The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD SUNDAY UNION AND REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS Routes for White Mountains Tour West Lebanon Grantham DURANT one comes to Mountains" DONALD MACDONALD WHAT DIERENCE REAL COM ORT MAKES 2000000 WILLYS OVERLAID CARS AWD GOSTOG STRONG I with quality beauty and styiedon i fOUR Oldsmobile Whippet Inc are well of their relics of some of the part of their transportation well equipped SIXES $795 $1550 Tel 3 2186 643 649 Main St terminus of Now st Hero the Pi And appreciate the com plete restfulness the final DURANT OUR SEDAN $005 Come drive the car that thousands are buying ind out what a differ ence real comfort makes! who fol can to JULY 29 1928 which results from a rubber cushioned chassis a silenced in terior and a new vibrationless 55 hp high compression engine Overland Springfield AVERILL North St Ludiow WILLIAMS AUTOMOBILE CO 67 ranklin St Westfield Mass powerful 4 wheel brakes The new Whippet Six in addition to these provides a 7 bearing crankshaft Invar strut pistons 109 inch wheelbase and many other advantages notice it first when you settle yourself comfortably into the deep cushioned form fitting seat Such notable values as these Sedans are possible only because of the skill and experience gained in the prod uc 1 1 GENERAL Templeton itchburg Ayer Common Concord and Lex The last two towns worth lingering in because numerous monuments and Revolutionary days Motorists from Springfield low this route to Hanover return to this city by continuin White River Junction find then down through Brattleboro and Greenfield Distributors Tel 4 1191 Three Kivers Garage Three Rivers the road to the summit of Mt Wash ington leads off to the left The road now follows the Peabody river overshadowed by the peaks of the Presidential range Mt Washing ton Mt Clay Mt perhaps the finest of all the White mountains in its perfection of form the three Adams peaks and Mt Madison Mountain Valley and Stream The road then circles Pine moun tain toward Gorham on the Andros coggin river Here a sharp left turn is taken then a right turn across the Moose river the beautiful goes through Millsfield to route from passes some valley and river scenery in this coun try The magnificent ravine of Dix ville Notch is in a region of unique beauty famous for its fishing and hunting rom here one westward to Colebrook then southward through Columbia following the Connecticut river through North Stratford Strat ford Groveton to Lancaster rom here one runs through Riverton to Jefferson another of the noted White mountain resort centers and then to Twin mountain rom here the route goes through Bethlehem and Sugar Hill station to Woodsville on the bank of the Con necticut river Then south through Haverhill Oxford and Lyme to Han over the seat of Dartmouth college rom here back to Boston the route runs via Newport Keene Winchendon Bald winsville Littleton ington TO ZONE ROADS A bill before the "Massachusetts leg islature provides for the zoning of 1600 miles of state highway The law will control the use of the land for a distance of 500 feet back of the roadway The motorist now enters Androscoggin valley and Berlin Milan Errol and Dixville Notch This Jackson bo the notch of the finest mountain No one can see and drive a Durant our without real izing that it represents extraordinary value Powerful motor rubber mounted four wheel Bendix brakes beautiful bodies with all vision corner posts 107 inch wheel base long semi elliptic springs smooth in operation easy riding easy handling and one of the most economically operated cars of standard size ever built See and drive a Durant our today tomorrow you will own one the range Next comes Brocton Woods where Mt Washington rears its snowy peak on the left of the road and io the right is the famous Mt Washing ton golf course At Bretton Woods 15 000 acres of land has been converted into a summer playground Continuing on through Crawford notch the route passes through Bemis nhd Bartlett to Glen where the mo torist turns north to ing this town the winding course of traversing Pinkham LEAHAN MOTOR CO Inc Palmer and Ware GECO BROS GARAGE Wilbraham Max service agio tire co 4 6 Main St West Springfield Mass mi its motor co