Fall River Daily Evening News from Fall River, Massachusetts (2024)

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Fall River Daily Evening Newsi

Fall River, Massachusetts

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TELEGRAPHIC A By Western Villon Telegraph Line Office Corner Main and Bedford its THE CITY Advertisem*nts As This Dey To Patrick Murphy and others To John Sullivan and others To Keaolved Soule and otliers Perry Ilaruard Kich liross Goods East India Tea Orange Pekoe Tea Borden Almy A Furniture Booms anted Co-Partnership Notice Rouse and Barn to Let FALL BITER CHAMBER AND PARLOR PurnituveT We have many new ami elegant Styles of CHAMBER SETS Either with Bureau or Dressing Cl -es and of Gre-- clan and common 'll Parlor Si its Of the very best workmanship Our Stock of FUR-hUi'URE of all kinds ia the Largest and moot complete in the city aad our aa LOW AS THE LOWEST BORDEN ALMY A CO have considerable property and the government will lose nothing by his defalcation General Butler has made his appearance in court at Washington as connsel for fee owners of the schooner5 Horton- and has written to the Treasury officials there requesting that fee decision of the case be postponed till he has time to prepare further evidence The reported arrest of Mrs Ruth at Lawrence Kansas for alleged compliqity in poisoning her husband by Drt -Medlicott is confirmed She is now in jail The President and Secretary of War are now engaged In re-arranging the military departments of the country and an order will be issued in a day or two making a complete change in fee geographical Unfits of some of the departments and also some of the commanders Internal Revenne Assessor Shattuck of the Third District of Mississippi reports feat an attempt was made to burn his office at Okolo-ua on fee night of fee on account ef assistance rendered by him to fee United States Marshal in arresting certain members of the Ku Klux He asks that troops be sent there to protect puhlio property Chicago drummers are swarming in St Louis and fee latter city is sending them ont to fee former customers of which is extremely sharp practice' Owing to the death of one of the republican Senators elqct in Pennsylvania fee democrats' will be able to delay organization until they make their own terms wife fee majority which they will probably do Colonel Ordway of New Hampshire has returned from his electioneering tour in Virginia and gives a favorable account ef fee republican party -and its prospects in that State They contend against two great obstacles poverty and lack of means for or-j ganization within fee party and a partisan ap-i portionmentof fee State by fee last democratic legislature The ex-rebels are acting nnder guidance of Gov Walker but fee republicans' are harmonious and nnited Treasure? Spinner report! the total amount of currency outstanding at this date as 398043696 EDITORIAL BREVITIES Hail Autumn the anti-mosquito season Hew glorious the sensation when you lie down at night that there is achance to find yourself in the morning Who that has lived a dying life the past season and fed a million of these musical insects with his blood does not bless the sun for crawling away to the South and giving np the mosquito manufacture for a season But how we pity the poor wretches who reside in the tropics and along the Gulf of Mexico! The pests there newly murder the cattle and stampede' men from the forests when they attempt to work An invention to destroy or rather prevent the hatching of mosquitoes would be the most worthy offering genius could make to humanity Genius please go in 1 The total export of British products in the year 1870 amounted to a billion of dollars in gold or about thirty dollars for each inhabitant of the United Kingdom They do not allow of much idleness over there' 1 Boston papers have had occasion already to warn their readers against -mendacious mendicants pretending to be from Chicago Any community or individual weak or silly enough to be imposed on by such characters ought to be left to eqjoy the bliss of being fleeced They certainly must love the pleasure of being cheated- Last year the vote in Massachusetts was republican 75549 democratic 48536 j-Labor Reform and Prohibition 21946 giving a republican majority of over 9000 This does not read mnch like the days of Andrew and Lincoln when we oonid roll np a repub-' lican majority almost as large as the whole vote is now we get back to it this year? i i Florida tax-payers feel exceedingly' nervous about taxes They cannot understand feat fee public costs anything nor feat fee rebellion let in a new set of institutions They find their tax bill 1000000 when it was but 117 808 in 1860 and it worries them some We feel sorry for them' considering (heir State covers 59000 square miles of the most productive land on the globe A State so poor is to bfa pitied -'Di 1) i Great improvements in the quality of cheese-making have been adopted These Sate 'back some 12 years during which time 1192 factories have been organized New York has 944 Ohio 80 Illinois 50 Wisconsin 34 Vermont 32 Massachusetts 25 Michigan 22 Pennsylvania 14 Iowa 6 Kentucky 5 and other States 14 To these are attached over a quarter million cows and we are enabled to-ship 50000 cheeses per week '1 Last year 'we exported 57000000 pounds of cheese worth 3000000 1 'r i Salem Mass has fee excellent honor to possess and enjoy fee society of John Chapman the octogenarian journalist of our Commonwealth The famous veteran has risen at half-past twelve on Monday morniag for 56 years to make up the