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Texas Hair

Minimalist? Never heard of her! Right now, we're loving big, bouncy Texas curls!

  • Brand:
    • Alter Ego(3)
    • Alterna(2)
    • Aluram(3)
    • Amika(3)
    • Brazilian Blowout(1)
    • Color Wow(2)
    • Colorproof(2)
    • ELEVEN Australia(1)
    • Eufora(1)
    • GK Hair(1)
    • J Beverly Hills(2)
    • Keune(1)
    • Leaf and Flower(2)
    • Living Proof(1)
    • Milbon(1)
    • Moroccanoil(3)
    • Neuma(1)
    • Oligo(1)
    • Olivia Garden(1)
    • Paul Mitchell(3)
    • Schwarzkopf(3)
    • Shibui(1)
    • T3(3)
    • Unite(1)
    • Usmooth(3)


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Boar Bristle Teasing Brush

Create voluminous, full-bodied styles with the Moroccanoil® Boar Bristle Teasing Brush, designed for backcombing. Moroccanoil handmade natural boar bristle brushes use premium materials to provide the ultimate experience in hair care, while promoting healthy, shiny, manageable hair. Performance-tested on A-list celebrity clientele and on the runway, the results are proven on all hair types. Boar bristle brushes provide nourishment by stimulating and massaging the scalp and gently spreading hairs natural oils down the shaft. The result: with repeated use, hair becomes softer, more manageable and healthier. Seamless construction allows for easy styling, with an ash wood handle that is lightweight and heat-resistant.



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Olivia Garden

Professional Folding Teasing Brush

Ideal for teasing, creating volume, back brushing & texture creation

  • Boar & nylon bristles
    Staggered bristle lengthfor more natural results
    Boar bristles make hair shiny
  • Unique Handle Design
    Shape gives user total control
    Narrow central core for sure-grip& easy handling
    Tail designed for easy & precise sectioning, separating,tucking & lifting



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ELEVATE Mousse 6oz

Not your 80s, crunchy mousse, but an innovative, weightless foam that will ELEVATE your hair for a full bodied, frizz-free style that is soft, shiny, and moveable. With argan oil, added thermal and UV protection, and an incredible memory, this mousse will keep your hair healthy and lifted with lasting shine, even on your longest days.

  • Creates volume, hold, and shine
  • Mousse memory re-activates styling hold
  • Thermal and UV protector
  • Infused with argan oil/li>



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An instant poof in a jar! To create a messy casual volume, gently tap a few shakes on the hair that you want body on, and the powder morphs into a product that holds.

Shake to create! Sprinkle onto damp or dry hair at the roots to create volume and texture.

Creates Volume, Dry Matte Texture, Weightless, Metamorphosis Product, Setting lotion encapsulated in a sphere of powder



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ELEVEN Australia

Give Me Hold Flexible Hairspray 9oz

GIVE ME HOLD FLEXIBLE HAIRSPRAY is an all-round hairspray that can be used for shaping or finishing without weighing the hair down. The flexible hairspray can be built up to a strong hold by reapplying or brushed out with ease. Available in classic or travel size.

  • Provides flexible hold
  • Protects against static
  • Environmentally safer propellant

Shake well before use and spray from 25cm onto dry, styled hair. Rework hair as required. For a stronger hold, reapply.



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Keune Style

Volume Powder .25oz

What It Is
Matte powder for sexy texture, buildable grip and big volume.

Why It's Great

  • Creates texture and grip
  • For big volume
  • Matte finish
  • UVfilter
  • Results
    Big voluminous hair with beautiful texture.

    Who It's For
    Normal to thick hair.

    How To Use
    Sprinkle on fingertips and massage through dry hair. For extra lift, apply directlyto the roots.



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    Paul Mitchell Tea Tree

    Scalp Care Anti-Thinning Root Lift Foam 6.8oz

    Scalp Care Anti-Thinning Root Lift Foam is perfect for volumizing and texturizing. Ingredients such as Vitamin E, panthenol and cornstarch plump strands for thicker, fuller-looking hair, all in an eco-friendly, non-aerosol dispenser.

    TO USE:
    Dispense a small amount of product onto palm and work into damp, towel-dried hair, concentrating on the roots. Dry up and away from scalp.



