Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Ul KEpuMIc 1234 for UuilM AWurfe TIMES HERALD WASHINGTON C' RIDAY EB RUARY 15 194 6 A MU OHlt It 3ti7 similar EvMlInn 8120 $180 $240 $300 $300 lAaal Jaaga I flats $120 $180 $240 $300 (tax inch) Dorothy Kirsten Edw SVIVAN oi a T' Ave iiw jipirtll NO 0881 i cz for airlawn Amusem*nt Co Theatre IM 71 oronto Conductor Time Table Is Guest of Kindler Ul Uxltud Artist'i Rcleair t1 Ml and DAILY CROSSWORD 1 4 HEXT HIM' nry ConitHutlin Hell 2 SIDNEY IU8T THEATERS I 3 18 20 lent accepted tf eelf eddreaesd IO irst Pictures! it 13 INDEPENDENTS 3 iy 24 4 Newscast fAIXICD THEATER OWNERS 30 34 34 IM $1 NIH 0CI IAE MIT WH1TTT X76 I CAPITOU On Stage PALACE IN swer iust's A 31 had a discov 5 o9 Ail Time Schedules in Warner Broa Ads Indicate Time of eature AMAZING ARMY DEVICES REVEALED LA SHOW CONT MATS 1251 SEAS" MARK HUUNGrm! I 11 'Wertf Brnlwt Mel 18 17 most sonorous composition for the close of the concert Gustav tone poem Plan the composer was lish despite the German name is one of the masterpieces of contemporary British music It depicts all members of our solar system ending with the remote and to our eyes Invisible Uranus The effects of Interstellar dis tancer achieved by expanded harmonies and the voices of a hidden chorus is a moment of wonder and magic It is matter for regret that Sir Ernest chose to play only three movements the Bringerof WarVenus The Brlnger of Peace 12 14 Carroll Naish who is an Academy Award contest ant tells about an assistant man ager at Chinese The ater who has been there for many years When asked why he worked in one place so long with his office in the tower of the Chinese theater the assist ant manager replied: the only place in Hdllywood I can work in without having to look at this goldam But get me wrong I love Hol lywood Preliminaries will be held March 16 at Roosevelt High School Drama clubs participating will be the ederal Bureau of In vestigation in "The Glamour Masquers of Roosevelt in alls Church Com munity Theater in "Our Little Montgomery Players in "Petticoats St Players in Pentagon Players in Twelve Pound Speech and Drama Club in "Joint Owners in Serving on the advisory committee are Maud Howell Smith Bess Davis Schreiner and Dell loyd and the Brlnger of Joi lity The soloist of the evening was Claudio Arrau justly popular Chilean pianist and diplomat a virtuoso of superb powers and a musician of taste He presented Concerto in major most poetic of the five and for that and other reasons the most difficult He read it with authority but also with warmest sympathy His most important achieve ment in the art of recreation however developed in his ac count of the two cadenzas He chose those written by the com poser generally disregarded in favor of more modem treat ments of the themes and made them impressive exhibits of virtuosity 36 37 39 God of the underworld be co*cktailed here at El Morocco Alfred Hitchco*ck who knows how to keep in the spotlight has applied to the proper authorities to make a jet propelled air trip across the country Automat buffet cars where passengers serve' themselves soon will be an innovation on the railroads NBC suspending all television operations from March 1 to April 1 in preparation for a big time reopening with enlarged studios and improved equipment ance He catches and bounces balls off his snout does tricks with bouquets plays theRiver Shannon and en thusiastically applauds his own efforts with flapping fins But his best and most convincing stunts are his