issue of fee Salem Regiittr and neve has missed a morning save when sick once wife a fever the only time he ever employed a doctor His tep is firm and his eyesight so good he can'ad agate type Few men at eighty can do what he can It takes fee extreme South tb do up the rough melo-dramatic in a purely original style The most recent of these peculiarly lively exhibitions of original thought was in St James Parish Louisiana where a sheriff brought out a negro prisoner to witness an execution in order to impress him with the solemn thought that he too would soon swing from the same gallows Considering that said negro had not even been tried or proved guilty 6f fee crime alleged this meritorious attention certainly cannot be too loudly applauded by those who believe in such refined cruelty We do not i Everybody interested in the Wisconsin election for the republicans desire to see James Doolittle laid out so flat and solid that he will be contenl to abide in grand repose in fee obscurity he deserves But if his ibrmer enemies can resuscitate him and feus project a Johnsonized repu'bli-can of the ancient days upon fee plane of our present politics the joke will be the severest ever inflicted upon a political party We object to a comet or a small earthquake' bht save Wisconsin from Doolittle should be the ejacul*tion of every good republican It has suffered from a terrible wasting fire and that calamity is enough for one season i Kp-Sadis it to hear that in Philadelphia the servant girls have acquired the taste and habit of using strong drink so that one half of that class are actual drunkards We cannot believe the vice to be so wide spread as this statement implies but doubtless the want of a moral reform in this matter is urgent Whjf some sister of charity of high worth and grand moral emprise go forth and battle against this mischief as did the sainted Matthew in Ireland From the great church thqt hag nourished these girls should come the reformer a modern St Ursula or Saint Agnes) with fee panoply pf temperance and the power of grace to overcome this crying sin i KF Senator Sumner wrote a good letter to the colored convention in South Carolina but we regret to see him go eut of his way to probe fee unpleasant Santo Domingo business His sensibility for poor Hayti ought to be allayed by the fact that if that Island were united with us by so much would fee negro phalanx be strengthened and so muck fee sooner would fee colored people obtain their true rights But Mr Sumner is right in urging tkd Colored 'people to Insist upon equality in treatment in all things where they invest their money or share in public matters Until they get fee right usage in society schools public conveyances and church! ts they Will do well to withhold their Votes from parties unwilling to grant them Scintillations of wisdom perhaps are common but luminous sparks of genius are quite scarce aud correspondingly precious Hence we hasten to catch up and preserve one that fell from fee anvil of high thought at fee recent Convention in Boston It That ia fee interest of the children of the State and for toe establishment of school system a State tax ahoBld be levied aad the proceeds be distributed amoug tbe cities and towns of the Commonwealth in proportion to actual school attendance That is give the greatest portion of the public money to those sections of fee State in which the people are so rich they can keep their children in school fee greatest number of weeks in fee year is' not Zht original wisdom to come from superintendent of schools in one of fee leading cities in Massachusetts? Do we wonder ft was adopted by the toovention? 1 mqbnimo news Two hundred brick structures are now going up in the burnt district of Chicago some of which are nearly finished Ex-Governor Seymour at Utica made a speech recently saying that he was rejoiced feat the exposure and punishment of corruption had begun and presumed that it would not end till it had reached fee crimes of both parties of the State and nation Down with all republican thieves say we a The man Bennett found dead on the road near Salt Lfae city Saturday is said to have been a horse tiiiefi A man named Jones avows the killing and declares that he caught Bennett stealing a horse Jones has been arrested Everything ig peaceable there at present The World of Tuesday says tiiat the demo- cratic party of New York is under heavy bonds to clear itself from complicity with Tweed Connolly and other democratic rascals and the republicans have every party motive to stand forth as avengers and reformers It follows therefore tiiat whatever may be tils' party complexion of the next legislature' it must give the city of New York a new' and better charter Charles counsel for the people of New York city against the robber gang has written a reply to George Cprtis in which he excoriates the apologist of Boss quite mercilessly Curtis tried to show that the State could not prosecute the villains The King of Belgium has donated 500 and Victoria 2500 to the Chicago sufferersj The relief committee at Milwaukie publish a circular to the whole country stating tha( an ample supply of clothing is received but money is much needed to purchase pro- visions tools farming implements Ac Steamship City of Brussels from New York for Liverpool arrived on tho 31st nit She reports a hurricane off the Irish coast during which the fourth officer was lost overboard and several of the crew severely injured 1 Five' English Cabinet Councils were held during fee last week the foreign policy of the government being the