Northampton jiibB NEED SCIENTIIC BASIS OR COMPARISON One of the difficult problems engag ing the attention of the fleet operation and maintenance committee of the So ciety of Automotive Engineers is how to provide a scientific basis on which the operating methods of any operator of motor trucks motor coaches taxi cabs or cars can be com pared with methods followed by other operators With such a basis provided it should become possible for the less successful operators to improve their methods conform more nearly with those of the more successful operators As a step toward solution of the problem the committee is investigat ing and preparing reports on the methods of handling drivers and me chanics standard records for mechan ical information and the relation of important accessories to maintenance With a view to developing the broad er aspect of establishing and codifying Jackson On leav road follows the the Ellis river notch Glen Ellis falls He a quM ter of a mile off the road to the right and are approached by a clearly sign posted pathway To the right and left of the main road as one continues north many paths and roads lead off to glens and lakes hid den In the forest or upward to some of the hills and mountains rising above the road on either hand At a point about 12 miles north of Jackson Service 2 Orange St Harry Thayer Conway Cyril Baroque SVillimansett Williams Monson Huntington Garage Hunt ingrtoru Orchard Garage Indian Orchard TWO DOOR SEDAN Lansing s925 SpdreTtre Extra ffie Saco river with its charmim i Starting the Trip Starting the trip from Boston the Automobile Club of America New suggests that the motorist cress the Charles river and run to Cam bridge and then northeast to Revere Next comes Lynn Salem and Beverly to Magnolia an attractive summer re Bort and often referred to as the'Newport of Massachusetts" It has a particularly line long beach Next comes Gloucester and Rockport to Pigeon Cove at the very end of Cape Ann Going back to the main royl the route runs through Ipswich and Rowley to Newburyport Here" one crosses the Merrimac river into the state of New Hampshire and follows the Ocean boulevard to Xnw pistle situated on a rocky peninsula 4a 1 ana tne norineui Hamnshire's seacoa cataqua river forms the boundary line between tho Granite state and Maly rom New Castle one runs to ortijr mouth and then through Dover Som ersworth and Rochester to Alton at tho southern end of Lake Winnipe saukee Skirting the lake" one contin ues through The Weirs Meredith and Ashland to Plymouth then northward into ranconia Notch through Thorn and Woodstock to North Wood stock from which point there is a splendid view down tho Demigejvasset valley and of numerous mountain peaks Hero is to be found some of the most beautiful and panoramic mountain scenery Nearby are more than 30 important points of interest bummer Playground in Bretton Woods Continuing northward Profile Profile lake and the "Old Man of the motorist' then leaves the notch to run through the pretty village of ranconia on the Gale river and under the protecting shoulder of Suerar hill rom here he runs to Bethlehem and then on to Twin mountain Here he is in one of the favorite resorts sections of the White mountains the very center of be still more deeply im pressed when you take a drive and discover how its four Love joy hydraulic shock ajbsorbcrs transform even the roughest roads into smooth boulevards Sales and Parts 889 Main St Noislau Cahill Holyoke Motor Sales Co Westfield 1 Hampshire Motor Co Northampton Greenfield Motor Co Greenfield JANUARY TO JULY 1928 SHOWED THE GREATEST SIX MONTHS GAIN IN DURANT 49 OVER 19tT II MODELS RANK TABAKA 67 Exchange JSt Chicopee Mass COXRADY BROS 166 Anion kt Rockville Conn ANGELO PCICIO Directions for Visiting All Places in Granite State a mens for Scenery of Moun tains Valleys Rivers and 1 Lakes i Seepqry that many believe to be without equal in this country is re sponsible for tho warm regard that motorists linvc for New Hampshire 4 touring and year after year tourists by the thousands iturn to feast their cnics panui nt iia ui The Granite experienced Where will you find greater value at any price us jon the the White mountains state is often called by travelers the most consistently