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    Volume Blowout Brush

    Create a beautiful, sleek stylewithout sacrificing volume!
    The ceramic coated barrel and far infrared heat makes it perfect for all hair types and textures. Multi-length nylon bristles reduce frizz while maintaining volume. Plus, it's the perfect tool for second day touchups!

    • Ceramic Coated Barrel:Ensures even heat distribution while emitting negative ions to seal in moisture for a shiny, frizz-free finish.
    • Far Infrared Technology:Produces a deep, gentle heat wave that reaches past the cuticle layer to reduce dry time, enhance styling, & minimize damage.
    • Quick Adjustable Temperatures:2 speed & 3 heat settings, including cool temperature to set style.
    • Lightweight Body Design:Ergonomic design minimizes strain & fatigue.
    • 8ft - 360 Swivel Cord:Prevents cord tangling from every angle.
    • Multi-Length Nylon Bristles:To create both volume & smooth hair.



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    Triple Waving Iron

    Create gorgeous, long-lasting, and touchably-soft waves with ease!

    Ensures even heat distribution to protect hair from damage and produces negatively charged ions for a silky, shiny and frizz-free finish.

    Iron heats in 60 seconds to any of the 4 preset tempature modes.

    Extends the lifespan of the tool by automatically turning off after 60 minutes of inactivity.

    Minimizes strain and fatigue on hands and wrists.

    360º SWIVEL CORD:
    Reduces cord tangling and allows styling from any angle.

    Increases iron stability during styling.

    Safely place the iron on a hard surface while not in use.



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    Brazilian Blowout

    Professional Boar Bristle Brush Large

    Natural Boar Bristles with wood center and ergonomic cork handle.



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    Extra Volume Conditioner

    Gently detangle your hair while adding volume. Moroccanoil® Extra Volume Conditioner volumizes and gives fine hair body, shine and manageability without weighing it down. Infused with antioxidant-rich argan oil and fortifying nutrients, including linden bud extract, this volumizing conditioner transforms hair from lifeless to lively. Color-safe. Sulfate-free, phosphate-free and paraben-free.

    TO USE:
    After shampooing, squeeze excess water and apply Moroccanoil® Extra Volume Conditioner from mid-length to ends. Leave on for 12 minutes and rinse well. Use regularly with Moroccanoil Extra Volume Shampoo for best results.



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    Volume Conditioner

    Condition with lighweight moisture for body, shine and color protection. This ultra-light, volumizing conditioner delivers body, weightless moisture, shine and unsurpassed color preservation.


    • Provides conditioning to enhance shine
    • Detangles and strengthens
    • Fortifies and protects from breakage
    • Advanced Color Last SystemTM
    • Sulfate-free
    • No added salt
    • 100% Vegan, Cruelty-free
    • Gulten-free
    • Phthalate-free
    • Paraben-free
    • PABA-free
    • Mineral Oil-free
    • Keratin-free

    Polyglutamic Acid (PGA) a water-soluble peptide, helps hair to retain hydration and moisture while making hair appear voluminous.
    Saw Palmetto is a Palm Berry Extract that helps support hairs density and fullness
    Coconut aids in absorption to weightlessly moisturize and repair hair.

    IDEAL HAIR TYPES: Fine color-treated hair

    AROMA: White Nectarine



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    Volume Shampoo

    Gently cleanse and nourish hair with featherlight moisture, lasting body and color protection. Revolutionary volumizing shampoo delivers a rich lather to gently cleanse hair while infusing lightweight body, fullness and color protection.


    • Creates incredible volume
    • Infuses weightless body and shine
    • Provides high-humidity style retention
    • Advanced Color Last SystemTM
    • Sulfate-free
    • No added salt
    • 100% Vegan, Cruelty-free
    • Gulten-free
    • Phthalate-free
    • Paraben-free
    • PABA-free
    • Mineral Oil-free
    • Keratin-free

    Polyglutamic Acid (PGA) a water-soluble peptide, helps hair to retain hydration and moisture while making hair appear voluminous.
    Saw Palmetto is a Palm Berry Extract that helps support hairs density and fullness
    Volumizing Polymers encourage support and strength at the root and throughout the hair shaft to promote fuller, thicker, more voluminous hair.

    IDEAL HAIR TYPES: Fine color-treated hair

    AROMA: White Nectarine



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    Paul Mitchell Pro Tools

    Express Ion Curl+ XL Ceramic Curling Iron 1.75"

    Create natural-looking waves and voluminous curls with the Express Ion Curl+ XL Curling Iron. The quick-heating 1.75" extra-large ceramic barrel makes big, beautiful waves and builds volume like a pro to create the look of a blowout without using a brush. Express Ion Complex technology helps seal in moisture and shine.

