The Knoxville News-Sentinel from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)

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The Knoxville News-Sentineli

Knoxville, Tennessee

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ft 'T --1-T -u ttj Monday August 4 1952 Tan in at 990 on your Hoar on WNOX Read it In Tho Nnm-Snntinnl The Knoxville News Sentinel Page 10 Want Ads 3-3131 Weather Fotbcast FMVIlWOi iw' WSSBSI All Dept ef UNITED PRESS TELEPHOTO fOUCAir -MMOOINOMGf FORECAST FOR TENNESSEE: Scattered ahowtn today Not aa warm west portion Tuesday some ctowllncaa and not as warm preceded by ihowsrs extreme east 5:30 81 8:30 SO 7:30 pi 87 8:30 83 pl m83 10:90 81 11:30 pi 80 Freetpltallsn Tcsterday For It hours ending at midnight For month to date 22 For yeer to date 1982 Departure for month to date 23 Departure for year- to date i Sunset today 7:38 Sunrise tomorrow SMS a Moonset today 4:01 a Mnonrise 7:44 high yesterday low this morning 80 72 73 88 68 72 69 70 74 38 48 74 1 75 Ashrrille Atlanta Birmingham Boston Bristol Chattanooga i a 92 97 I 84 a 90 93 Chicago 89 Cincinnati Cleveland 90' Denver SO Duluth 53 Houston 92 Jackson )03 Jacksonville' 90 JCOPRI9V2 bbWLAWACNfR Knoxville 93 Los Angeles 71 74 59 72' 73 55 76 73 81 70 68 67 54 1 37- LIGHT Scattered showers or thundershowers will take place from the Gulf of Mexico northward through- the Atlantic States to New England Another such zone will ex- i tend from the Southwest to the Pacific Northwest Despite this showery weather skies are expected to remain fair country Louisville 98 Memphis 100 Miami (l 89 Min -St Paul 79 Nashville 100 New Orleans 9 Phoenix 108 Pittsburgh 90 Raleigh 88 Richmond 90 -San Francttco 67 Seattle 89 St Louis 93 Washington 90 BRAXTLY AWARDED Ed Brantly left of Chattanooga is awarded the Jaycee trophy for having won the State Junior golf tournament yesterday at Holston Hills Country Club Bill Roberts of the sponsoring Knoxville Jaycees making the award Ed Brantly Wins Place in Junior Tourney Chattanoogan Finishes State Tourney at Holston With Three-Under-Par Score Ed Brantly to the surprise of no one will represent Tennessee when the National Junior golf tournament is played in Eugene Ore Aug 11-16 Finishing the (bur-day 72-hole NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Rail Shares Lead Modest Retreat on Reduced Volume All Departments Join Mild Sell Off By I'riM rriw NEW YORK Aug Prices declined slightly on the stock exchange today on reduced volume All departments Joined In the modest retreat in prices which was the first in six sessions The mild sell off however was orderly with sales in the first two hours of dealings totalling only 42000ft shares compared with 430000 in the same period last Friday Railroad shares' recent market leaders led the decline Losses in this group however were restricted to small fractions-Slight declines were noted in Southern Pacific Southern Railway and Central Union Pacific held unchanged at 118 apd Santa Fe firmed Aluminum Co of America was a weak spot in the high-priced group The stock -slipped 1 1-4 points to 86 3-4 A few oil shares also met some profit-taking ntin tal Oil dipped 3-4 and 62 3-4 Texas Co and Standard Oil Co (N J) eased CHICAGO UVE8TOUL By AmtluW hna CHICAGO AUX 4 HOGS 12000: slow xteady to 25 ccnta tower: weight under 230 ilk and aowi cents tower top 24 choke 190-230 Ik 2350-24: 240-270 lb 2275-2330 280-300 Ik 2130-2273: load 373 Ik 1930: sows under 330 Ik 1973-2123 330-400 Ik 1830-20: 400-500 ll 1750-1875 heavier wcighU down to 1830 pond clearance CATTLE 17000 CALVES 300 Slaughter steers steady to 30- cents lmer than limited sales