imitations which could be studied to advantage by many who attempt variety show flings Johnny Barnes has lively career since first ered here by the Gene orfi for his revue some years ago or the last three years he has been overseas with the camp shows both in the Pacific and in Eu rope and his dancing skill has literally grown by leaps and bounds He has a definite style of his own and does an excel lent Bojangles Robinson imita tion but we do wish he would try a Ray Bolger for a change He has the build and the swing ing legs and arms to work up a really good comedy routine The Lambertls are the strong folks of the show with' some astonishing balancing acts and Doris aye is a feminine ven triloquist gifted in her chosen profession but worthy of much better material Marian Bur roughs was the violen soloist with Sam Jack over ture playing the Hun garian of the and Gets in Your juh taniease feellngand good effect wind (S 28 29 right 30 Bog THE Laurel and Hardy EfEMR I 5:50 Saving ear doomed babies Switching arteries reroutes blood and oxygen to otherwise starved little lungs Robert Potter science edi tor tells the story of some miraculous recoveries due to this new technique In The American Weekly the maga zine distributed with next Sunday's Times Herald Telephone RE 1234 for economical home delivery DOWN 1 alls suddenly 2 Rapacious person 3 Mountain of Thessaly 4 English novelist i 5 White linen vestment (Eccl 6 Mutilate 7 Measure of land 8 Kind of dog BUT a villain plotting to steal slick new heli copter a nefarious gal and her dad who are in on the vicious business the Henry Kaiser of helicopters whs might finance manufacturer seen other pictures in the series that have been much more hilarious but the Maisie fans are probably as faithful as of Andy Hardy and flock around to cheer on' their heroine Ann Sothern makes the best of her material and George Murphy creates a character deserving of sym pathy and Success Associated with them are Hillary Brooke Horace McNally' Ray Collins Jeff York Paul Harvey Murray Alper Lewis Howard Jack Davis Gloria Grafton and John Eldredge Thelma Robinson wrote the story and the screen play and Harry Beaumont directed Producer George Haight A WE said before our a inena snarxey Donble eature VINES HAVE TENDER Robinson Margaret O'Brien Peter Lawiord finished in and went New York with Keenan Wynn While there Lawford will do a Theater Guild broadcast of with Alfred Lunt and Lynn ontanne Al Jolson returned from Miami 'to be present the Winter Garden sequences in the filming of "The Story of Charles Russell and Myrna Dell are vooming Sam Goldwyn is very interested in James story "The Catbird NOW (wn OfM David 0 Seisnick prestats INGRID BERGMAN GREGORY PECK I NOW! "My Name is Julia Ross PARIS GAY AGAIN LIE IN ULL SWING MOVIE STARS HONORED "BETWEEN the forthcoming Charles Raddock comedy lampooning the book publishing business wiU put the satirical spotlight on quite a number of local among them an author who has cashed in on other peoples gags and a strip teaser who went literary Gary Cooper would be Paramount's choice for the Ralph Bellamy role in the movie of the rpHE famous Birdcage Theater in Tombstone' Arlz where another generation of stars (Lily Langtry et al) appeared to be re opened by an ex GI theater team Paul Willett who directed the GI all male productions of and one of them which is curtailing its bankrolling of New York shows plans to give financial aid to a new theater group in Los Angeles using it as a talent showcase Civil Service reports