    • Perfect for creating big, voluminous waves
    • Express Ion Complex ensures healthy, shiny results
    • 1.75" extra-large ceramic barrel
    • Digital temperature control
    • Heats up to 410°F in 60 seconds with a 5-second heat recovery time
    • One hour auto shut-off



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    Paul Mitchell Neuro

    Curl XL Titanium Curling Iron 1.75"

    Enjoy super-sized styling with this extra-large curling iron. Perfect for creating big, voluminous waves, it has an oversized IsoTherm titanium barrel with a strong clamp thats ideal for styling long hair. It rapidly heats up to 450°F and has a cool-tip and soft touch handle for easy styling. Featuring the latest technology, it has a digital LCD display, customizable auto shut-off and dual voltage for worldwide use.

    Perfect for body, polish and waves.

    • State-of-the-art heater reaches 450°F in 45 seconds
    • Barrel made from premium IsoTherm titanium provides fast, even heat
    • SmartSense microchip regulates temperature 50 times per second for lightning-fast heat recovery
    • Cool tip and soft touch handle for comfort and easy styling
    • Programmable temperature setting
    • Dual voltage for worldwide use
      • TO USE:
      • Determine where you want the curls to start. If you want curls from scalp to ends, place the base of the iron close to the head and begin wrapping the hair around it. If you want to curl half the strand, begin wrapping at mid-length.
      • Wrap the hair OVER the iron for more wave, or UNDER the iron for more bounce and lift.
      • Wrap larger sections for looser, wavier looks; smaller sections for tighter curls.
      • Brush through for your desired end result:
        Sculpting Brush for full, bouncy curls
        Teasing Brush for soft, Hollywood glam look
        Detangling Comb for tousled look



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    Leaf + Flower

    CBD Instant Volume Conditioner

    CBD Charged Volume

    • Functional glycolipids rebalance scalp
    • Strengthens follicles, plumping fine strands
    • Adds softness, body and bounce
    • Color Safe
    • UVA/UVB protection



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    Leaf + Flower

    CBD Instant Volume Shampoo

    CBD Charged Volume

    • Removes Impurites
    • Phyto-molecular actives boost volume
    • Restores body to areas weighed down by build up
    • Sulfate-Free
    • Color Safe



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    Extra Volume Shampoo

    TO USE:
    Massage Moroccanoil® Extra Volume Shampoo throughout wet hair and scalp. Continue to add water to activate a rich, luxurious lather from the highly concentrated formula and stimulate its volume-boosting properties. Rinse thoroughly until water runs clear. Repeat if needed, and follow with Moroccanoil® Extra Volume Conditioner.



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    blowout babe thermal brush


    • 1.5" ceramic barrel - emit far-infrared heat that instantly penetrates the cortex of the hair cuticle, heating from the inside out. the hair is heated evenly and in half the time of conventional heat, reducing the risk of damage.
    • 0.5" nylon bristles - to gently grip, smooth and style all hair types and lengths.
    • ionic generator - to increase negative ion output resulting in shiny, smooth, frizz-free results with zero static.
    • 356º F temperature - to smooth all hair types and textures.
    • heat resistant handle, cool tip design and lightweight body - to guarantee easy, comfortable and safe styling.
    • ready and able - an easy grip, 9 foot 360° swivel cord made of heat-proof, up to 450º F, fabric and a professional hook makes use and storage simple.



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    hair blow dryer brush 2.0

    thair blow dryer brush 2.0 is the new and improved version of our bestselling hair tool, which combines a round brush and blow dryer for a voluminous blowout with 2x the shine. improvements to the internal design and mechanisms have gone through extensive testing to ensure product longevity.

    works on all hair types. here at amika, we believe all hair is welcome. from curly to color-treated, this product is safe and effective for all.

    get your shine on with the new + improved hair blow dryer brush 2.0! this innovative hair styling tool is clinically proven to give your blowout 2x the shine while banishing unwanted frizz for an effortless, glossy finish.

