WWE NXT Vengeance Day live results: Ilja Dragunov vs. Trick Williams (2024)

WWE NXT Vengeance Day live results: Ilja Dragunov vs. Trick Williams (1)

Tonight’s NXT Vengeance Day is a huge moment for Trick Williams.

In the main event, Williams is challenging Ilja Dragunov for the NXT Championship. Williams earned the title shot by winning the men’s Iron Survivor Challenge match at NXT Deadline.

But that isn’t the only match Williams will be having tonight. He also has a chance to win the 2024 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. Williams & Carmelo Hayes are facing Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin in the finals of the tournament.

After recently winning a number one contender’s battle royal, Roxanne Perez battles NXT Women’s Champion Lyra Valkyria. The NXT North American Championship will also be defended as Dragon Lee gets his rematch against Oba Femi.

Tony D’Angelo, Stacks & Adriana Rizzo are taking on Bronco Nima, Lucien Price & Jaida Parker in a six-person tag bout. Plus, Dijak and Joe Gacy clash in a no DQ match.

Tonight’s show streams live on Peaco*ck/WWE Network at 8 p.m. Eastern time. There will also be a pre-show leading into the event.

WWE NXT Vengeance Day live results: Ilja Dragunov vs. Trick Williams (2)


Megan Morant welcomed us to the Kickoff show alongside Matt Camp and Sam Roberts. After showing NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov and Trick Melo Gang arriving to the arena earlier in the day, the panel ran down the lineup for tonight.

After previewing the finals of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, a video package was shown of NXT Women’s Champion Lyra Valkyria determined to win her match tonight against Roxanne Perez. Valkyria was then shown arriving to the arena earlier in the day as Tatum Paxley showed up out of nowhere to surprise her. Valkyria, confused as to why she was there, told her that she was going to her locker room and pointed in the opposite direction attempting to get away from Paxley.

After the panel took a look at the the upcoming North American title match, Kelly Kincaid was backstage with Dragon Lee. Lee stated that although Oba Femi was bigger, he couldn’t match his heart and that he was going to recapture the championship tonight.

Backstage, Bron Breakker had a SmackDown contract in his hands as Baron Corbin asked whether or not he was going to sign it. Breakker stated that he wouldn’t sign anything until he met with the Raw brand. Corbin then stated he had an amazing entrance lined up for tonight and when Breakker questioned why he wasn’t included, Corbin stated he couldn’t get ahold of him.

A video package aired focusing on the determination of Roxanne Perez after being stripped of the NXT Women’s title just less than a year ago. Perez was then shown earlier in the day, walking around an empty F&M Bank Arena before she spotted the WrestleMania 40 sign hanging from the rafters.

After a video package aired for the WWE Elimination Chamber PLE taking place later this month, The D’Angelo Family was shown in a car outside of the arena. After Tony questioned Adrianna’s loyalty, “Stacks” chimed in and said that the calendar presented by Chase U was really good. Adrianna stated that she threw Chase U a bone before Tony said that was enough and they needed to focus on their match tonight.

The panel took a look at the upcoming No Disqualification match between Dijak and Joe Gacy before Megan was being interrupted. Kelly Kincaid was shown backstage with Gacy, looking for weapons as he couldn’t bring what he wanted to through the airport. Gacy found a kendo stick, a metal chain and gorilla tape and after testing some of them out, said hello to the panel in Stamford before going on his way.

The panel took a look at the NXT Championship match, stating how tough of a night it might be for Trick Williams before running down the card one final time.



After we were treated to a magnificent cold open video package, Vic Joseph welcomed us to Vengeance Day joined by the Dusty Cup and the returning, for one night only, Wade Barrett!

Wolf Dogs (Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin) defeatedTrick Melo Gang (Trick Williams & Carmelo Hayes)in the finals of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic

I’ll be the first to admit, I’m not a fan of Baron Corbin and while I’ve respected his athleticism, zzzzzzzzzz…


The connection he has with Bron Breakker is phenomenal. To the point I want to see these guys as Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions. Yep. I said it.

Honestly, as a wrestling fan for a long, long time, they looked great tonight and especially considering the fact that besides Corbin, the sky is the limit for the other three competitors in the match as they’ve barely cut their teeth (See that, teeth, Wolf Dogs) into the WWE Universe.

After Trick Melo Gang made their way down to the ring, both Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker made their arrivals on motorcycles.

Breakker started the match with Hayes as Joseph alluded to the winners not only winning the Dusty Cup, but also earning a shot at the NXT tag team titles. Hayes quickly tagged in Williams but Breakker was simply too powerful for both men.Corbin was tagged in and this seemed to be the break needed as Trick Melo Gang began syncing for the next few moments of the match until Breakker caught Hayes with a cutter.