a rash of job applications from former paratroopers for the forest service air crews The Monte Dick lanagan was whisked to Washington vla jet plane (on a Government busi ness trip) last week without mishap The New York editor Jack Lait suffered three broken ribs on a recent transcontinental flight and will be away from his desk until March 1 Sidney Skolsky HOLLYWOOD ACROSS 1 A guess 5 Wine re ceptacles 9 Beat 10 Delicate openwork fabric HAsacHke cavity (AnaLl Lineage orcible contact Apportion Enemy scout Undressed 11 Cold north hide of a cow Erbium (sym 21 East by south (abbr 22 A small opening (Anat) 25 Rowing implement 26 Spawn of fish 27 Barriers of artillery shellfire 30 Greek letter 32 Gold (Her) 33 Yearning 34 Obtained 35 Equipment 38 Bear 40 Not hollow 4X Particles 43 Places 44 Emmets 45 ills with solemn wonder 46 Broadway Barometer ICKES swamped with offers to appear on the radio also to write newspaper and magazine articles to replace him is Dillon Myer director of War Relocation Authority Meanwhile Donald Nelson is being importuned to return to Gov ernment service out so tar nas turned a aeai ear Several organizations want to back ranklin Roosevelt jr for lieutenant gov ernor of New York on the Democratic ticket Meanwhile Literary Agent George Bye having no luck peddling the memoirs of one of the Roose velt clan The memoirs of Gen Mark Clark and two other high ranking generals are also on the literary market or soon will be A four four decision of the Supreme Court caused 7 by Justice Jackson's absence (at the Numberg trials) will be making legal news something to do with an interpretation of the Robinson Pat taan act (Bruces Juices a lorida concern vs American Can Co) John Lewis due for a hot session on the show within a fortnight Iw SPENCER TRACY has plenty of work lined up for him at Metro for these are he pic tures he is scheduled to do of the Sun Goes and Cass Jim David and Audrey Totter hand holdipg at Ciros Ann Baxter will have a leading role in Tallulah Bankhead while in town has huddles with execu tives at 20th Century ox con cerning a new picture deal for a APOLLO Last Day: red MacMurray Manra ente Chapman in My Paet' al 6:15 0:40 2 WEEKS BEG NEXT MON 8:30 MATINEES: 1st Wk rl( eb 22 6 Sat 2nd Week Wed Sat HARRY STOCKWELL (Breodwey Star old XX friend Sharkey dominates the stage show and has quite the nicest disposition of any per forming seal of our acquaint AooomohhJ WK3QI ms Warner Bros si nwim Metropolitan AIRLAWN Rd' Rosalind Russell Lee Bowman in WOULDN'T SAY fl25 8:05 0 45 SENATOR 0 I nXQUU Al 4 a j7 AncirewSf' wmm varneu in at 7:20 and 0:45 PM1 HICPD Phone WL 4848 Bradley 8I0M IllOUn 7414 Wise Ave Bethesda Mil After Separation Can Marnafe Eve Be the Samet See Robert Donat TION RUM at 8:00 7:50 19:45 Saturday: A Grand Program for tM ventures of and Ann sothern keep Maisie and the cast close to earth de spite the title Maisie having been gradu ated from her war plane fac tory starts out looking for a secretarial spot but her blond good looks lead prospec tive employers on to advances and sad retribution until dis guised as a frump she lands a job with inventor Joseph Mor ton Her experience on the assembly line comes in handy and in no time at all she and her boss are in love CAMEO 91i0 Today Tomorrow Double eature! Gene Autry IESTA Ladd Veronica Lake GUN OR Douhlfi eature i NEXT CORPORAL Robert Walker Jpan Porter Adele Mara Edgar Barrier PA DAI INA 105 Eleventh St 8E UAIULI11A cont from PM Bing Crosby All Star Cart THE DURANGO Charles Starrett