Thursday and Friday raws mostly steady spots 23-30 cents higher on eummerctote bulls steady to 30 mb higher few toads prime 1130-1375 Ik steers 3430-35: bulk choice and prime 31-34: good to tow-choice 28-3050: commercial to Jow-guod 24-2730: shipment prime heifers held above 35: most choice to tow-prime 32-34 commercials down to Si utility and commercial rows 1830-20 utility and commercial bulls 2030-2430 commercial to prime venter 28-32 odd head to 33 SHEEP 2000 native spring lamhs steady top 30 bulk 28-30 bidding 30 cents to 100 tower on obi -crop lambs and yearlings rwes steady at 730-9 UU Knoxville Markets FRMTS AND VEGETABLES Bewles A a Virginia Peanuts per Ik 26c Lettuce California S3 Cauliflower 527VS3oa Bananas Sc to 8c Bananas 40-lk carton S225 to 832k Lemons 10c to 11c Onions yellow 9350 tn 8373 California Grapefruit 83-8373 Potatoes M-88 Carrots 6 dox carton 8309 New Green Cabbage 8230-83 Oranges 8373 to SS0U Apples 8230 to 8373 Celery 83 Prlnee Psaltrjr A Ess fa Itthaiesato paytag price! rOLLTRY folored hens 18c Leghorn hens 4 lbs up 13c Turkeys young toms 25c Fryers 29r Roosters 12r Turkey hens 30c LIVESTOCK Choice hogs 190-230 lbs 22c 230-270 20c: heavy 270-300 lbs 19r light weight 130-190 lbs 18 sow 16-17 Berfers 20-31 good steers and heifers 26-29 medium steers 22c to 24c good cows 20-22 Market Indexes By failed Prese NEW YORK Aug Following ate Standard A Poor's ctotlrg stock indexes 1928 average equals 100): 30 20 20 90 I Inds rails utils stocks 'Friday 257M 7232 9496 20211 I Week ago 25508 7143 9421 20010 Month ago 25349 7185 9341 19891 Year ago 23212 5998 8814 18L43 1 1953 High 21788 7233 9498 20211 1 isaa Low 23210 eigi 9a 13 10332 medal play event at Holston Hills yesterday in the same style in which he grabbed the lead at the start Brandy fired a three-under-par 69 That gave him a total three under par He was over i i Tbl paron only one of the four rourxK CrilCivCTS BlOW blowing to a 77 Saturday But he recovered nicely and his sizzling- 1 Sunday 69 left him 13 LiUe Don Nicholas h'0105 rvMaI' wing-footed centerfielder is an on base stealing and hfo specialty came in mighty handy Richardson had a 298 Brandy and Richardson both tournament director an- Riiivv kJt but his ball landed in the wrong hole i-v eh mi 1 Jt wa his 67th steal of the year saarS ris sent his tee shot sailing fivfcfnnt the No 11 green and smack into! at Imm mom mm VU tf a CI1 RlCllOlaS gOl OM Of fUS TBXt his him? homers to give the Chicks a lead they never surrendered The final TOnl place uent to Fred Bowy- of Jackson who beat out Chat-10 0411 ot Paul Crownover in mii sudden-death playoff after they had finished in a tie at 309 Scores of rounds and TSSTJt? £5 complete 73oie total in fP1 WjJ1 thesis follow: a tie for second vmh 283 'Atlanta two games behind the 'Pels J'JJI Mobile held on to its first division spot by squeezing past Nashville 121 JiS: I Little Rock's last-place Travelers -Mu Ijust about doused hopes for a comeback by taking a Ed Brantly JoH RMiardemi Frad Brntyrr Paul Crnwmuvrr Fred Brawn William Andmon Frank Bureftfietd I'hrt Zimmerman Tummy VnrnrU 42-11 KI Ralph Rollr 79 Oumblim 38-42 80 Need for Engineers Critical Professor Says U-T Prof Paul Cromwell says experts estimate Russia 1 graduating several times more engineers than the United States and that the need for more engineering students in this country te critical The electrical engineering department head in a tape-recorded speech over WBIR said the United States needs to graduate some 30000 engineers a year which is twice the 'number ex pec ted in the near future A state-wide committee of engineers has been working for several