there is no smoke without the fire – abysswhispers (2024)

As late spring approaches, the faint scent of flowers melts into the gentle breeze along with the warmth.

It is the best season in the Yongdu.

To celebrate the Feng Shan and reward the meritorious, the Emperor has arranged a grand banquet at the Taishu Palace.

The current Emperor seems particularly concerned about elegant matters.

The banquet is not held in the main hall as usual but is set up along the stream in the Imperial Garden.

The distinction between nobles and ministers is clear, with each group seated on opposite sides of the stream, creating vastly different atmospheres.

Perhaps due to the eloquent speech at today’s Feng Shan, Yu Guanlin received considerable rewards.

Consort Hui, who was just released from confinement, also appeared triumphant.

She was wearing a crimson skirt, embellished with gold and jade, which completely overshadowed Consort Lan.

The lively atmosphere on one side of the stream contrasts sharply with the cold and solemn atmosphere on the other.

The eunuchs by the Emperor’s side have already spread the conversation from the carriage, and now everyone knows that the Emperor intends to thoroughly investigate them.

—Being in such a high position, who dares to claim they are truly clean?

Not to mention those noble young men who have already been sent to the Ministry of Justice…

At this moment, the nobles have clearly realized that the Emperor’s ultimate goal is to uproot the entrenched noble families—regardless of whether they have any rebellious intentions.

To sit and wait for death is undoubtedly a death sentence…

People move along the stream, unsettling the hearts and minds of those present.

Wen Qingci subconsciously clenched the wine glass in his hand.

The current Emperor seems particularly concerned about “justice.”

As a benevolent ruler, he would not willingly eradicate the nobles.

…Recently, everything the Emperor has done in the court seems aimed at forcing those nobles to rebel.

In “Supporting the Ming Hall,” there were nobles who chose to take desperate measures and attempted to assassinate him.

If Wen Qingci’s guess is correct, this plot may still unfold…

Today’s banquet is undoubtedly a good opportunity.

“Wen Xiansheng, Physician Wen, what are you thinking?” Yu Guanlin suddenly speaks up, interrupting Wen Qingci’s chaotic thoughts. The old imperial physician glanced at the table in front of him and smiled, asking, “Why haven’t you used your chopsticks for so long? Is it not to your taste?”

Wen Qingci smiled faintly and gently set down the wine glass. “…I was just thinking about simplifying the formula for the f*ckuan flower pill.”

“Oh, I see,” the old imperial physician said cheerfully as he took a bite of food, half-jokingly remarking, “Today, I also have the honor of tasting this delicacy for the first time in my life.”

The imperial physician originally could only sit at the end of the banquet, but today Wen Qingci was placed in a prominent position, not far from the Emperor.

Even the food on the table is unusually exquisite.

Yu Guanlin, as another imperial physician, also enjoys the privilege.

“You’re joking,” Wen Qingci chuckles and shakes his head, but at the same time, he quietly tightens the hand under the table.

Yu Guanlin’s words reminded him.

—He is no longer just an ordinary imperial physician; he is now a grasshopper tied to the same rope as Xie Zhaolin.

If there really is an assassination, he can’t escape it either!

The next moment, Wen Qingci suddenly coughs heavily.

His body was already frail, and after the recent poisoning incident, he didn’t take the antidote in time, which weakened him further.

After a few coughs, a familiar itching sensation arises in his throat.

The handkerchief is soon stained with crimson blood.

Like plum blossoms falling on snow.

“Cough…” After he calmed down, Wen Qingci slowly took a deep breath. He looked back a little apologetically and said to the old Physician, “…the incense at the table is a bit heavy, please forgive me for a moment.”

The Wei Dynasty was an era when incense was popular.

The room was filled with smoke, which was indeed a bit choking.

Yu Guanlin was frightened by this sudden scene.

He was stunned for a moment and said hurriedly: “Wen Xiansheng, please go and rest first. I’ll keep an eye on you.”

“This is too troublesome for you,” Wen Qingci smiled, shook his head and said softly, “I’ll be back in a moment.” After saying that, he took the medicine box and slowly left the table.

Wen Qingci can feel someone nearby keeping a close eye on him…

But even at this moment, his movements remain unhurried.

After leaving the crowded area, Wen Qingci finally took a deep breath, and the discomfort in his throat gradually subsided.

—His cough just now was intentional.

After all, only a desperate measure like feigning illness could give him a temporary excuse to leave the table.

There are only a few guards at the Imperial Medical Bureau.

If someone wants to kill him, then going back is obviously not a good choice.