STATE 8how 7 and 8 "RONTIER OAL" de Carlo Rod Cameron mu siiiu 3BBH HUMS rju iidiii iTiiiKJIkVJUlS 111141:1 ElMIfl flu 11111:1 num LOUISE MACY HOPKINS has returned to her aide job in New York and the radio sponsors holding their rankie is taking flying lessons Helen Hayes will have Maurice Evans as her Romeo on Saturday "Romeo and overfPBS Ginger Rogers has signed to play a girl reporter on a half hour show Dorothy Kirsten Met Opera soprano who sang at the Waldorf dinner for President Rosenberg of Local 802 is a granddaughter of one of the founders of that organization Ex Navy Maestro Sam new band now rehearsing has the financial backing of a 'New England heiress (a very rich one) Editor Paul Smith has raised sufficient funds to buy the San rancisco Chronicle which the Thackreys faiWd ttrget oira $4006000 bld A local'dally whlch'Ha'ffsra national expansion ideas is stymied for lack of a million worth of new presses BIG HITS HIPPODROME 80Sek Doors Oppn 1 :45 Washington Premiere! NAME IS 3ULIA Something New in Suspense Nina och Dame May Whitty Plus: to lhe Minute News EXTRA ADDED pay AVALON MJS W' Today and Tomorrow: red Astaire Lucille Bremer in and the at 0:10 Wil SON 1730 Wilxon Blvd TTIl OVn ph ox 1480 'RONTIER 4 Yvonne de Carlo Rod Cameron Broadway By DANTON WALKER ULINE ARENA L1 3RD A STS CAPITOL netht' ns vnriivL hi O74 Penny Singleton Arthur Luke in "LIE WITH BUINDIE" Reprinted from I Late Editions I By GLENN DILLARD GUNN Sir Ernest MacMillan con ductor of the Toronto Sym pnon or chestra was guest of Hans Kin dler and the a tional hony last night in onstitution Hall where the was greet ed with re and heard with a 1 1 tionand sympa thy pir Bmt MacMillan He proved to be a musician of refinement addicted to the more delicate expressive inflections and to music that explores the gentler phases of feeling His program was chosen to stress this ap proach to the art It began with light rather wispy Overture an Italian Com in which the raucous voice of the clown was sternly suppressed by the conductor Benjamin is British and so of course is Sir Ernest so it must be assumed that conductor and composer understand each other and that a more vigorous version would be uncharacter istic Two Sketches tor strings based on rench Canadian folk tunes represented Sir Ernest in the capacity of composer 1 music also delicate and a bit remote is entirely charming The thematic material has been developed with imagination and fine orchestral resource and the performance was beautifully proportioned One assumes that Sir Ernest and the highly com petent personnel of the National Symphony found themselves mutually sympathetic A revival of ifth Symphony composed at the age of 18 proved that work fresh though a bit naive formodem ears Sir Ernest evi dentiy loves its graceful roman tic melodies and its rigid classic patterns despite the suggested self contradictions He worked it out in detail and at great length for at this early age Schubert had not learned the value of brevity and the dangers of repetition In fact that was a lesson he never learned' The conductor i reived the I 13 Queen of heaven I (GrRellg)l 15 Metal 19 Continuing from year to year (Bot) 22 Distant 23 Distress signal 24 Tellurium isymi 25 Coordinating rens A small ares Turn to the hi ivi ctx in vv i 5 A CONGRESSIONAL committee going to Germany in April to as investigate charges of looting and black market activities by personnel A formal declaration that the war is over can be expected if as and when the current labor management