REVIEW: Immersion Play by Katherine McIntyre (Leather and Lattes #1) (2024)

REVIEW: Immersion Play by Katherine McIntyre (Leather and Lattes #1) (1)


Leather and Lattes - Book One

by Katherine McIntyre

Release Date: May 21, 2024


A sweet and sexy start to Katherine McIntyre’s new series Leather and Lattes. Set in Whipped, your friendly neighbourhood kink cafe. Where friends can drink coffee together and play together! What’s your order? Latte, pastry and a spanking?

Parker and Micah’s story definitely has strong hurt/comfort vibes, each of them dealing with some difficult family situations and searching for themselves. It pairs a kink newbie and an experienced dom.

Micah was a lot of fun to watch find his place as a submissive and embrace his bratty side. Both things Parker is more than happy to indulge. As much fun as it was to see Micah take to kink, both of them finding the strength to take control of their own happiness was even better.

Looking forward to getting more of this found family.

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REVIEW: Immersion Play by Katherine McIntyre (Leather and Lattes #1) (2)


One bratty boy searching for somewhere to call home, one damaged Daddy Dom looking to escape his grief, and one kinky found family ready to help them both heal.

Micah’s starting over. He left his old life in the middle of the night and showed up in San Francisco on a job tip from a friend. However, when Meg hires him at Whipped, he not only enters a new city but also a whole new world with this cozy crew of kinksters. And one man continues to catch his attention again and again.

Parker doesn’t do relationships. After his mom died and his father became a shell of himself, he swore never to let anyone wreck him like that. Except Micah’s gotten under his skin. The hot new barista at Whipped isn’t as vanilla as they all thought, and he’s the brattiest boy that Parker could’ve ever dreamed of playing with. The connection between them? Incendiary.

However, the deeper their relationship grows, the more Micah’s realizing he can’t just be casual with Parker—not anymore. The man’s made a mark on his soul, inspired dreams Micah had never even thought to reach for. But if Parker isn’t willing to bend his rules to risk his heart, the two of them are definitely going to break.

Enter Whipped, a unique cafe that caters to coffee and kink addicts alike...

REVIEW: Immersion Play by Katherine McIntyre (Leather and Lattes #1) (3)

About Katherine McIntyre

I split my time writing stories with snark and heart, working with amazing authors to edit their manuscripts into shape, and working on clients as a massage therapist.

In my free time, I’m usually going on adventures with my husband, daughter, and friends or diving into a good book and curling up with the cats. I’m an Aries-Taurus cusp–which to any astrology buffs should tell you plenty. If you’re more into Myers-Briggs, I’m an ENFJ.

I’ve always wanted to heal and help, probably why I fell into massage and teaching yoga. And that shows through in my writing too–I ended up falling for romance as my primary genre because I adore the intricacies of human relationships and watching how love and affection can really help people heal from their wounds and grow.

I’m huge into family and community, which is probably why you find either family or found-family stories in almost every one of my books. The way people come together is inspiring, and I’ve got an overflowing love for the way people take care of each other. Those relationships are just as important as the romantic ones to me, and I love highlighting them in my work.

The biggest thing you’ll probably see in my work is hope. That’s not to say I can’t write sad situations or difficulties–our lives and stories are woven with them. But that’s never going to be the takeaway from my work, how the world is broken and trying to wear you down. I’m a realist, so I’m not blind to the tragedy and sadness out there, but I want to live in the hearts of people who care, who show compassion to one another, and prove that we humans can get something right. I want to explore how even though we’ve all got the ability to f*ck up, we can overcome our mistakes and rise triumphant.

So there it is, folks–that’s me.

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REVIEW: Immersion Play by Katherine McIntyre (Leather and Lattes #1) (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.