassinopoulos, bestselling author of Unbinding the Heart and Wake Up to the Joy of You"In a world of constant change and ever-customizable career paths, the ability to Pause is a crucial skill we must all cultivate. Rachael O'Meara has captured a critical component of a life well-lived—taking periodic pauses, or time-outs, to re-align our actions with our inner voice. Career pauses—whether one minute, one day, or one week—are the essential ingredient to making meaningful next moves. If you're concerned about the time or money to make it happen, don't worry—as Rachael says, with the right mindset and creative planning, anything is Pause-able." —Jenny Blake, author of Pivot: The Only Move That Matters is Your Next One "Pause is a wonderful guide to living our lives with more courage, self-compassion, and authenticity. Filled with practical knowledge and tools, Rachael shows us how to tap into our deeper selves and notice what is happening underneath the surface while not freaking out when plans don't go our way. Pause to read this book!"--Mike Robbins, author of Nothing Changes Until You Do"If you are like me, making a friendship with uncertainty can be daunting. Fortunately Rachael O'Meara's new book is a practical toolkit for navigating and facilitating change. What I've learned from Pause changes everything." --Barnet Bain, director of Milton's Secret, producer of What Dreams May Come, author of The Book of Doing and Being: Rediscovering Creativity in Life, Love and Work"If you've ever hit a wall, this book is for you. Rachael O'Meara's knows--she's been there. Pause is an insightful and actionable roadmap for taking a moment to look inward, and making change that lasts." --Derek Sivers, author of Anything You Want, founder of CD Baby, TED speaker "Pause is a wonderful guide to reconnecting-- with ourselves, with the world around us, and with those values we care about the most. Full of warmth and practical advice, reading it feels as though you are being taken by the hand and guided through some of life's tumultuous waters." --Sharon Salzberg, author of Lovingkindness and Real Happiness"With a powerful, comprehensive approach, Pause explores all the different ways we need to disconnect in order to reconnect and flourish. I can't recommend this book enough to those who are feeling stressed-out. As someone who turns off all screens with my family once a week for our weekly "Technology Shabbats'" for the last seven years, I can promise you that bringing the ideas of Pause into your life will make your life better." --Tiffany Shlain, Emmy-nominated filmmaker, founder of The Webby Awards"Pause gives you the permission you might have been looking for to take a break in your life or start on a new adventure. Rachael not only explains why it's important, but she also breaks down how you can do it." - Karen Henson Jones, author of Heart of Miracles Review Quote "Pausing can add wonderful value to your life. In this enlightening book, Rachael shares many useful tips and inspiring stories that show how to tune-in to your life, align yourself with your passions, and live with meaning. This is truly a book worth pausing for." --Chade-Meng Tan, bestselling author of Search Inside Yourself and Joy on Demand "If you are like me, making a friendship with uncertainty can be daunting. Fortunately Rachael O'Meara's new book is a practical toolkit for navigating and facilitating change. What I've learned from Pause changes everything." Excerpt from Book Chapter 1 Training for Peak Performance To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. --RALPH WALDO EMERSON I began my BUSINESS CAREER in the fall of 1995. For threeyears I lived right across from beautiful, historic Prospect Park in WindsorTerrace, Brooklyn. Every morning I commuted one hour into Midtown Manhattan.There the skyscrapers kissed the sky and tourists craned their necks to see howfar a building climbed. My office was housed at the same address as Radio CityMusic Hall, the same place that the leggy Rockettes called home. Next door wasRockefeller Center and my favorite spectacle, the Rockefeller Center iceskating rink. My lunch hours were filled watching skaters glide by the goldenstatues. I felt injected with inspiration. I had launched myself into the orbitof international business. I dwelled in the heart of New York City, at the ageof twenty-three. On all counts, I had "made it." Despite thissuccess, I felt like something was lacking in my daily routine. Every night Icame home feeling unfulfilled. At a certain point, the routine of riding the Ftrain, stepping into my office, spending weekends partying