main subject of discussion The organization of the army is progressing actively regiments are being brought up to fee war standard and there is an immense accumulation of war material Early changes in fee ministry are contemplated the elevation of some of fee ministers to fee' Peerage Since Jannary 1st 1871 thirty-two handred and eighteen vessels from foreign ports have arrived with cargoes in Boston or on an aver- age more than ten every day- At fee present time nine ships are on the way from Calcutta' and twenty-one more from Bombay Foochow Manilla' Padang Batavia Singapore Ac a total of thirty Indiamen George Clark young man and fee leader of fee band of desperadoes and thieves who have been operating in Springfield Mass some time was arrested yesterday and a large amount of stolen property recovered Clark has since confessed to crimes sufficient to send him to fee State Prison for life 1 The official statement of fee U- currency outstanding is 368043696 including a million and a half issued to restore fee amount1 lost in fee Chicago fire It is reported from London that early chang-1 es in fee Ministry are contemplated by fee el evation of some of fee present Ministry to fee Peerage Tammany presents no new developments or importance Tweed is defiant and Garvey and Woodward are still among fee missing The increased tonnage during the year is 165262 and 76 sailing 158 steam and 958 unrigged vessels The Columbian Minister Senor Perez presented his credentials to fee President yoster- i President Thiers refuses to modify Lis ultimatum to England regarding fee commercial treaty Advocates of females suffrage will fin! a grain Of hope in the decision which fee Sni preme Court of fee District of Columbia wil make in the case of the women who have sued fee authorities at fee polls for refusing them fee privilege of voting The court will hold that under the constitution of fee district wo! men are not entitled to fee ballot but will in-! timate that fee right is undoubtedly secured to them by fee Constitution of fee United States 1 J- Rev Septimus Justin died in Washington on Saturday He was several times Chaplain of fee' Senate and House of Representatives Hon Harvey Jewell will not be a candidate for fee next Legislature He hat represented Ward 6 for six years and four of these he has been Speaker of the House The North Carolina tobacco crop is down wife fed frost which interpreted mean np with fee price of the Connecticut Rivet The annual report of Mr Douglass as commissioner of Internal Revenue will embrace four months of Commissioner Delano's services six of Commissioner Pleasanton's iand twd months while he was acting Commissioner At present it is very doubtful whether any special recommendations will be made Portsmouth New Hamsshire has recently been edified by fee visit of a gang of (ongksj one handred in number who were on fed route to the Isle of Shoals accompanied wife fee dogs probably to carry on a prize fight They were not popular James Lyons was killed Monday evening in New York by jumping from the front platform of a horse car on Tenth 'street The driver was arrested -The President of the Swiss Republican states that there is mnch sympathy for Chicago there and that subscriptions are being collected- A Pittsburg Pa dispatch states feat Eugene La Motte a Frenchman en route from Baltimore to New Orleans committed suicide Monday He took up a position on fee rail! road track and deliberately shot himself foil! ing across fee track as a train approached passed over his body cutting off both his legs-1 Secretary Belknap yesterday in response to the earnest request of fee citizens of Chica-0 ordered four companies of fee eighth in fan try now stationed in New York harbor tq proceed to that city to aid in preserving orde and protecting property Most of fee troops which have been doing dnty there since fee fire have been ordered west along fee line of fee Pacific Railroad and the murder of Coio nel Grosvenor has taught fee citizens fee danger of home guards ForbeS pension agent 'at Philadelphia a defaulter fee amounted 25000 ha been suspended from office Thetarcstifatioq yesterday left no doubt of fee state of affairs) and Commissioner Baker of fee pension bureau left for Philadelphia' this forenoon to tat personal charge Forbes is reported to -t- ATLANTIC CABLE DISPATCDES London Nov l-The collections at fee Mansion Housefor the relief of the Chicago suffered last evening reached £45000 ang-ton in Lancashire gives £1000 It is said tiiat the bargain between the workingmen and the Peers has been broken up Arrest of Col Flake New York Nov' James Fiske jr was formally arrested last evening on fee suit of Josephine Mansfield on a civic action to recover fifty thousand dollars of Miss which Fiske used but foiled to sooount for He bail -in thirty-five thousand dollars A letter from Miss Mansfield to Fiske upbraids him for perfidy to her and says it is a shame to compel her who grew up with him from nothing to the now great Erie Impressarioto vindicate berself in court She refeired to a scheme revealed to her four years ago of stealing fee Erie books speaks of staying with him ia Jersey how when he wm buying the New York Legislature he said it would result in a Fiske palace in New York or a stone palace at Sing Sing requesting her if it wu the latter to take a cottage outside the prison She is willing to have her affairs arbitrated by William Ev-arts but says if his power over the courts is supreme and Tammany is still able to protect him fee reward may still be a 1 i i i r--T 1 Items ft-om New Fork' New