As a patient Williams looked on from the corner, Hayes was in trouble as Breakker and Corbin continued to land stiff shots on the former NXT champion. Quick tags were being made by Breakker and Corbin and Hayes was taking a beating as the Wolf Dogs continued to land massive clotheslines and powerslams.

Hayes attempted to make a tag but Williams was cut off. Hayes would persevere however and finally was able to make the hot tag to Trick. Williams entered the ring and gained the upperhand for his team as the next few moments of the match saw it all Trick Melo Gang as Williams launched himself to the outside taking out Corbin as Hayes got a nearfall on Breakker.

TMG’s momentum came to a halt however when Breakker caught both men and suplexed the two of them at the same time. Corbin followed up with a Deep Six on Williams but could only manage a two count.

Breakker continued the momentum by landing a huge dive to the outside on both Hayes and Williams from the top turnbuckle. After Hayes was sent back to the inside, Breakker landed a massive spear to score the 1-2-3 as Williams attempted to make the save but couldn’t prevent the Wolf Dogs getting the Dusty Cup victory.

Dijak defeated Joe Gacy in a No Disqualification Match

The match was as expected but did they miss the boat on both of these guys? Dijak shouldn’t be able to perform the moves he does and Gacy gets knocked out and is smiling as he’s getting pinned. Unbelievable talent in both men but where do both men go from here? Someone needs to search the WWE warehouse for a crystal ball or possibly Papa Shango.

After the bell rang, Dijak presented a throwback Bossman nightstick while Gacy presented his own retractable nightstick before both men battled in a sword battle.

Both men then sought weapons from underneath the ring including chairs, gorilla tape, tables and toys including toy soldiers and dinky cars. After Gacy poured the toys all over a table, he attempted to put Dijak through it but was unsuccessful. Dijak took matters back into the ring and after landing a death valley driver, Gacy with a trash can on his head, speared Dijak to gain momentum.

Gacy followed up with a uranage and then managed to send Dijak through the table setup on the outside filled with soldiers and dinky cars. Dijak quickly recovered and nailed Gacy with a chokeslam in the corner onto a chair. Dijak headed to the top rope but Gacy caught him and attempted to land a superplex onto a trash can but missed the trash can and only managed a two count.

Gacy then found the tape and after taping the eyes of Dijak, attempted to do as much damage as he could but even with tape over his eyes, Dijak managed to nail his Feast Your Eyes finisher but couldn’t find Gacy to make the pin attempt.

After ripping the tape off his eyes, Dijak followed up with the nightstick and after nailing his finisher once again, he was able to get the pinfall on a knocked out, smiling Joe Gacy.

– Backstage, Kelly Kincaid met up the Chase U signing calendars for a lineup of fans. It was then announced that beginning tomorrow, the calendars would be available on WWE Shop.

The Family (Tony D’Angelo, Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo & Adrianna Rizzo) defeated O.T.M. (Bronco Nima, Lucien Price & Jaida Parker w/Scrypts) in a Six Person Tag Team Match

The tag team division in NXT is slowly rebuilding and while O.T.M. has a great gimmick and momentum, there was moments in this match that made them look like they’re not ready yet. The Family has done an amazing job being THE tag team division right now but Tony D’Angelo has so much more potential as a singles wrestler. He gets ‘it’. The match was good tonight as long as they continue the feud but it wasn’t anything spectacular.

After O.T.M. made their entrance, The Family’s music hit but as O.T.M. awaited their arrival, The Family snuck in behind them and the action was underway.

As Rizzo and Parker battled after the bell rang, The Family was soon in full control with both Rizzo and D’Angelo landing assisted cannonballs into their downed opponents in the corners.

Scrypts then played a factor in turning momentum around for his team as Nima and Price started having a field day with Lorenzo, using their size and strength to lay a massive beating on their smaller opponent. D’Angelo attempted to get involved but he was sent packing as well before Parker took out Rizzo.

“Stacks” finally managed to make the tag to D’Angelo and Tony cleaned house before being cheapshotted by Parker. Rizzo then took out Parker and after Lorenzo took out O.T.M. on the outside, Rizzo climbed to the top and followed suit.

D’Angelo, still fired up, managed to get Price back in the ring and nailed the Forget About It to pickup the 1-2-3 for The Family.

– Kiana James and Izzi Dame were shown discussing business outside of James’ home focusing on the NXT women’s title match tonight and what their focus needed to be after tonight.