months to double the number of freshmen enrolling in engineering in Tennessee schools this fall Discs Still Jockey Over Washington AF Telecast Fails To Wipe Out Fever CniplliS )'(M Prase Ul-pslrkrt WASHINGTON Aug Flying-saucer fever still gripped the Capital today and even the reassurances of an Air Force general seemed unable to cure it Maj Gen Roger Ramey Air Force director -of operations assured a network television audience last night that the probably aren't even much less invasion craft from outer space Washingtonians retorted three hours later by reporting that a spherical orange-colored object with a small fiery tail had seared across the sky Radar Nothing Civil Aeronautics Administration radar observers at National Airport said 'nothing had registered on their screen and incoming pilots had reported nothing The story was the same at Andrews Air Force Base Over the Columbia Broadcasting System's "Man of the program Rainey said the Air FOrce "feels a to investigate flying saucer reports even though they "don't enter into the defense problem of this country" AP I Not Frantic? They are "very not an Air Force product Ramey said Neither are they interplanetary invaders But the Air Force "is not investigating with frantic Ramey emphasized The flying saucers "just says Dr Jessie Sprawls professor of abnormal psychology at the University of Maryland With a word at apology for his 1 emphasis-aimed lapse in grammar the professor yesterday attributed the nation-wide deluge of reporta on strange 1 things in the upper atmosphere "primarily to Then he reverted into homely language again: Anybody looking for a real flying saucer has about as much chance as "a blind man in the room looking for a black Stories Spread to Europe lie had a solution to offer "just soil of forget about it" Europeans also became talkative about flying saucers again today but spoke of the mysterious with less concern than sky-gazers in the United States and Canada France reported the greatest number- of discs seen over the week end more than 20 to lead Diplomats Work on Pan-Pacific Security HONOUJULLAug The forriRn ministers of Australia New Zealand and the today begin implementing a security pact signed last September and studying a future Pan-Pacific Pact Secretary of State Dean Acheson aaid single problem in the will come under discussion at the dosed sessions Acheson the Australian Minister of External Affairs Richard Casey and New foreign Minister Clifton Webb will make brief public addresses this morning Insurance Firm Head Arrested as Drunk Driver Paul Brooks president-treasurer of Cooper Coffman Brooks Inc Insurance agency 200 West Clinch Avenue was arrested at noon yesterday on a charge of driving while drunk police records show The arrest was made by Sgf Hugh Ammons and Traffic Officer Lester Colquitt Son Born to Donahues A son named Herbert VanBuren Donahue HI was bom yesterday at St Hospital to Mr and Mrs Donahue Jr He is their first child Mr Donahue is manager of the Walter Thompson farm on Route 1 Corryton and the son-in-law Mr Thompson is Knox County's master farmer and winner of many state awards By Dick Turner school just a throw On the Korean Front UN Planes Smash Red Headquarters Allies Shatter New Attack on Old Baldy By Inltcd Press SEOUL Korea Aug United Nations warplanes smashed a vital North Korean military headquarters near Pyongyang today destroying one and damaging one Communist MIG-15 jets that made a vain attempt to break up the raid Screening American Sabre jets tangled with 17 of the Red swept-wlng jets two claims together with belated credit for a jet shot down Friday brought the total of