York Nov 1 Ingersoll was reported to be in Portland yesterday an da Newark Conn dispatch to the Tribune states feat Woodward left there yesterday for New York but fee officers cannot find him Peter Sweeney ia mixed np in the Fisk-Manifield cue and is charged with robbery He and Blanchard are bondsmen- It is stated that fee Grand Jury 'which was discharged yesterday paid no attention to either case nor any of the city frauds was expected The next Grand Jury meets on Monday when case will be laid before them Gustave Kuster of Yonkers wu found on fee track of fee Hudson River railroad this morning supposed to have been wounded and robbed by a highwayman He was taken to Bellevue Hospital Deputy Controller Green refuses to pay the salaries of the police justices as they are excessive and illegal The statement is made founded on the warrants paid by Broadway Bank that Ingersoll and Garvey in depositing invariably gave 62 per cent to Woodward 24 to Tweed and kept 14 for themselves Southern Troubles New York Nov 1 A Spartansburg letter of the 26th states that a constable in attempting to arrest a citizen at Union had his pistol taken away from him fee citizen refiling to recognize fee legality of fee arrest A general row followed in which several shots between fee citizens and the soldiers were exchanged but no one wm hurt All fee municipal officers and many citizens were arrested but all bailed 'Boiler Explosion Baltimore Nov 1 The boiler of sugar refinery Block street exploded this morning killing two men named Snyder and Billy Calverton and injuring a number of others 71 7 HdrophoIrtn New York NoV 1 Albert Jones and August Howard each 18 years of age in Yonkers are suffering horribly from hydrophobia Neither is expected to live State Conventions Concord Nr Nov 1 The Labor Reformers hold a State Convention Dec 7th and the democrats one Dec 13th both in this city Condensed Telegrams Mexican advices report public matters as quieting down and the Governors of provinces sending congratulations to Juarez One hundred dealers In lottery tickets have been arrested in San Francisco Peshine Smith sails for to-morrow and fee Japanese commissioner goes out with a large Msortment of machinery to introduce into Japan Stout and Kimball arrested at Salt Lake city for murder are held in enstody Ashbury withdraw all' claim for the cap and will not come over next year There is small-pox in Newark New Jersey Andrew Garvey is en route fo? Switzerland (Ol Weather Report j) War Department Washington Nov It is probable ttial toe barometer will fall with light southeasterly winds lor the rest of the day east of the Mississippi and especially ia tbe Middle and East Atlantic States and down the St Lawrence Valley with brisk westerly winds on Lake Ontario veering to the northwest Rain is probable in New England with threatening weather and rain from Pennsylvania to the Light windscontinue on the upier Lakes Fresh northweat winds are probable on Lake Partially cloud? and pleasant weather will probably prevail throughout the Southwest with cool westerly winds -3 nq Foreign Markets Liverpool Nov 10 30 a Cotton ia firm uplands 9d Orleans 9Xd sales HOOO'JHttes Providence Cotton and Print Cloth Market Cotton is qaiet The sales yesterday were small and were confined to the immediate requirements ef manufacturers prices are firm at previous quotations 1 9 20 cents for middlings Receipts at all the ports for four days this week 49119 bales for fee same time last Week 49555 bales and for the corresponding week- test year 61054 Printing cloths are dull and Joumnf 1st MARRIED lathis At Music Hall Oct 31st by Rev Eddy Mr Edward A French to Miss Elisa A- Ricketson Oct list at the residence of the father by Rev Eddy Seabury Bowen IL to Miss Pbdbe daughter of Southard Miller Esq died: In this 1st Mary Hogan aged 16 years and 11 months In Providence 31st ultn Mrs Rath widow of the late Perry Davis and sister of Deacon John Davot of this city in tbe 80th year of her age In Newport 48th ult Aire Dorcas Austin in the 64th year ef her age i 1 In New Bedford 31st hlt'Emily daughter of Thomas Jr and Margaret Pope aged 2 years and 8 months HEW ADFEMTMBJIElfTl I -Cl T3 The GOTTA GE HOUSE and 0ARN lately occupied by Howard oi Townsend Hid South Main street Apply to i sol dlw GREENE A SON 1 I 1 ANTED A ftlnin 'comfortably fur-T wished ROOM and BED-ROOM with er with) out Board for an English Gentleman his Wife and pHldsed 8 years Address Dog $70 Pot Oflipe i i CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE E- 8 ANTHONY DRUGGIST hJ this day formed a Co- Partnership under tod same and atvle of Anthony A Dunbar Tbo New Firm will continue the Apothecary bush nets at the Old Stand No 15 North Main street 1 8 ANTHONY 1 BRADFORD DUNBAR Fall River Nov 1 1871 i nol-dlw FREM1FXS "PREMIUMS AND BILLS against' fee A Bristol County Central Agricultural Society wdl bo Mid at Fall River At toe Fall River Gas Office SATURDAY Nov 4th at 2 o'clock All Bdls ante be approved beforehaymeat Jr AUGUSTUS BROWNELL Treai WEDNESDAY NOl 18U' TO ADVERTISERS The circulation or (ht Haw la bow tartar (with a Mingle exception) than that of Unjr other dally paper unhitched ha he8l Itara latiuwliuatu The Teaaeoet frauds It will not lessen the public estimation of the determined jionestycf General ad-i ministration to know that while he strikes down the bloody at the South and mb out polygamyatvfefe West he also watches With i lynx-eyed industry the behavior of his officials The ferreting -out of feat neat pf defrauders in Tennessee in which ez-Congressman Stokes figures rather