disputes are settled Boston will be the next strike bound city with the truckers ready to go into action or the interesting if true de partment: Stalin has a map of this country similar to those used by military strategists in his Kremlin study and every time another strike breaks out here he puts a red sticker on the spot Over seas reporters say the Russian newsreels show the Jap surrender taking place a Russian in Tokyo Ex Sgt Eli Lloyd Hoffman suggests that someone should make a movie about Russia and title it Her to The World Broadcasting Co to spend a half million dollars on transcribed full length radio shows and is now busily signing up stars who are weary of the grind of radio personal appearances (this way a per former could do a program of shows in two time) GI Rd ULLDC ox 42l Parkinj ANGEL" Alice aye Dana Andrews CENTRE Sw'nary lrllnton) TE IOM Pn Parking vacation from marriage Robert Donat Deborah Kerr of I 6:46 and 9:45 pm Name Is Julie NEWTON Equipped With Hearing Aid Pbonet Errol lynn Alexis Smith DUMBARTON Last Day Two ine Hits! AND THE Johnnv Weissmuller Brenda Joyce LITTLE Harry Carey Paul Kelly Clows Sunday Hight NITELY 8:15 PM matinees sat a son PM Seats on Sale at The AIRWAY 1328 St NW AVE GRAND Last Day: Bing Crosby Betty Hutton Alan Ladd in at 6 7:50 0:40 HIGHLAND 2833 Morgan Conway in at 6:50 8:30 10:00 L7 A VUYWin Enntern Ave 8t Vsrnum St IWnWVvU Mt Rainier Md WA 8899 Newest inest Theater Last Time Today at 7:10 0:40 Maureen O'Hara Paul Henreid in SPANISH (in Technicolor) SHIRLINGTON lvnn Alexis Smith in I Doors Open 6:30 Shows 7 and 9 PM IN ANSWER to queries the Jarvis Repertory Theater opens on ebru ary 16 Plans for the 1946 One Act Play tournament have been completed at a meeting presided over bv Irvinn Dav of the Montgomery Players Howard Hughes and that planefull of movie stars will VII I AGP 1307 Are NB V1LIAUL Ml 0227 SIGNAL" aye Emerson Zachary Scott ATLANTIC Winicr Baxter ri ifity Anderson CRIME DOCTOR'S WARNING" at 6IS 825 10 00 NUNCr jiDOHAU ull Coryi GARROTTODICKION dt Ballet I flrrbai fl fueled bv filuupM Banbeecbek 0 fj 4 $3 3M (tax taetj ft CHNOW CONCERT BUREAD 1148 1 ft NW RRpsMic 4433 NATIONAL MATINEE TOMORROW tA "im ortti iusnW fl A3 1 DAtL Aaawa 31 Shoshonean Indians 34 A droplike marking Below (naut Cereal grain Prepared STANTON vv Double eature i Richard raser Maris Wrixon i Adele Mura Edgar Barrier NOW Ittri OfM Ididl GOES ANR SOTHERN GEORGE MURPHY 1 XIGM I I REPUTATION" a Timin CIRCLE 2100 Ave 084 Today and Tomorrow: ROM Robert Donat Deborah Kerr 6 30 7 35 40 I pC A Treat for the Entire amily LitrL Shows 7 and 9 pM LIDO 8297 11 6U MIh 9580 Today and Tomorrow Only Two Big Hits! COME THE Plus: CASTLE ARLINGTON THEATER DICKPOWeu CCrn 8244 Ga Ave Silver Spring 2 3CVU SHrp 2540 Parking Space fZ Last Day: Dunean Renaldo In of the Rio at 6:20 Sir Aubfey Smith ni Ynrd fs At )g KK By Popular Demand Special eatur ettc Livre?" ERROLL LYNN has invita jC tions from several col leges to lecture on his novel and of course he Ujwould like to bo able to do itr 1 couple of pictures Metro is considering remaking the popu lar with John Ho rdiak and Angela Lanibury in the leading roles June Haver and Rory Calhoun are vooming The Warner trophy room now has the original mem orandum pad used by Adolph Hitler when he first entered power The pad Is Initialed by Hitler and Jack a brought it back from Germany Jose Iturbi told Jean Negu lesco that he would like to meet John Crawford Negulesco told Iturbi to phone the set of and he would ar range