MIGs claimed destroyed of damaged by the Far East Air Force planes to 1002 With two new MIG claims tiie record showed UN pilots have shot down 383 MIGs probably shot down 90 and damaged 528 in the Korean war On the ground UN 2nd Division troops shattered the fourth Communist attempt in as many days to knock theiA from "Old Baldy" Staffs Agree on POW Wording Bat ftogMa UN and Commuhist staff officers today agreed on most of the wording in a proposed Korean armistice draft including a paragraph dealing with exchange of war prisoners The number of prisoners to be exchanged still is blocking a truce The main armistice negotiations discussing that recessed Sunday until Aug 11 by mutual consent A UN command spokesman said staff officers still must work out an acceptable translation of the words and for the armistice draft Allied staff officers also have under study proposed Communist charges in a section providing for rec ommendations to governments involved In Divorce Court Wife Left 3 Years Ago Suit Charges Elmer Wooliver suing for divorce today charged that Lois Ann Wooliver left him three years ago while he was at work Mr Wooliver said he has heard nothing from her since The couple was married in 1946 according to the bill filed in Domestic Relations Court In Circuit Court Henry Smith 2533 Belmont Heights NW was granted a divorce from Emma Lou Robison Smith Danville III after charging that she repeatedly said she did not love him and refused to return to Knox County to live Steel Won't Hit Peak for 3 Weeks By I silrl Piece CLEVELAND Aug Steel magazine said today it would be at least three weeks more before the steel mills are back in full production The industry trade journal based its prediction on experience from previous strikes when repairs to damaged facilities lingering minor disputes and failure to restore capacity operations extended several weeks past settlement All three factors affected this latest back-to-work movement Steel said Hamilton Hurt as Car Overturns Hamilton owner and operator of Broadway Plumbing Heating and Electrical Appliance Co in in St Hospital following injuries received in an automobile accident early Sunday near Donelson in Middle Tennessee Mr car overturned as he was returning to Nashville after finishing a business call near Donelson The accident occurred when Mr Hamilton steered toward a ditch at the side of the road to avoid a collision with an oncoming car He was pinned under the car but was pulled from the wreckage soon after by six bovs British Block Off Red Berlin Station By Asseeiatri Piece BERLIN Aug The British have sealed off the vehicle entrance to the big Russian-controlled 1 Berlin radio building in their sector following Soviet refusal to heed British restrictions concerning the building British Maj Gen Coleman said he believed the Russians had been smuggling unauthorized persona presumably Germans into the building in Red army trucks He also accused one Russian truck driver of deliberately trying to run down a British military policeman who had ordered a halt for inspection July 24 CARNIVAL "Another thing! There's a from Henry Iimmy Lanr 42 3K 4339i Ctlbrrt Jackeun 8H 13421 Bill Green JT-M-H 3I3 Jack Hatcher 3441 Bee Spraxins 13431 Kam Qualls (347) Bill Ennis Eddie Burchfield S8 Dan Latlbnor 42-41 3 Bnfe Mct aimnun 59-30 111 Alec Looney Sfovenicn Top Sweetwater 6-3 Setzer Stove Repair Service behind the seven-hit pitching of Bill Russell defeated Sweetwater's bascballers 6-3 in a 10-inning game at Sweetwater yesterday Russell also got four hits to pace the stovemen at the plate Bobby Moore was the outstanding defensive star for the winners1 