too conspicuously is certainly a matter of eon-- gratulatien If guilty there is iotne chance that the culprits may smell 'the inside of a penitentiary pn conviction There is no Andrew Johnson pow in the executive chair' tppardoq out indiscriminately every rascal who has unhis arin into the The other day one Hodge was found out to have stolen a large pile and he got his prison pill serVed on1 him it once Others have had similar good fortune and we should not cry if1 a fair delegation from Tennessee got penned up for a season i 'This Colonel Stokes was one of the early Tennessee rebels but not receiving from that side just what he wanted In the beginning of the rebellion Wconveniently turned Unionist andjoiped the troops that fought for the government For tills he was rewarded with an election to Congress for' several terms and 1 figured quite prominently with the Southern delegation that visited the North in 18CG using their eloquence against the policy of Andrew Johnson There was an impression at that time On the minds of send that if Col Stokes vu the right sort of a man such could bo: 1 niade Out of 'ver popr timber There was aimllqnpf Texas also jq the company and! his career appeared written in his' countenance i At an inebriate he was eminent as a statesman he has proved hjppself a fraud and 'r'iurikodttl6f sight 1 democrats' Brpwnlow with senatorial honors thrown pver him and useful only as a reser-i i voir of honest hate towards the ex-rebels1 But Stokesdid more' Inl869when Brown- low designed the govemprship Jie left Senter as Lieut Governor to perform the dudes of Governor till the next election Senter naturally wished elected ferthe high office of Governor by the people But Stokes was al-sqjunbitioup ptf that honpr Consequently 4n ths Vepublican and Senter having charge of the registry of voters placed thereon thousands of rebels who had been disfranchised on condition they would vote for him This they did but while electing him Governor filled the Legislature with ex-rebels Had Stokes kept cut of the way when he knew he had no chance to win Ten-nesseewopldhave beep republican to -day As it is it is hopelessly democratic for that legislature culled a convention at once and amended tlje constitution so that the original improvement have knocked away and democracy rules triumphantly For all this we may thank Stokes When this fraud left Congress being displaced by a democrat he deserved the President made him Supervisor of Internal Revenue for that State Not content with thU haVhqf while' in Congress got a 'claim through for appropriating 1000 to each of scouts am irregular force that aided i1 the Union cause during the war he so manipulated the matter as to bleed the treasury of 100000 and of this he owns up to pocketing many thousand gifts and His trial(wU Jacpvp jyhjng in its true light and if he is innocent we trust it may appear If he is proved guilty we have no objection to his haingJj fujf to hisshare in the Albany penitentiary The President- very promptly relieved him- and his coadjutors of pfSoM uftd "fei will prevent tnpra money being stolen by the gang It ought to bd remarked that he is not alonei 'Orle Rowell is also arrested and Colonel Camp also has been suspended from the office of District Attorney of Tennessee Thus does the Udministration broom sweep away these cobweb nuisances and we trust the time is approaching Vhen Grant will so move upori the works everywhere that the noi-j some vermi so generally wrought into fee executive of the nation shall be exterminated and good honest men only have i hand in holding office i i The Wert Great Job Now that we hard (he Mississippi Well i bridged at numerous points a railway across the continent and two more under way fe 1 lloosac funnel nearly finished and the Detroit Tunnel well begun the engineering talent of North America mast turn Us attention to some big job worthy of its metaL- In Europe they Jipve sprung tapon two flrtt-class enterprise -one a fennel under the English Channel anr other a railroad from London to There is at present but one chance in aighk oyer here that equals those and that is the tnnneling'of (hi Isth'Au of Darien That wift be a work lasting for a generation and on wheq completed aright fept will last while goveriimku'enkrfe 1 Several have been brought foA rd Vot ionhccting lid two ocexht at that narrowest point of separation but all appear to lack feasibility There is too much 1 and turning) going qp feis 'pset and down featmd involving much canaling or tunneling at the best and at an immense expense Now the true method- will be not to undertake fei wortjlijhq wprld need it- Then to take time enough and do it weH ap that whqn finished it shall answer all pur- posei and be a htghsy for the Nations (rate? jS8sage shquld be formed that would economize the ocean level and require JitoWfU 'It tumid be Vide'enongh sized vessels past any and every poinl and it should be as straight a course as cab be used between the two nearest opposite harbors It will cost hundreds of millions of it mbney but the-1 maritime nations shook! raise it eachpaying in proportion to its in-w tercet in the seberne Let it take twenty 'years accomplish ii) if need be but let It he ji'rid for it the work progresses so that no defat may hang over when done In this eiseirthia gnast continental enterprise buy usyiished Two bow ttoTgisrs ef New fork? wetp held ball ou lfoadaf Mrs Ruth Davis widow of the late Perry Davis Inventor of the widely celebrated Pain Killer died In Providence yesterday at (he ripy old age of four score years