– Trick Melo Gang was being tended to medically after tonight’s opening match. Trick asked Carmelo why he took that spear tonight and Hayes stated he needed to protect Trick for his main event match tonight. Trick then stated he wanted Carmelo by his side tonight for the main event.

– A video promo aired for NXT Stand & Deliver 2024 taking place live on April 6thfrom the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, PA.

Lyra Valkyria defeated Roxanne Perez & Lola Vice in a Triple Threat match to retain the NXT Women’s Championship

A heel Roxanne Perez is what the world has been waiting for and while we’re continuously getting glimpses, they still won’t pull the trigger. I’m going to go old school and when Owen Hart kicked the leg out from Bret Hart, that’s an image I’ll never forget and it’s what made Owen a legend. Roxanne needs to follow suit and while she brawled with Lola backstage later in the show, she’s going to be a complete badass jerk before she’s 30… If they pull the trigger.

After the traditional championship introductions were made, the bell rang for this much anticipated match.

Both women looked to gain momentum early with their technical skills but it ended up being a stalemate as one wrong move could cost each woman the match. Lyra switched things up with her power game as Roxanne attempted to hit her on the outside but caught the challenger with a massive forearm.

Perez retaliated and after hitting a moonsault off the ropes, the aggression between both women started getting higher as Lyra was caught with a hurricanrana off the top turnbuckle. Roxanne followed up with Pop Rox but before she could attempt a pin, Lola Vice’s music hit. Tatum Paxley attempted to interfere but to no avail. Vice cashed in her Breakout contract and it was now a Triple Threat match!

Lola took control of the match for the next few moments as both Lyra and Roxanne were tired at this point of the match. Perez managed to switch things up by hitting both women with suplexes but couldn’t hang onto momentum. Valkyria found her second wind and while Lola was still on the attack, Perez was able to hit Pop Rox once again on Valkyria but Paxley ran interference.

Vice attempted to take things home but Lyra was just way too determined and after nailing Night Wish, that was all she wrote as Lykyria retained her NXT women’s championship.

– Backstage, Chase U was still signing calendars for a a continuous lineup of fans when Thea Hail was asked for and accepted a Valentine’s Day date with Riley Osborne.

– A mysterious video package aired beginning with the line, “Man Has Three Faces…”.

Oba Femi defeated Dragon Lee to retain the NXT North American title

Dragon Lee is a star and is the future of Lucha Libre but Oba Femi is 25 years old and has the makings of Mark Henry, Ron Simmons and Omos all in one and he’s an attraction. Lee put up a fight tonight but you just knew Femi wasn’t losing.

After the bell rang, Lee attempted to use his quickness to gain the advantage but Femi was just way too powerful. It didn’t stop Lee from persevering however as he managed to land a double stomp from the top turnbuckle to the face of Femi.

Lee unfortunately couldn’t capitalize beyond that spot however as Femi took control of the match once again, dominating his much smaller opponent. After Femi sent Lee to the outside and Lee made it back into the ring at nine, Femi punished Lee with a barrage of thunderous backbreakers.

Lee would see a momentum change as he caught Femi in a submission that appeared to wear down the champion and after a series of aerial attacks including three missile dropkicks in the corner, Lee would only be able to manage a two count.

Lee followed up with a unbelievable sitdown powerbomb but again only managed a two count. Both men saw themselves on the ring apron and as Lee looked to continue his attack, he was swatted out of the air and Femi now had a glazed look in his eyes.

Lee attempted to get back on track but Femi was in the zone and after sending Lee through an announce chair, he sent Lee back into the ring. Lee still continued a comeback but Femi made him look like an amateur at this point and after tossing him through the air, nailed a massive pop-up powerbomb to retain the North American title.

– Backstage, Lexis King was checking out the Chase U calendar and made a pass at Thea Hail before Riley Osborne took exception and a brawl ensued.

– Backstage, Kelly Kincaid with NXT General Manager Ava. Ava stated that it’s been a great night taking part in her first NXT PLE as General Manager. She followed up by stating that NXT Roadblock 2024 would take place on March 5th followed by NXT Stand & Deliver on April 6th.

– As Vic Joseph was running down this coming Tuesday’s NXT show, cameras cut to backstage where Roxanne Perez was shown brawling with Lola Vice.

Ilja Dragunov defeated Trick Williams (w/Carmelo Hayes) to retai the NXT title

The main event was just what you expected… Barbaric, Hungry, Optimistic and Vengeful. Dragunov is what you expect when you look at what a champion should be made of but you couldn’t help but root all the way for Williams. When that backstage segment aired and Trick wanted Carmelo in his corner tonight, you just knew that was the final nail in the coffin of Trick Melo Gang. Where they go from here and who challenges Dragunov next, I’m looking forward to this coming Tuesday but this main event tonight was awesome!