turning in several sparkling plays at third base Sarge was the losing pitcher Sullivan Hires New Assistant hyrrlal Tn Thr Vi trUnti KINGSPORT Aug 4 James Norton a former athletic standout at Tusculum College has been named assistant coach at Sullivan High School here VAX BfKEX INJURED PHILADELpillA Aug 4-Vet-! eran halfback Steve Van Burnt (Meet list of New York stocks furnished by Abbott Proctor A Paine Farm-gut Hotel Member of New York Stock Exchange Phone 3-719L Pv Cl Open A Aluminum Co America 98 Allied Chemical 7714 Admiral Radio 26 Allegheny Steel i 393s Allis-Chalmers 521: Anu-rican Air Lines American Can 34 'i American Car A Foundry 4fl--i American Rd Std San Corp 13 13 American Woolen 29i 29i American Rmrillng 43 43 American Steel Founders 34 34 American Tal A Tel 134 154 American Tobacco 57 57 American Zinc 22 Anaconda Copper 46 Armour uf Illinois 10 Atchison 90 Atlantic Rerinlng 34 Allied Stoics 39 Aven Corp 6 17 13 43 78 Baldwin Baltimore A Ohio Bendix Aviation 54 Burlington 31111s 18 Bethlehem Steel 52 Boeing AValion Co 36 Borden Co 33 Borg-Wamer Briggs Mt 37 Budd Mfg Co 14 Burruuggns Adding Machine 17' Capital Ah' Lines Cetonrsc Chess Cluy Clima Muly Co Coca-Coin Columbia Gas Commercial Solvent Carrier Corp Corn Product Consolidated Ed Continental Can Continental Motors Crane A Co Curtis Wright Deere A Co Douglas Aircraft Dupont Eastman Kodak Elec Auloiite Freeport Texas Federated Dept Store General Electric 63 General- Foods 48 General Motors 30 Gen Port Cement 45 Gillette Saf Razor 39 Great Northern Pfd 54 Greyhound 12 Goodyear Rubber 46 Gulf Mobile A Ohio 36 Hudson Motors 14 Ins Copper 24 Inter Lake Iron 16 InU Harvester 35 Inti Nickel 47 Inti Tel A Tel Co 18 Johns Manvllle 76 21 32 33 63 90 43 83 48 59 45 31 55 Ills 46 47 18 Kenneeott Copper Kress (SS) Kress (SH Kroger A Ry Libby Owens Ford 14 11 23 24 64 19 92 Copper 32 22 33 56 55 22 81 81 33 33 53 36 61 37 68 12 23 32 37 12 23 11 23 64 19 92 22 33 56 9 21 LIVESTOCK Piece Aug HOGS 4000 gilts steady to 25 tower average choice 170-240 mainly 2375-85 on 180-220 230-300 lbs 2150-23 1830-1950: toad 168 lbs largely steady 16-1975 on choice SOIL 500 lb 300: toad steers and 875 Ik 3: good and choice 2950-3250 utility to shortfed 20-29 eanner 10-1750 beef cows up top 2350 mainly cutter lightweights 17-2250 veal-era practical top 30 odd to choice 22-30 small tot prime lambs SI: choice and prime 2950-30: to prime 3U0-9 light to Iff odd slaughter ewes feeder lambs around 18 YOUR TIME 1 Central Chi and Northwestern Nor Amerlrun Nor Paeifle Nash-Kelvinator Norfolk A Western Ohio Oil Owens Illinois Glass it irlllni Pan American Air Paramount Pitta-Plats Glas Penney Co Pepsi-Cola Pennsylvania KR Phllro a a Philips' Petroleum Pitts Screw Pullman Co Pure 111 Radk Corp of Amer Remington Rand Chi Rock Island A Pac Republic Steel Rexall Drug Reynolds Metals Reynolds Tub Robertshaw Fulton 8 Rea rs- Roebuck Sinclair Oil Socony Vacuum (Southern Co I Southern Pac I Southern i Sper Corp Studebakei 'Stokely-Van Camp Sc hen ley Dist (u ol lnd (XI ol 5 53 85 17Ts 53 33 58 58 46 48 37 38 14 14 85 83 87' 68 36 36 38 38 15 15 27 27 84 84 1 80 80 19 19 21 20 28 28 33 33 21 21 Stewart-Warner Sunrev Oil Stone A Webster Swift and Co Chi Mil st Paul A Pac Tennessee Corp 40 Texas Gulf Sulphur 113 113 Texas Company 38 38 Timken 434 20th Century Fox 13 15 I United Air Lines 29 29 Gypsum 117 Union Carbide 65 63 United Mercb A Mfg 14 Union Oil CalU 41 411 Union Pacific 117 1171) Unltdd Aircraft 33 83 Pipe A Fdry 39 Rubber 28 Steel 41 Steel Pfd 140 IV White Motors 27 Walgreen Drugs 28 Warner Bras 12 Wheeling Steel 38 Westinghotue Electric 41 Western Union 44 