    • 3 adjustable heat/speed settings, 115f / 190f / 230f, create volume and smoothness on every hair type
    • tourmaline coated barrel generates negative ions and infrared heat to smooth hair and minimize frizz
    • oval barrel is designed to deliver extra root lift and increase overall volume
    • long nylon ball tip bristles detangle and smooth
    • short bristles increase bounce, shine and polish
    • ultra-lightweight design, weighing just .85 lb
    • 9 ft cord with 360° swivel allows easy handling



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    headstrong intense hold hairspray

    get your style into submission with this fast-drying, freeze-hold finishing hairspray.

    for all hair types


    • provitamin b5 - promotes hair's resilience, smooths and conditions
    • safe for color-treated, brazilian-treated and keratin-treated hair



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    Alter Ego

    Cureego Volume Spritz Infusion 5.07oz

    Ideal as a volumizing treatment for fine toneless hair. Volume Spritz Infusion is a texturizing spray with volumizing action for fine hair that provides lightness and life. Supple, strong and soft hair from the base to the tips thanks to the filling function of the lotion. The styling effect will ensure longer style hold. Its formula is enriched with Bamboo Extract and Cotton Oil, whose nourishing and revitalizing properties give strength and support to the hair structure.

    • Texturizing spray
    • Ideal for all fine toneless hair
    • Volumizing action
    • Creates volume at the hair base
    • Provides tone and structure
    • Elastice, strong and soft hair
    • Leave-in



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    Alter Ego

    Hasty Too Grip It Mousse

    To recreate disciplined, tidy looks which are also voluminous and textured. Hasty Too Grip It On is a strong hold mousse for a full-bodied effect and lasting manageability. The hair will be soft, shiny and tamed. The hair regains body and texture while remaining manageable thanks to the anti-frizz and antistatic actions. Its mousse texture is light and easy to apply. It leaves no residue and makes the hair shiny.

    • Lasting hold hairspray
    • Ideal for high temerature styling
    • Provides body and texture
    • Anti-static action
    • Strong hold
    • Anti-frizz



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    Alter Ego

    Hasty Too Vo-lux-ious Hairspray

    A product which combines the fixing capabilities of a hairspray and a volumizer is required to fix the look of fine, flat and limp hair. Vo-lux-ious Hairspray is a light hold and quick dry volumizing hairspray that supports upwards soft looks with a compact hold. The outcome will be light and compact style hold. Its technology supports the hair structure giving body and suppleness.

    • Volumizing hairspray
    • Ideal for all hair types
    • Light hold
    • Maximum shine
    • Restores volume and body while holding



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    Caviar Anti-Aging Multiplying Volume Conditioner

    A gently, daily, volumizing conditioner that boosts hair fullness and volume while retaining moisture.

    Perfect for straight, wavy, curly, coiled and tightly coiled hair.

    Caviar Anti-Aging Multiplying Volume Conditioner is a rich conditioner that helps seal in moisture, give long lasting body and lightweight moisture. Formulated with our signature Caviar Extract and our volume building Marine Plumping Complex, this formula helps fine, limp hair have fullness, body and lightweight volume while retaining hair's moisture. Regimen is proven to instantly deliver more fullness and volume, leaving hair looking and feeling healthy


    • Maintains overall smoothness of hair
    • Improves manageability/combing of the hair
    • Provides shine to the hair
    • Provides hydration/moisture to the hair.
    • Provides the hair with additional volume



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    Caviar Anti-Aging Multiplying Volume Shampoo

    A gentle, daily, volumizing cleanser that boosts hair fullness and volume while retaining moisture.

    Perfect for straight, wavy, curly, coiled and tightly coiled hair.

    Caviar Anti-Aging Multiplying Volume Shampoo is a gentle daily cleanser that helps thicken hair from root to tip while cleansing. Formulated with our signature Caviar Extract and our volume building Marine Plumping Complex, this formula helps fine, limp hair have renewed fullness and lightweight volume while retaining moisture and sheen. Regimen is proven to instantly deliver more fullness and volume, leaving hair looking and feeling healthy


    • Maintains overall smoothness of hair
    • Improves manageability/combing of the hair
    • Provides shine to the hair
    • Provides hydration/moisture to the hair.
    • Provides the hair with additional volume



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    J Beverly Hills

    Blue Teasing Brush

    Volumizing Brush

    The Blue Teasing Brush is the ideal styling tool for creating volume, featuring compact bristles for backcombing techniques and a slim handle that is expertly designed to create smooth partings.