Both men were looking to establish dominance in the opening seconds of the match and this was Trick’s second match of the night. Dragunov landed a massive clothesline to Williams but somehow Ilja got the worst of it as he came away from it with a busted nose.

Dragunov slowed things down with a ground game but less than five minutes in and Ilja has a busted nose and Trick’s mouth is busted up. The match heads to the outside and as Hayes watches on, Dragunov nails Williams with a death valley driver to the “hardest part of the ring”.

Hayes consoles Williams and as Trick re-enters the ring at the count of eight, he’s met with a missile dropkick from the awaiting champion. Dragunov attempted to finish Williams but Trick was hungry at this point and it was nothing short of a pier-six brawl at this point with both men reaching down as much as they could to get that victory.

Back on the outside and Williams hits a massive uranage from the ring apron to the floor below. Hayes got up in the face of Dragunov and after a failed swing to the face, Ilja sent Carmelo into the knee of Williams.

We’re back in the ring and after Williams attempted to recover, Dragunov hit him with everything he could including a H-Bomb from the top rope but Ilja could only get a two count.

Williams followed up with a big boot but then accidentally took out the referee but Hayes as well. Williams landed his Trick Knee but there was no referee to count. A second referee ran down to the ring but it was only a two count. Dragunov looked to finish Williams once again with a top-rope H-Bomb but Trick got his knees up.

Both men at this point exhausted and relying on reserves, looked to finish the match but as they both ran at one another, Dragunov landed his Torpedo Moscow to retain the NXT title after a hard and vicious battle.

– After the match, Hayes consoled Williams stating that he was his boy as the closing graphic appeared. Before the event went off the air however, Hayes decided to slowly move around Williams before attacking him like a shark and taking out his knee. Hayes grabbed a chair from under the ring and after laying a massive beatdown on his once best friend, left the ring to the boos and chants of those in attendance.

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WWE NXT Vengeance Day live results: Ilja Dragunov vs. Trick Williams (2024)


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The team of Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker managed to put their differences aside to win the 2024 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic by defeating Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams in the Finals.

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Hayes then performed a gourdbuster and attempted the Nothing But Net, but Corbin caught him and attempted the End of Days, but Hayes escaped. Williams then delivered a leaping neckbreaker to Corbin. Breakker then delivered a spear to Hayes and pinned him to win the match.

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However, the night ended with another loss and with Hayes launching a brutal steel chair assault, seemingly signifying the end of Trick Melo Gang.

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At Vengeance Day, Perez was defeated by Valkyria.

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Tonight on WWE NXT's Spring Breakin' special, Trick Williams finally defeated Ilja Dragunov to capture the NXT Championship for the very first time. The finish of the match saw Williams hit Dragunov with the Trick Knee to score the pinfall victory and win the title.

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Trick Williams

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After WWE rebranded FCW to NXT in August 2012, Anoaʻi, with the new ring name Roman Reigns and a villainous character, made his debut on the October 31 episode of NXT by defeating CJ Parker.

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Watch NXT Vengeance Day Season 2

NXT Superstars such as Bron Breakker, Grayson Waller, Roxanne Perez, The Creed Brothers, Santos Escobar and Carmelo Hayes do battle inside the squared-circle in this annual live event.

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Trick Williams is the current champion in his first reign.

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In a recent interview with "Jimmy V3", Williams went into detail about his relationship with Booker, stating that overtime the five-time WCW Champion he has become like family to him. "Booker T has been part of the movement since the beginning, hey that's my uncle Booker T for all those who don't know man.

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Williams — his real name is Matrick Belton — took part in Eagles rookie minicamp in 2018 after a college football career as a wide receiver at South Carolina. He didn't make the team, but that experience ultimately set him on the path to becoming a professional wrestler.

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Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit walked out of WrestleMania XX as World Champions.

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She said she collapsed after carrying the women's division on her shoulders for four months.

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At Vengeance, ECW's Rob Van Dam once again proved the critics wrong as he successfully defended his WWE Championship over RAW's Rated-R Superstar, Edge. The Champion survived interference from Lita, and later, used a 5-Star Frogsplash to score the 1-2-3, retaining the gold he worked for more than 15 years to hold.

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Intercontinental Champion Rob Van Dam defeated Brock Lesnar by disqualification. Also, The Rock defeated Kurt Angle and WWE Champion The Undertaker to capture the Undisputed WWE Title.

What time is Vengeance Day 2024? ›

How to watch NXT Vengeance Day 2024: Date: Sunday, Feb. 4. Time: 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT.

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