Wnulworth 43 Younfstown A 47 Zenith Radio 77 Yesterday's sales 1030000 eras list Barium Steel 9 9 Creole Petroleum 77 78 Electric Bond A Share 24 24 Gen Alilcn Coal 8 8 Kaiser Fraser 4 4 Pancoaslal Oil 3 3 Pantepee Oil 3 Pennroad 13 13 Technicolor 21 21 Foil 40 40 Last of 4 Sought Gives Up in Bell Special The Newe-Seatlari PINEVILLE Ky Aug Rqs-coe Smith charged with murder in the fatal shooting of a Middles-boro policeman gave up today Smith walked into the Bell County office He waived a hearing and was held to the 'grand jury on $10000 bond He was the last of those who had been sought after Patrolman George Shelton was slain late Tuesday Shelton was shot to death and his brother Hiram wak wounded while driving from Pineville to Middlesboro Their car was sprayed with machine-gun and shotgun fire Besides Roscoe Smith two others are under $10-000 bond on charges in the case They are Fred Lewis and McKinley Smith the message to 21-year-olds Budget Cuts Blamed for NATO Collapse By Associates Prise WASHINGTON Aug An apparent collapse of plans to raise 50 Western European divisions this year may inject foreign aid more deeply into the Presidential campaign The North Atlantic Treaty Or-ganizatipn nations decided at Lisbon last February to build a force of 25 active and 25 reserve divisions by the end of 1952 The goal then considered barely possible appeared to be doomed last week when Great Britain slowed down her defense effort and France announced fresh economic difficulties Budget cutting by the Congress 'already has been blamed in some quarters Administration spokesmen told Congress five months ago the goal would be difficult to reach under the best circ*mstances and impossible without maximum American assistance Loudon Man Shot Officer Says It Was Self-Defense Sgeclal TO The News SeaUnel LOUDON Aug A Loudon man shot in the stomach is in Knoxville General Hospital The man is known here as Buddy Watkins 42 according to City Patrolman Milcolm Milsap The officer says he shot Watkins in self-defense got a call Sunday afternoon that Watkins was beating up his family and causing said Patrolman Milsap today "Another officer and I went over there The Watkins home is near the railroad Watkins said he wanted to get his cap but he ran out a door and Jumped off an embankment beside a railroad He grabbed some rocks and started toward me I shot The hospital today repotted the wounded condition good MIGs Kill 2 in Attack on Navy Patrol Plane By I'klri Pens WASHINGTON Aug The Navy today said a twin-engine patrol bomber was "severely by two Chinese Communist MIG-15 fighter planes over the Yellow Sea on July 31 but limped home The Navy in reply to queries said two crew members were killed and two others wounded The Navy said the plane piloted by Lt EL Bartlett George West Tex returned to Paengnyong-do Korea after the enemy planes broke off the attack Following emergency repairs the battered aircraft flew back to the Naval air facility at Iwakuni Japan the Navy said The statement was made after a rash of rumors were floated from Tokyo that an American plane had been shot down off the Siberian Coast by the Russians iOO-Unit Ridge Project Proposed Sprctal Te Tto News-Sratfari OAK RIDGE Aug A 500-unit rental housing project with as many three-bedroom units as possible is proposed for Oak Ridge Management Service Inc today issued an invitation for architect-engineers to bid on a subcontract for a layout and design The proposals must be postmarked not later than Aug 15 LOCAL 9ECERITIEM Quotations furnished Equitable Securities Corporation 1420 Hamilton Bank Building Bid I Ask'd Chattanooga Natural Gas East Tennessee