Tonight, the entire Palace’s imperial army was concentrated in the Royal Garden… In comparison, it was safer for him to stay here.

However, this does not mean that Wen Qingci left the banquet just to get some fresh air.

Someone followed Wen Qingci from a distance and walked out.

He should be the one staring at him at the table…

Hold still.

If he behaves abnormally at this time, the other party will definitely take action in advance.

Wen Qingci slowly adjusted his breathing and walked quickly into the pavilion.

He opened the medicine box with his back to the man, carefully took out the silver needle inside, then inserted the silver needle into the inside of his sleeve as quickly as possible and hid it.

Wen Qingci moved so fast that the silver needle only left a few shadows in the air before disappearing without a trace.

Affected by his physical constitution, the original owner’s internal strength was not strong, and he had no strength to practice martial arts.

The only thing he is good at is hidden weapons.

The silver needle is the weapon most commonly used by the original owner.

After transmigrating into the book, Wen Qingci was busy studying and treating illnesses every day and had no time to practice how to use hidden weapons.

But after trying a few times, he confirmed that the muscle memory of this body still existed.

…Now that things have happened, he can only treat a dead horse as a living horse.

As a medicine man, everything in the medicine box was useless to Wen Qingci.

He breathed a long sigh of relief, and while continuing to pretend to cough, he casually took out a pill from the medicine box and swallowed it.

After a few seconds, Wen Qingci picked up the medicine box again and walked slowly back to the stream.

All this fell into the eyes of the person staring at him not far away.

The cold wind blew across the lake, bringing a touch of coldness to Wen Qingci’s body.

He gently touched the silver needle hidden in his sleeve, and the unfamiliar tingling sensation on his fingertips finally calmed him down little by little.

When Wen Qingci returned to the imperial garden, he happened to meet the palace maid bringing dessert to the table.

On the delicate white jade plate, there are lotus-shaped bread cakes.

It had just been baked, and it still had a hint of heat, making it look very tempting.

Wen Qingci suddenly stopped and asked, “What is this bread made of?”

“My Lord, it’s peanuts.” The palace maid hurriedly saluted.

“Okay…” Wen Qingci nodded and smiled, “I understand.”

He originally walked towards his seat, stood there and hesitated for a long time, and finally changed direction…

As a Physician, Wen Qingci really couldn’t sit idly by and ignore this kind of thing.

Xie Bufeng was arranged at the end of the long banquet.

There was a lot of cheering and shouting around, but no one paid him any attention.

There is no moon tonight, only stars filled the sky.

The rolling sea of stars fell into the cup at some point and swayed with the ripples.

Although the sitting position is a bit remote, Xie Bufeng is a prince after all, and the palace people will give him “special treatment” at this time.

The small table in front of the young man was filled with exquisite dishes, filled with delicacies from the mountains and seas.

Xie Bufeng casually picked up a chopstick and put it into his mouth, but put the chopsticks back on the table the next second.

In Suzhou, he ate and lived with the guards guarding the mausoleum. The food was only enough to satisfy his hunger and had no taste at all.

…However, at this moment, the palace delicacies on this table were difficult for him to swallow.

Then, Xie Bufeng couldn’t help but think of the magnolia porridge that Wen Qingci cooked himself…

The palace banquet is still going on.

The palace maid dressed in light-green placed the jade plate in front of Xie Bufeng.

As soon as she got up and left, a eunuch suddenly came over and took the things back.

Xie Bufeng couldn’t help but frown and looked at the person who came.

Before the young man could ask, the other party smiled and hurriedly explained: “Xian Gonggong ordered us to remove the plate of peanut cakes from His Highness’s table.”

After saying that, he quickly picked up the small plate and left.

…Peanut cake?

Xie Bufeng was allergic to peanuts, and only one person in the world knew about it except him.

The young man slowly looked towards the stars shaking in the cup.

Wen Qingci took care of his meals.

A few days ago, Wen Qingci garnished some crushed peanuts with his food, and then Xie Bufeng developed a red rash on his arm and coughed uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Wen Qingci solemnly told him that he must be careful in the future and never eat any food with peanuts.

And he introduced in great detail what “allergy” is.

Thinking of this, a touch of warmth slipped from Xie Bufeng’s heart.

He subconsciously looked for Wen Qingci during the banquet.

The banquet was held near the water. In a daze, the young man saw through the swaying stream – a faint smile appeared on his lips.

There was a bit of unfamiliar tenderness in the amber eyes.