    • Soft-touch Handle
    • Narrow Tail End for Easy Sectioning
    • Compact Bristles Ideal for Backcombing



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    J Beverly Hills

    Mousse Up 9oz

    Volumizing Mousse

    Maximize your volume and body with Mousse Up. Formulated with argan oil and marshmallow root to ensure style support and weightless moisture.

    • Enhances Shine
    • Moisturizes
    • Volumizes



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    10 Extra Strong Hold Hairspray 9oz

    A perfect blend of polymers and glycerin delivers durable hold to keep any style in place.

    Strong Hold Hairspray 7 adds flexible hold leaving hair brushable, touchable, and workable without being sticky or stiff. Extra Strong Hold Hairspray 10 provides powerful hold to defy frizz and instantly lock in styles.



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    Creates long-lasting body, bounce and shine. This multi-tasking, volume-boosting spray provides fullness and style support.


    • Lightweight volume booster
    • Adds instant body and bounce
    • Helps seal the cuticle while delivering heat protection
    • Humectants help prevent moisture loss


    • Coconut Oil, Shikakai and Tamarind Extracts: Rich in antioxidants, this fusion helps preserve hair from heat damage while helping maintain color radiance.
    • Coconut Oil: Moisturizes and conditions hair while aiding in detangling, which helps to reduce breakage and the formation of split ends. It has also been shown to help protect against UV damage.
    • Avocado Oil: Deeply moisturizes and nourishes from within. It absorbs easily, so it wont leave hair heavy or greasy whilehelping smooth the cuticle and protect hair from breakage.

    AROMA:Fennel, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli and Vanilla



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    Volume Powder 0.32oz

    Volume that defies gravity! This innovative spray powder offers a precise and clean application for lasting volume. Simply apply to dry or damp hair, create volume using your hands and voilà!

    • Vegan
    • Paraben Free
    • Gluten Free
    • Sulfate Free
    • No Artifical Colors
    • Color Safe

    USE: Spray 2-4 inches from root. Style



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    SinglePass Curl X 1.5" Curling Iron

    An extra-long barrel styles more hair in less time. An all-new ProGlide clip design delivers maximum control with a super-smooth glide. And professional heat performance brings your soft, healthy-looking curls and waves that stay all day.

    • 1.5" Clip Barrel: Creates defined curls or textured waves with a smooth, glossy finish.
    • Extra-Long Barrel (6.5"): Styles wide sections, long hair, or hard-to-reach areas in one quick pass
    • ProGlide Clip Design: Delivers effortless styling control with a super-smooth glide.
    • Digital T3 SinglePass Technology: Ensures perfect heat precision - not hot or cool spots - for fast styling with lasting results
    • 9 Heat Settins: Delivers precise heat for every hair type and texture
    • CeraGloss Ceramic Barrel: Glides effortlessly through hair to smooth and boost shine as you style.
    • Cool Tip: Ventilated for comfortable grip that stays cool to the touch
    • SmartTwist Dial: For easy, intuitive temperature control



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    Professional Curling Wand 1.5"

    Easily create long-lasting waves and curls!

    Ensures even heat distribution to protect hair from damage and produces negatively charged ions for a silky, shiny, and frizz-free finish.

    Iron heats in 60 seconds to any of the 4 preset temperature modes.

    Extends the lifespan of the tool by automatically turning off after 60 minutes of inactivity.

    Minimizes strain and fatigue on hands and wrists.

    360º SWIVEL CORD
    Reduces cord tangling and allows styling from any angle.

    Increases iron stability during styling.



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    Root Boost Spray 6oz

    This lightweight spray gives hair a boost of volume at the roots, along with medium control & anti-frizz protection. Sea Kelp promotes a healthy scalp, while Rice Protein adds fullness and a gorgeous shine.



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    Volumizing Conditioner

    Get fuller & more abundant-looking locks!

    The lightweight formulas rinse away oil & dirt that weigh down fine strands; delivering maximum volume and shine. Rice protein infuses Vitamins and nutrients for healthier & gorgeous hair.



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    Volumizing Shampoo

    Get fuller & more abundant-looking locks!

    The lightweight formulas rinse away oil & dirt that weigh down fine strands; delivering maximum volume and shine. Rice protein infuses Vitamins and nutrients for healthier & gorgeous hair.



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    Author information

    Name: Kareem Mueller DO

    Birthday: 1997-01-04

    Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

    Phone: +16704982844747

    Job: Corporate Administration Planner

    Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

    Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.