Natural Gas 520 Pfd East Tennessee Natural Gaa common Pint American National Bank Inter-Mountain Telephone Co common Jefferson Standard Ufa Kingsport Press Inc Life and Casualty Ins Co Mid South Gas Company Moorr-Handtey Hardware Co National Ufa Insurance Co Southern Flee and Casualty Co Tennessee Natural Gaa Texas Eastern Gas Transmission Corp Boy 'Wasn't Losted' By AntrliM Prase TELL1CO PLAINS Tern Aug 4 losted I just know where I was going" That was the explanation 3-year-old Charles Mettle ton gave when a 25-man search party found him in Cherokee National Forest near the Tellico River yesterday The boy was found a half mile from the cabin where his parents Mr and Mrs Lynn ton of Maryville were staying for the week end He had disappeared three hours before after getting his toy gun and saying he was going hunting Get Oat YOUR Vote! Superliner Docks First By Amarlated Press NEW YORK Aug The superliner United States transatlantic speed record holder docked today hours ahead of the British liner Queen Elizabeth on their first simultaneous crossing but the skipper of the American ship ii- Monsanto chm sis ted there was no race Services Held for Edward Hampton Services were to be held late today at the home at 2905 Ball Camp Pike for Edward Hampton former labor leader and then county deputy who shot and fatally wounded himself late Saturday Mr Hamton was once business agent fen Knoxville Building Trades Council and had held the same post with AFL Bricklayers No 3 He had been in poor health Burial was to be In New Gray Cemetery Mr Hampton was 46 He leaves Ids wife Mrs Dora Hampton mother Mrs Ethel Hampton and an Elizabethton brother Hampton Liggett A Myers Loew's Ine Lockheed Lowen Stein Mark Trucks Glen Mxriln Marshall Field Methieson Ch Co Miami Copper Montgomery-Werd Murray Corp Magma Copper Mueller Brass Nat Biscuit Nat-Cash Register Nat Dairy Products National Gypsum CINCINNATI By A si elated CINCINNATI barrows and an Friday's lbs 2350-85 lbs few toads 140-160 lbs 2335: sows chiefly 650-19 averages 1100 tot choice weighty mixed yearlings steers and hellers good grassers and and cutter cows to 20: early bull to commercial generally steady prime SI utility fiOO truck tot 3050 mix3d good lamas on down 300-900 most against Atlanta Sunday the opener Nichctos hobbled around the plate until he conned Geny Lane out of a walk in the inning with two away Then tole second and scampered Sam scratch ngle to break a tie and give Mem- phis a 4-3 victory Prentyg Word shot a 69 yester doubleheader 11-7 and 2-0 Birmingham now is 11 1-2 games out of first and six games behind fourth-place Mobile KUB TVA iCrolfers Win I day afternoon to lead theTVA golf team to a 15-9 victoiy over Oak Ridge National Lab The match was played at Cedar Hills Course at Martell Bob Freestone of ORNL was low for the losers with a 71 Knoxville UtUitiea Board defeated Rohm-Haas IS1 to 71 in a league match at Whittle Springs George Clark of the KUB team shot a 73 for low honors while Charlie Akers had a 77 for the losers It was the first win of the season in the Smoky Mountain Golf League for the TVA Individual results: TVA (IS) DRM (9) Prentys Word over Jack Sark 3-0 A Foster tost to Bob Freestone 2- Frank Reynolds over John Farms kes 2-1 Campbell McCord tost to Bill Lanham Jim Bdridge over MrWright 2- Marlon Miller tost to A KlmbalL 2-L Roland Gendren over Phil Rueff 3-0 Charies McCarthy over Tyler 3-0 IRONMEX TRIUMPH of the main grandstand Admission will be 50 cents for adults and 25 cents' for children Floyd Riggs ETRA president has Eddie Metier ready to pitch the game Wayne Fielden will play first and Paul Fielden shortstop Fayte