It When Iturbi called Crawford posing as gave him double talk on how difficult it was to meet Joan Crawford Iturbi got angry and hung up on Joan Crawford not realizing that he was talking to the person he wanted to meet URBAN BEY and Yvonne de Carolo together again Lloyd Nolan will have an impor tant role in Ernst next production Burl Ives the American Balia deer is slated for a part in plenty cold in Reno Nev where Jeanne Crain Alan Young and Hattie McDaniel are on location for Hattie McDaniel was doing an outdoor scene hang ing clothes in the backyard and the thermometer was not much above zero Between takes to keep warm Hattie McDaniel sat in a car with a local driver who really enjoyed the cold crisp mountain air this won derful weather" he said ing like it Wonderful answered Hattie McDan iel weather If you have to go out in 9y RKO TNimruRULl A WAINtltTtl IS Capitol's 'Up Goes Maisie' Vies With Sharkey on Stage 4 NN SCfTHERN of tried flying high in the IX most recent issue of the Maisie series "Up Goes A yesterday on Capitol screen butboth she and George Murphy had keen competition from Sharkey the seal on the stage who when it comes to entertainment is inclined to flip away with the hon ors ast with the tap was Johnny Barnes the home town boywho has made good and who continually adds refreshing individuality to his various routines on tne swing snirt and back' from Reno if earnest 'endeavors to reach sky heights were emblazoned with as well 5 a 1 tlonea script we have an idea that the apit ol cinema offer Ing would be much more ssful Its trans parent plothowever and lack of sus pense except in the final few moments of the film keep Maisie CONGRESS Robert Benchley Vera in at 6:15 8:00 9:50 ASHTON 366 wiisoo Blvd noilivn Ph(nft oxford 1139 i ENCE ME IN" Roy Rogere BUCKINGHAM i jErro! lynn Alexin Smith ARI INfiTON LMJ Uli morr St ANGEL" Alice aye Dana 1 STAGE Hasty Heart" GA YETY Continuous 12 Noon to 6 pm Evenings at 8:30 MOVIE Goes Maisie" at 11 am 1:40 4:25 7:05 and Stage at 1 3:45 5:25 and 9:10 pm at 11:20 am 1:20) 3:25 5:25 7:30 and 9:45 pm EARLE at 10:45 am 1 3:10 6:25 7:40 and 9:55 pm RKO Street" am 2:25 4:50 7:20 and 9:46 pm at 10:45 am( 12:50 3 5:10 7:20 and 9:30 nm Harvey at 11 am 1 3:05 6:15 7:25 and Pm Yours" at 2:25 5:40 ana pm at 3:30 at 2 3:10 450 6:30 and 9:50 pm LITTLE Last 11:15 am 1:15 3:20 6:20 9 nm TRANS LUX Continuous program of newsreels and selected short £ea tures VAN JOHNSON at a perform ance of Tallulah Bankhead in Notion took a stick of chewing gum and then of fered some gum to his compan ions Jean eldman and Minna Walliss on take said Van got plenty The bobby sockers give it to Johnny Mlles and Ann Blythe are vooming Hank Daniels was riding in a cab and he heard the driver whist ling part of the main theme from the Rachmaninoff second plana concerto He asked the driver "How is that whistling the Rachmaninoff The driver is It that you recognize whistling the Rach maninoff Tom Jenk saw this sign on a shoe shine parlor' on Hollywood Boulevard Hollywood eb 14 ALAN LADD is being consid ered for the role of Billy Rose when Paramount makes Rose of Lucille Ball will be mistress of ceremonies on a weekly radio program Warners are preparing 1 Arthur Wing Pine Mind the Palnt with a viw toward hav i Ann Sheridan play it William Eythe and Buff Cobb are Kurt' Barry lttgerald Kreuger has been set for a lead ing role in Edward Small is trying to talk Mary Pickford into selling him "Dorothy Vernon of Haddon and if she does he hopes that Paulette Goddard will