The next moment, Xie Bufeng suddenly closed his eyes and pressed his lips tightly.

…Never forget why he treats you so well.

You are just his experiment.

No different from those rabbits that died tragically in his hands.

At this time, the little bit of reason in the young man’s heart, like the immune system in his body, instinctively resisted.

Maybe he is not only allergic to peanuts, but also allergic to Wen Qingci…

After a while, Xie Bufeng finally opened his eyes again.

The amber eyes returned to their former vigilance and cold look.

But at some point, the hand that tightly grasped the wine glass unintentionally revealed the master’s secret.

The young man’s heart was probably not as calm as he appeared.

After Wen Qing resigned and returned to his seat, he realized that the atmosphere around him had become tense at some point.

The river lanterns floating in the stream were flickering on and off, confusing people’s minds.

There was silence at the front of the long banquet, except for the sound of gurgling water.

Wen Qingci originally wanted to ask Yu Guanlin what happened just now, but he didn’t expect that after three or five glasses of turbid wine, the old physician became half drunk.

At this time, he was secretly taking a nap while sitting at the table, obviously unable to find out why.

Wen Qingci’s movements when he sat down were much lighter.

He had just carefully placed the medicine box when a voice from the other side of the stream caught his attention.

An old man dressed in bright red robes is raising his cup in a toast.

“…Your Majesty has been reigning for more than twenty years, achieving unparalleled achievements, which is truly a great fortune for our dynasty… It is not in vain that His Majesty was trusted by the late Emperor. If he knew from above, he would surely be pleased.”

He was clearly praising the Emperor, but his tone was somewhat sharp.

The term “late Emperor” is also used in a particularly delicate manner.

Not only Wen Qingci felt the unusual atmosphere, even Yu Guanlin, who was quite drunk just now, suddenly raises his head, frowning and saying, “Why is Duke Yongguo stirring up trouble…”

Wen Qingci’s fingers stopped.

The title of “Duke Yongguo” was left over from the previous dynasty’s founding.

Their family has been influential for hundreds of years, producing six empresses, and is highly respected.

The previous dynasty stipulated that the crown prince must study and live in the capital for a period of time before ascending to the throne.

Xie Zhaolin, the former Prince of Suzhou, was no exception.

The Duke of Yongguo also has another identity— he is the grandfather of the late Emperor.

Therefore, he can be said to have watched the Emperor grow up and is highly respected.

Not only is the Duke Yongguo powerful, but he is also a spiritual totem in the hearts of the nobles of the Wei Dynasty.

Most importantly, he is indeed, as Xie Zhaolin thought, unwilling to admit the other’s imperial status, and even directly opposed it in the past…

Duke Yongguo is already in his twilight years.

The plot in the original work developed at a much slower pace than now. Before he had time to wade into the muddy water, he drove away to the west, thus retaining the last bit of dignity.

The person on the throne slowly closed his eyes, and the smile on his face disappeared.

After a moment, he finally chuckled, breaking the suffocating silence.

The emperor did not answer Duke Guogong’s words, but directly put the old man aside and started talking to Consort Lan on the side.

Wen Qingci:…!

Looking at this, the emperor really seemed to have been stabbed at a sore spot.

Is it possible that the rumor that Xie Zhaolin has always been concerned about “Rising to power with an illegitimate background” is true? !

Wen Qingci couldn’t help the itch in his heart and lungs.

Maybe he already knew how cold-hearted the people on the throne were, or maybe he knew that his death was imminent.

Duke Yongguo smiled and reminded in his hoarse and old voice: “I only hope that your majesty will go far, but you must not forget where you are.”

“Dong Yongguo is tired.” Hearing this, the emperor, who had looked very bad just now, laughed softly. He waved his hand and said, “Take him down to rest.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” After saying this, two guards moved forward in tacit agreement and took the old man down directly.

The old man who was born into a noble family and lived a prosperous life has never been so embarrassed.

His face was livid and his eyes were filled with hatred.

The lights on both sides of the long banquet were swaying, and even though they were very close, Wen Qingci still couldn’t see Xie Zhaolin’s expression clearly.

However, at this moment, he still felt a strong killing intent from the other party.

There was silence at the table.

The weird atmosphere spread little by little.

The back of Duke Yongguo stabbed every noble in the eyes.

They exchanged a look, and they had the answer in their hearts…


It’s not that they don’t know the emperor’s purpose, but…since the emperor doesn’t want to leave them a way to survive.

Then they would take action, confront him head-on, and fight for a way out!

there is no smoke without the fire – abysswhispers (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.