away my hard-earnedcash, and coming home to an apartment full of roommates didn''t seem all thatrewarding. I felt like I had more I was meant to do. Something was missing. The followingspring, I signed myself up for a rowing club, a lifelong passion and sport Ihad excelled at before moving to New York. I found myself gunning for thenational team, rowing daily in the quiet dawn for the New York Athletic Club.We''d meet the sun and watch the morning sky unfold in velvet stripes of pinksand yellows. Without even knowing it, I found my first pause in rowing. Ithappened between every stroke, in between breaths, and before, during, andafter my workout. As a rower, I paused all the time. Rowing taught me how to bepresent, no matter what was in store for me. I held on to that feelingthroughout my day, excited to do it all over again the next morning. Falling back inlove with rowing helped me realize that I wanted more out of my working life. Iwanted to feel the same passion in the office. I realized I longed to join theburgeoning Internet industry and found a new job at a promising start-up calledDoubleClick. Fast-forward afew years. Once again, I found myself longing for more. I transferred to theSan Francisco DoubleClick office after ten years in New York City. It was timefor a change. I was fixated on the city''s beauty, lifestyle, and technologyhub. Three years later, Google acquired the company. All seemed well on boththe career and the personal front. I met my boyfriend Doug nine months after Imoved to San Francisco. A few months later I bonded with a small group ofgirlfriends from a women''s leadership class who became lifelong allies. Mysuccess was now bicoastal. I felt grateful and content to live the life I hadcreated. My lifestylecontinued this way for five years. But I was hungry for a new challenge atwork. Like so many other newly minted MBAs, I wanted to manage people. I wantedto make a difference in not just the work I was doing, but in other people''slives. I decided to go after a job to manage a customer support team workingwith advertisers on one of the company''s flagship products. Hitting a Wall After six months leading a customer support team thatranged in size from four to eleven people, I hit a wall in my performance. Ireceived feedback from my new supervisor that I wasn''t up to par and needed tobe a better communicator, listener, and manager. I began to question mydecision to take on an unfamiliar role. I was confused about what successlooked like at my job. For the first time in my corporate career I wasreceiving consistent feedback that my performance was poor and that I needed tochange in order to be successful at Google. What had happenedto me? After all my success, what had gone wrong? After two years at Google,was it time to leave? How did I go from being a confident, successful woman,achieving promotions and praise year after year, to what felt like afloundering failure? Around this time, I began experiencing relationshiptrouble with Doug, who was now my boyfriend of five years. Neither of us couldseem to move forward in our relationship. We were stuck. Call it a midlifecrisis of sorts, but I was miserable, lackluster, and beaten on all counts. Ididn''t know where to turn, but I knew I was in trouble. I felt a complete lack ofpurpose or direction. I felt unmotivated at work and, on some level, in mypersonal life. Commitment seemed to be my stumbling block, whether it wascommitting to one specific career ladder or to creating a successfulrelationship with my boyfriend. I was burned outfrom trying so hard in this new and challenging capacity. I took all the Googletraining sessions I could, but I was told I lacked strong communication skillsand "executive presence." I wasn''t driving results for our team projects as muchas I should. I missed the mark on executing ideas and contributing to ourlarger management team. I received the feedback over the course of severalmonths, with no marked improvement. I was drowning inmy own negative self-talk. I wasn''t sure I''d ever meet expectations in the eyesof my managers. I felt as stuck at work as I did in my personal relationship. Ineeded to bring my team to the next level. I longed to provide direct andconstructive feedback to my team. I didn''t know how to do it. I felt like afailure. It wasn''t unusual for me to leave work at night only to cry during mydinner conversations with Doug. My mental statewas a mess. My confidence evaporated a little more every day. I felt like mywheels were spinning. I knew that a change was inevitable. My boss conveyedthis to me one spring morning. Perplexed