Mrs Davis was sis ter of the venerable Deacon John Davolof this city who is now in his 86th year Salks or Rial Essatk Thc Messrs Eari have sold to Joseph Wood about 18 rods of land on Grinned street for 20 par rod Messrs Easton A Milnt have sold to George Jiathawsy £58 rods of land lying between the High- land Road and North Main street Terms private Nkw Entebprise in Fall We understand that the Hope Iron Works Co of Providence contemplate removing their establishment a portion of It to this city and that some fifteen acres of land belonging to Job Wilson and located between the railroad and the shore just north of fish works have been purchased for their use Ay The funeral of Mr Piper late Superintendent of the Mid in this city was attended in Lewiston Maine yesterday by a large and interested audience of his old neighbors and acquaintances including (fourteen superintendents and leading manufacturers His snddea death came like a shock to the whole community in which he was so wed known The superintendents who accompanied the remains of Mr Piper from this city to Lewiston returned home this morning Republican The republican caucuses held in the several Wards last evening were generally pretty wed attended The fodowing named persons were elected delegates to the Convention to be held in Music Had to-morrow (Thursday) evening lor the nomination of candidates for Representatives to the Legislature Wabd Samuel Hathaway James Henry CrawiordE Lindsey Wm Allen Theophilns Barney Wm Manley Chas UcCreery John Sargent Restoome Case Joseph Healy Prelct Conant Wm Conned jr SpanldiDg Southworth Geo Peckhatn Cyrus Borden Wabd Andrew Borden Charles Holmes Danforth Horton Joshua Remington Hiram Harrington Thomas Conned Thomas Green' ames Green Patrick SnUivanJolin Amos Baker Thomas Waring John Whitaker Vernon Wade Emerson Pierce Ward Cook Borden Geo Billings Milne John Davol jr Colin Mackenzie Zeno Kelly Benj Covel Alex Milne Wm Deplitchy reeman Burgess Chas Longley Moses Dean Joseph Watters Stephen A Chace Richard Tnomp-) son Wabd Jonathan Lincoln Tram Smith Chas 0 8heve Stephen righfington Jerome Dwelly Samuel Wadmgton James Cunneen Bennett Charles Case Andrew Lu scorn Wm Brayton Job French Lyman Deane Howard Aden Abraham Hart Wabd Edmund Chace Chas Stickney Davis Walter Paine 8d Walter Durftee Stephen Davol Thomas Borden Joseph Darling A Covel Bradford Davol Wm Stewart Joseph A Bowen Samuel Butfinton Wm C-Davol jr Henry Bufiinton 6 John Westall James Morton jr John Slade Lloyd Earle WmBDurtee Johir A Brayton Charles Church Hood Thomas F1 Eddy Wm McIntyre Borden Terry Nason Pardon Macomber Holder Durfee (For the News Music The News has repeatedly called attention to the disturbance created ia Mnsic Had on Sabbath evenings by the coming in of one congregation before another is broken up Is not the fenlt with the Nantasket Lodge that lets the had to a religious society for services to commence at 7 and then appoints a temperance meeting so near that hour as to make disturbance inevitable O' the lodge calls a meeting at 6H and then its members are so tardy that services do not begin untd nearly 6 it is not surprising that tilings get a little mixed The remedy is to appoint- the temperanqe meeting at an earlier hour apd begin promptly at the time and close in season for thej second congregation to come in 1 IFor the NewsJ Ur Editor Last evening the republicans of tbo various Wards of the city elected delegates to a Convention to be held in Music Had to-morrow evening to select for tbe suffrage of the citizens three fit and proper persons to represent them ip the next Legislature of the State The task of thus selecting may or may not prove an easy one We hare great and multiform interests at stake in our city We are indeed embarked In a new and our future depends much upon the tact and talent of those who may be caded to shape coming events This is no time then for men of no time for the inexperienced and venturous the very best must come forward even at some personal sacrifice if need be in order that the great and growing interests of the city may be properly represented and cared for 1 It Is no longer safe to assnme that a nomination Is equivalent to aa Alectlan ia eat city by die republicans for qnestions are now In issue before the people of each a nature that an unwise selection even ol one to represent us may involve the encceBS of the whole Then again the republican party of the State stand pledged to put forward her ablest men this fad Indiscretions are to be overcome excesses are to be reformed and the integrity and lofty position of the proud old Commonyealth preserved at ad hazards This then wid be no play but a work taking the best energies of our foremost men Let work be done feat shad cad for no repentance each individual only intent on the good of the tbe main objeot fee success of the party and the renown of the State The people now look to the action of the 90 delegates whose wisdom wid hare to under-go fee closest scrutiny Msy their selections prove equal to fee crisis Reformer Police LATHAM J) Tuesday Afternoon Oct David Bennett and Widard Sherman were arraigned for assault and battery on John Shay and lined Bennett 15 aad two-thirds the costs and Sherman 5 and one-third the costs Paid Maxel Page who paid 2 and costs for drunkenness was also fined and costs for assault and battery 1 Wednesday Nov 1 William Kelly Colnmbia street for beating his wife in a shocking manner was sentenced to tbe House of Correction for six tbe Aid extent of tbe law Thomas Coogan for assault and batteiy on a woman