play it for him June Allyson Powell know whether or not to have her three initials put bn a new alligator bag for it will look like JAP rank Morgan was asking Bing Crosby to what he attributed his winning of the Oscar and Der Bfngle said "To hard work long hours initiative ability and Barry VRNON Mt Vlwlxisvll Alez AUl 2421 Double eature Phyllis Thaxter Ed mund Gwenn LOVES PAPA Leon Errol Elizabeth Ridson ACADEMY LI VOAO A Double eature Zachary Scott Betty ields THE Judy Canova Ph 1723 Klnt 8t IVULV ph ATx 3I4A Parkins 8pftC Ray Mt Hand Jane Wyman in LOST RICHMOND h8rXS8 James Crair Snrae Haaso in NAVI Alabama Ave 8B "I ATIantir 77O Clark Gablet Loretta Younir iu 4 THE Shown at 6:35 9:55 Also: Tyrone Power Maureen BLACK in Technicolor at 8:25 Ohly THURSDAY MARCH 1 st Illi fi Il Phila La Scala Opera Constitution Hall eb 21 at 8:30 Cappol Presents ROSARIO AND ANTONIO SENSATIONAL SPANISH DANCERS Direct from South America Cubs and Mexico with their Spanish Dancers and Musicians Tickets: 9120 $180 $240 $300 At Cappel Concert Bureau In 1300 St RE 3503 18th near I Ave NA JL0ilL p(j 9861 GAYETurioqu( V7 TAlfiMA 4th A Butternut Sts 1 AIKvYIAgk 4312 Parking Space LaRtDay: Allan Jones Bonita Gran ville tn rom the at 6:15 8:50 Charles Laurhton in at 7:20 9:55 VADI Ave A Quebec PI YVKIt ra 4400 Today Only: Charles Ljiuerhton In Kidd" at 6 5 8 045 COLONY Today Only: Tom Neal Barbara Hale in Yank Into at 8 9:50 HOME Last Day: David Niven in Way Ahead at 6:15 9:10 Gene Autry in in the Rockies" at 8:10 CAVAV 3030 14th fit NW HUY cot 4968 Today Onlv: Johnny Mack Brown in eud" at 6:45 8:20 9:55 APY Mil Ave NW 'll LA Phone WO 4600 1 Walt Disney estival One Day inly at 1:15 3:25 5:30 7:40 Plus: our Great Cartoons ATI fllLAO ATL 3300 Richard Dix in 1 THE WHISTLER? Lola Lane in GIRLS LEAVE HOME I Plus ashioned Amateur Sfaw On Stapp at 8 PM Ji? PRINCESS Bnaii Donlevy Miriam i Preston oster in "A GKNTLKMAN ATER WABK" Harold Perry Marion Martin in 1 GHOST a gl A I i IvSt O4 I 1 it Theaters Having Matinees AMBASSADOR Barbara Stanwyck in Reputa with George Brent at 1 3 5:10 7:20 9:35 RVRI 15th ne ML L1L I tl 3300 Mat 1 PM Parking Space Available to Patrons Today Only rances Langford in Stan On at 1 3:50 5:50 7:45 9:50 CAI VPT 2324 Wla7 Ave? NW VALVLIV1 wo 2345 Mat I PM Parfefaft 4BnaeaAailaMla patrnnf Last Day: aye Emerson Zachary Scott in Signal" at 1 2:45 6:20 8:05 9:55 CNTPAI 425 ihst nw VLK 1 IAL Mg 284 0ho 05 a Last Day: In Tokyo" at 11:10 2:15 5:20 8:30 red Astaire Lucille Bremer in and the at 12:05 3:10 6:15 9:20 KNNDV Nr 4th NW IlLliliLlI RA6G00 Mat 1PM Parking Space Available to Patrons Last Day: Rod Cameron Yvonne de Carlo in Gal" at 1 :35 3:35 5:35 7:30 9:35 DPNN Ave at 7th SE rUNll PR 8200 Mat 1 PM Parking Spare Available to Patrons Last Day: aye Emerson Zachary Scott in Signal" at 1:15 2:55 4:35 6:15 8 9:40 CHPIhAN AvP A SheridanI1LR1UA1N RA 2400 Mat 1 PM Today and Tomorrow: red Astaire Lucille Bremer and the 1:10 3:15 520 7:20 9:25 CI1 VCDGa Ave A Colesville Pike 01LVLn SHep5500 Mat 1 PM Parking Space Available to Patrons Today Only: rances Langford in Stars On Parade" st 1:15 2:55 4:40 6:20 8:05 9:50 Tivni I 14th ft Park Rd NW IIVVLI co 1800 Mat 1 PM Last Day! aye Emerson Zachary Scott in at 1:102:507 4:30 0 15 7 55 0 10 1 1DTAU7M Conn Ave ft Newark Ur 1W TV 11 wo 5400 Mat 1 PM Today Only: Walt tin Tech) reissue at 1:30 3:30 5:30 7:30 9:35 Theaters Having Eve Performances II zi Z7 I 33 I 22 35 3 33 Sri CADITOU On Stage DALACEu.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.