and tired, I sat there with Margaretin our cold, sterile conference room. She explained to me how things "justweren''t working out" despite numerous reviews to assess what needed to changein my demeanor, work, and effort. What I heard was, "Rachael, you are amiserable failure. Please exit the building immediately." Margaret gave mea choice that day. I could find a new role before things got ugly, or I couldstay in the position and continue to receive subpar performance reviews, likelyuntil I was let go. I would receive a ninety-day improvement plan intended toget me back on track. Both seemed like unfortunate options. I left the roomdiminished. I felt misunderstood. It certainly wasn''t for a lack of effort ordesire that things weren''t working out well. I had to report back with a planthe following week. How could I possibly make any decision in my frenziedmental state? I left work thatday depressed and bewildered as to how I''d gotten so off track. Before my roleas a support manager, I had been told I was a high performer. How had I gottenso bad at my job? How had things gone so terribly wrong despite my efforts tobe successful? Peddling home that Friday, I wondered if I should quiteverything that Monday. I asked myself if I should start job-hunting over theweekend. Should I aim for a new job at Google with my tarnished credibility andbruised ego? I went back and forth, stoplight by stoplight, flipping betweenthese two options. I was not in a healthy mental position to look for a newjob, regardless of what company or position it was. The voice inside me knewthat much. Something needed to change, but I didn''t know what. That Saturday, ISkyped with two of my best girlfriends, Kathleen and Sue. As I explained mydebacle, I pondered something out loud. "Google has a sabbatical program," Itold them. "Maybe I should take that." On the other end,there was silence. I didn''t know if there was a delay in the video streaming orif the silence was deliberate. Almost in unison, my friends agreed that was agreat idea. Sue filled my head with suggestions to come visit her, hang out onthe beach, go to Europe, and indulge in some well-deserved downtime. Sheconvinced me that these were all ideas worth exploring. "You know, Rach,my old boss, who I consider a mentor, once asked me what I would do if I knew Iwasn''t going to fail," Sue said. "I definitelywouldn''t be in this job!" I laughed back. Sue explained."It means you shouldn''t worry about failing. Let yourself figure out what todo, knowing that whatever you decide, failure won''t be considered failureunless you think of it like that." I sat in silence,absorbing her insightful feedback. While my friendsencouraged me not to think of my job as a failure, the thought of taking aleave of absence lingered. Though it required approval from management, and Iwouldn''t get paid, I could keep my benefits. This was the permission slip I waswaiting for. I could reboot and regroup on next steps. Time to Take a Pause I spent the rest of my weekend daydreaming about my plan.Ninety days! I felt a sense of duty to reclaim myself. I had a renewed sense ofpurpose. I could shift gears and find a new role at Google or elsewhere. Ithought about the tempting urge to "check out" and do absolutely nothing. Icould take my time to figure out what I really wanted to do, and then go do it.I could rebuild my confidence that I so desperately needed to find again. MaybeI''d tr Details ISBN0143129244 Author Rachael O'Meara Short Title PAUSE Pages 256 Language English ISBN-10 0143129244 ISBN-13 9780143129240 Format Paperback DEWEY 158 Year 2017 Publication Date 2017-04-04 Imprint TarcherPerigee Subtitle Harnessing the Life-Changing Power of Giving Yourself a Break Place of Publication London AU Release Date 2017-04-04 NZ Release Date 2017-04-04 UK Release Date 2017-04-04 Country of Publication United States US Release Date 2017-04-04 Publisher Penguin Putnam Inc Audience General We've got this At The Nile, if you're looking for it, we've got it. With fast shipping, low prices, friendly service and well over a million items - you're bound to find what you want, at a price you'll love! 30 DAY RETURN POLICYNo questions asked, 30 day returns! FREE DELIVERYNo matter where you are in the UK, delivery is free. SECURE PAYMENTPeace of mind by paying through PayPal and eBay Buyer Protection TheNileItemID:137924418;

  • Condition: Neuf
  • Format: Paperback
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-13: 9780143129240
  • Author: Rachael O'Meara
  • Book Title: Pause
  • ISBN: 9780143129240

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