was fined 5 and costs Ia default 2 months in the House of Correction Wm Lee aad Mary McGuire for dmnkeaness were each fined 2 and costs Lee paid the other! in default went over for 30 days New Bedford The Mercury says Mrs) Greenwood while crossing Second street between Water and School on Monday evening stepped on a football that some boys had Lean playing tykh which turned and threw he on the curbing breaking her left arm near the elbow John Smith who for fee last seven years has been Custom Home boatman at this port to-day resigns that position to assume the' charge as captain of fee yacht Elaine of Fall River which Mr Smith built for he? owner George Durfee Esq The late master of fee Elaine Charles Stubbs will succeed Mr Smith as boatman Swansey We understand that fee republican caucus in Swansey last evening was one of fed largest and liveliest ever held there The town was entitled this year to fee next Representative to the General Court and fee excitement arose from fee fact that there were two rival candidates who for some day previous had been doing their level to secure the honor The result of the balloting was 84 for fee delegates in favor of the nomination of Job Gardner jr for representative to 70 for those in favor of Nathan Wood The district is comprised of the towns of Free town Somerset and Swansey The Taunton Gazette says while fee morning freight train was passing near Easton station yesterday morning a man named David Manning who had attended fee Catholic church incautiously went upon fee track) was struck by a car knocked down and cut completely in twain by ten cars passing over him The engineer made every effort to warn him aad whistled him off fee track but teeming confused be immediately returned He worked in fee Easton furnace was about sixty-feree years of age and leave a Urge fas mily RICH DRESS GOODS PERRY BARNARD Have very choice and desirable assortment of Dress Goods to which they would invite the attention of the Ladies consisting part of Black Crape de Ete Cashmere de Bcossc ITenri etta Cloths French Poplins Alpacas and Empress Cloths Drape and CashmertnleBcosse tfl PItim Dark and Light Brown Purple Green Blue Mode and Garnet Colors Merinos all desirable shades Velours full line choice colors batteens aud impress Cloths all shaos-f JTssuuh German and American Plaids Silks! Sillis I Our Msortment Df Dress Silks is tbe largest In the city We have a full hne of Black Silks of the best makes from 150 upwards Plain and Fane Stripe Silks Call and axamine our stock and priees before purchasing New Store 10 A 160 Westminster St 77 1 i PBOVTDENCB Orange Pekoe TEA A FEW BOXES OF THIS CHOICE TEA Just imported and for sale At the East India Tea Co's nol-dit 41 PLEASANT STREET Commonwealth of Massachusetts 8 PATRICK MURTOY of fee city of Fall River in the County of Bristol anil to all other persona claiming any interest in about twenty gaUone of Strong Beer in one barrel and pitcher Which by virtue of a warrant ianned by the Po-lioeConrtofthe city of Fall River within and for said County have been seized at the store of said Patrick Murphy in said Fall River on the Twenty-Eighth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-oncthe value of which liquors with the vessels containing them does not in the opinion of said Court exceed twenty dollars You are hereby required to appear before said Police Court to be helden at the Polioe Court Room in said Foil River at nine a on the 11th day of December in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one to answer to tbe com)ilaint against said liquors and the vessels containing them and for trial and to show cause if any you have why said liquors and the vessels containing them should not lie forfeited for being kept for sale by said Patrick Murphy in violation of the laws of this Commonwealth Witness Louis Lai-ham Esquire Given under my hand and seal of said court at Fall River in said county this Thirtieth day of October-in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one AUGUSTUS LEONARD Clcik A true Attest David Dean Constable of toe Commonwealth of Mass nol-'2t Commonwealth of Massachusetts 8' TO JOnN SULLIVAN of the city of Fall River in the County of Bristol and to all other persons claiming any interest in nbont one-eighth gallon of whiskey in one bottle about twenty gallons of Strong Beer in ene barrel Which by virtue ol a warrant issued by the Police Court ol the city of Fall River within and for said county have been seized at the dweiiing-hoiiBe anil place of common resort kept therein of said John Sullivan in said Fall River on the Twenty-Eight day ol October in the year of onr Lord one thousand eigtit hundred and seventy-one the talue of wluoh liquors with the vessels containing them does not in the opinion of said Court ex -ccod twenty dollars You are hereby required to appear before said Police Court to be holclcn at the Police Court Room in said Fall River at 9 a on the Eighteenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one to answer to the complaint against said liquors and the vessels containing them and for trial and to show cause if any you have why said liquors and the vessels containing them should not ue forfeited lor being kept tor eaTe by said John Sullivan in violation of the laws of this Commonwealth Witness Louis Lai-ham Esquire Given nnder my hand and seal ol said Court at Fall River in said county this Thirtieth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one AUGUSTUS LEONARD Clerk A true Attest David Dnan Constable of the Commonwealth of Mam nol-d2t ja i i