Irwla to Play Mr Irwin will team up with drivers Wayne and Paul Fielden Eddie Metier Kenny Sharp Bob Robinson Breezy Waddell David Doneski Claude Lay Duck Moore Harley Dil linger Bill Dukes Bobby Giffin John Phillips and other outstanding riders Ed Harvey will don his ten-gallon Mexican hat and has promised to stay on his donkey until the final out Robinson one of the most faithful drivers at Broadway broke in horses for a liking a few years ago try his hand at cooling down the meanest of the traveling donkey troupe tonight Walter Maples will be on the mound for Manager Gene Fourth Presbyterian team Others expected to play against the drivers include Red Loy Dr Ted Beeler Fred Burkhart Bobby Fy ji-i Fry 'John iPf) Claik 'Lid i-'on L'iok Knoxville Iron Co defeated Is on the shelf today with a dis-J Dutch Valley by an 8-2 icore Sun-locntcd left knee suffered in the! day in an Intermediate League Philadelphia first prac- game Red McGinnis hurled two-tice scrimmage at their training hit ball and Joe Ray Haskell ramp in Hershey? belted a homer for KIC Race Pilots on Donkeys Play Churchmen Tonight i WHAT: Ihiakey wofttwll the event Fayte Irwin co-owner WHEN Tonight 7 and director Bob Hall have gone WHERE: Broadway Speedway all-out to provide a suitable dia-ADMISSIOX AdalH 38 reals mond Lights have been changed children 23 rralv and the field laid out with home plate near the No 4 turn in front 4 Advance in State Meet By BESSIE WILSON SeviAeidiH finwiislMl CROSSVILLE Aug 4 Fulton Co of Knoxville Rockwood Crossville and Madison ville advanced in the winners bracket of the Tennessee Amateuf Baseball Tournament here over the week end Delmar Chesney was the winning pitcher as Fulton dropped Cookeville into the Inracket with a 10-5 victoiy in the first game Sunday Ray Johnston and Bin Stiller hit home runs for Ftriton Cookeville got four home runs in the losing cause two by the losing pitcher Young and one each by Ken Harmon and Don Knies Major Leaders Bf I sHri Fivm AMERICAN LEACI LEADING BATTENS Player and Club AB Prt Fain PhllaMpMa 88 342 US 343 Kell Boston 93 353 114 823 Goodman Boston 88 807 99 322 Wood ling New Yorit 87 270 88 L19 MantlcNew York 93 361 1 810 DIMagsto Boston 88 309 MB 310 NATIONAL LEAOrE Piayer and AB Pet Muslal SL Louis MB 377 128 334 Kliiszewski Cincinnati 90 334 104 311 Lockman New York 97 884 119 J10 Fondy Chicago 2 847 105 808 Pafkoi Brooklyn 92 838 101 -303 HOME RUNS: Sauer Cubs 27 Berra Yankees 23 Doby Indians 23 Hodges Duds -ra 21: Klnrr Pirates 2a RVXS BATTED IN: Sauer Cubs 87 Robinson White Sox 73 Doby Indians 71 Thomson einnla 71 Drop Tigers 66 i If stork car racing fans think things get exciting on Saturday night at Broadway Speedway they had better be on hand there tonight when the East Tennessee Hardtop Racing Association participates in a donkey softball game The drivers for ETRA will play Fourth Presbyterian Church in an exhibition donkey softball game to raise money- for -the Knoxville 'Softball Association to send its and women's champions to 0ie State tanooga The evening entertainment will begin with an exhibition game between two girls teams Karns Civic Club and Gus Greene at 7 pu The feature attraction will get under way at 8 Faculties Donated The facilities of Broadway Speedway have been donated for the event In order Vt KSA ipll realize as hijv i 1 aa Tournament of the poster held by Miss Mary Henslee The posters' are distributed by the League of Women' Voters Miss ee a secretary and business college student will vote for the first time Thursday 5.

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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.