Association LECTURE COURSE FOR 1871-2 Ticket for the Course ijil50 To be obtained at the Rooms of the Association Earl A Son Book Store and Lincoln A Music Store 1st Lecture Nov 14th GEORGE YANDEKHOFP 14 Lecture Nov S8th Prof 8 MORSE How Animal ltd Lecture flee 13th HILARY SKINNER London England Prussian I rerffi I 4th Lector Jan th Prof CHURCHILL IsL Christiana Carol 2d Grave Diggers (Scene from Hamlet) Sd Trial BUa Lecture gnu and COL RUSSELL CONWELL Oug OWN 6th Lecture Feb 6th Pmof- 8 MORSE Animals ochdeodtfebS GREENS A SON Auctioneers BUILDING AT AUCTION (TO BE RE MOVED) ON MONDAY NEXTNovember Cth1871 at I2X on the premises the three story Frame Building aland 22x45 leet situate No 5 Market Square directly north of the City llall building -aud building to be removed For further particulars or deeonpnoB of tiisprcro-iaoa apply to toe Auctioneers otdl-iLH EIGHTEEN GENTLEMEN Xj eaa lie accommodated with good Board and Rooms at toe NATIONAL HOUSE No Yt Central ttfc pkxtlb oc31-dA The Old Colony Conference of Cox-gregational Churches The semi-annual meeting of this association was held at fee Trinitarian church at New Bedford on Monday Clergymen of other churches were invited i to seats in fee conference Reports from the churches were read and received and from these we learn that fee in-' terest in religion still continues nnabated and fee aspect of church affair is encouraging Twenty-five have joined the Trinitarian church in New Bedford during fee year seven the church in Wareham and some the other churches All fee various questions of interest to fee churches were discussed and Rev Dr Hook- er made an eloquent address in behalf of fee Massachusetts Missionary Society -4 Rev Mr Leonard of Westport reported feat in fee past year 800 more had been raised than in any previous year in fee history of fee church The cause of temperance is on the advance Temperance prayer meetings have bee held and 'largely attended' The Sunday School is larger than the congregation The two following questions were rery ably discussed What relation do fee children of believers sustain to the chnrch of Christ? and Are there good and sufficient reasons for fee substitution of rthe Sabbath School in place of the preaclfing service half a day on the Sabbath Conference adjourned at 4 1-2 i The News says fee fishing boat Abby Ann of feat city took two barrels of Menhaden at one haul of fee seine in fee neighborhood of NarragansettPier one day last week 'Two whale have been exhibiting thir 'fair proportions in Newport' waters and scaring fishermen wifefears of a cold winter Well who wants a winter withont cold? A carryall containing four ladies and owned by Mr Thomas Peckham of Middle-' town broke down on Washington Square Tuesday morniag Ti accident was caused bv a bad flaw in the axle-tree and it was very fortunate indeed that no one was hurt as fee carriage like fee hoss went all down in a heap and the horse remained perfectly still while fee ladies were being extricated We are happy to report that the ladies escaped unhurt rr: r-r-i t- 'V Taunton The Gazette says that while Mr Raymond and Mr Eddy and son were walking np Weir street near the bridge Monday eyenipg about 6 a frightened runaway horse knocked Mr Raymond down seriously injuring him He: was taken into Mr shop and Dr Presbrey called Three large cases of clothing for the fire sufferers packed in Mr store con-' taming about seten hundred articles of women's and garments from heavy coats to socks were dispatched by railway tej the care of Rev Mr Brigham Monday eve! ning This is a prompt and generous response to fee heart-rending bnt silent appeals that Come from fee fire-fatricken region Rev Dr Neale will lecture on in fee Baptist Church Somerset this (Wednesday) evening Lecture will oommenoe at 7 I ftomey sal stacks I NEW Tore Nov lGold 112 Money 7 per cent- fitoekk dal lint steady- 0 8 8 ref'll 086-20 65 new Ill1 U86'2i67 con p- 113! 8 6-20S do lit 0 810-tos USlO-IOs 109 08 0 8 5208 0S6-2OS 0 S6-20S -) I Republican Convention A Convention of delegates to be chosen at the Bo publican Caoenses in tbe -several Wardsiof tbis city on Tuesday evening Oct 31st will be held in Basic Hall on THUBSD AY EVENING Nov 2d at 8 for tbe purpose of nominating three candidates for Uepresentalires to tbe next General Court Per order City Committee Wm Bennett Chairman Fail feverOct 28 1871 oc26-d3i 50 1 AMO FOBTE Fifty second-hand Piano-fortes fet gans and MelodeonAfot which 'we will payOash or trade for new Inatramenta Apply to i Parker' Borden A Con Market Square'1 1 s25tf pver Pettey Lawton A DM SO- Dr JEHNlxot Oculist and Anri at ha removed his office to South Main street direetl over toe Store of Chas Dean first Sight find door to the left Honrs 'from 9 until half-put 19 in toe torssoosf asd frem 1 until half-put I (a she alternoos The great fire is Chicago destroyed an immense Amount of merchaodtee gmong which was a large invoice of the Quaker Bitters which will be severely felt by the people Flint A Co WD1 duplicate the last order gratuitously ocSl-dawtf Fevers seldom make an attack witboat warning) and may often be thrown off by soaking tbe feet ia warm water wrapping np warm in bed and taking (WO Pasaoaa1 Purgative Pills A Mltaioaary jnat returned sari be regards lAootlyoe a price and efficacious beyond any other medicinn It te edaated to a great variety of special eases an is the best patoAiSorta the wc-rid -p-.

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

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Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.