beau tiful state in the Union Here one huiy be within an hour of broad ocean beaches great lakes or a superb view of the mountains The broad Atlantic laves its quaint historic shore which merges into broad valleys and undulat ing hills between winding rivers New Hampshire has been called "Mother ofRivers" because five of the great ivers of New England have their origin in her mountains In the center of the state are island studded lakes of marvelous beauty at the feet of the White mountains Among the well known natural curiosities and scenic attractions of the region are The lume the Tool tho Basin Lost liver and the "Old Man of the Moun tains" in ranconia Notch Glen Ellis tho Crystal Cascades ant! other beau tiful waterfalls in Pinkham Notch Crawford Notch through which flovJs and Dixville lake OLDSMOBILE SPRINGIELD CO 510 Main St Cor Broad St Tel 5 9833 Open Evenings fMOTOR TOUR TO WHITE MOUNTAINS NEW HAMPSHIRE MEYER CATOK MOTOR SALES the important principles of manage ment required for the sound growth of automotive mass transportation of passengers and goods two schemes have been proposed and are under con sideration according to Plimp ton chairman of the committee Both contemplate a searching study of the larger motor transport opera tions but one would be a survey of one year's work of the larger common carriers and contract operators to show the nature of the business or ganization the type and amount of service rendered the character and lo cation of terminals garages shops and the like the kind of vehicles used the territory served and the road condi tions The other scheme would involve a detailed study of operating "expenses and earnings This approach through the financial side is put forward as the best method of crystallizing the prob lems of the industry as no yardstick is now available for comparing the operating costs and the receipts of the various operators It is thought that either scheme should be carried out by some outside and unbiased research group such as has been built up by larger universities as course in business or training and which is to handle such a project WORLDWIDE SERVICE STATIONS HELPED At 45 seconds past 5 o'clock on the morning of June 29 two American adventurers climbed into a seaplane in New York harbor to overtake a fast liner and to begin a journey that would have thrilled the blood of even the rench romancer Jules Verne or those two were literally going to race the moon around the girth of the world and incidentally to beat the world's record for speed in circling her circumference On Sunday July 22 23 days later a plane from the West bearing the two moon racers touched New York soil at Roosevelt ield and the adventure was over Thus has the great lunar champion 'been vanquished and thus have John Henry Mears New York playwright and Charles Collyer his co voyager regained Mears's own laurels as the speediest world circling traveller lost wheii the Wells Evans expedition in 1926 lowered the Mears 1913 record of 35 days to 28 days Twelve thousand miles of the Mears Collyer 'round the world dash were made by plane 8000 miles by steam ship They flew partly across both Atlantic and Pacific and travelled overland exclusively by air The long est non stop flight was a 1700 mile hop from Mukden Manchuria to Tokio Japan Governments of the various countries cooperated by' sup plying repair crews and weather re ports And at every landing field The Tide Water Oil company Amer ican manufacturer with world wide service station supplied the flyers with their chosen motor lubricant Veedol motor oil 7 Dixville Notch Newport A CpIebraokirX Vf'3 I (t) rT tWstratfonj SBartoit Jj Milan I A Crowe cny DufielJ 0 TVa Belhel Yy Bretton i I VSarre fyrVASHI'arO'i JN Crawford i rclila Il I Pl North 1 fl I I Haverhill 8 1 Wood stock ConwavS NIE Achocorua teljh I er dkwOssipee i I dstJLeba'n oltheWeirlgX Xix union! I 1 'Wr IVMri'J Ntoop fjf LHitJlftxcw' London 1 1 poVtl QTo EocheolerNN a i mfr VHann'kar If Northwood u's nh i 7TcrrtH3rbor 'y jiTAa'pole arow Hillsboro Sunco*ck "bi I) I I PorbmoutnLiC' (io) yNecastle 'x Hanco*ck rfrManchcstcr'Xxvf) M' aXTKr cne HamptojJT (( Brattleboro 0 Hayerh buryport Uwillianiu Jr I Winchendon i) nT Saq inswille itchburg VLoncU jAtloucsster fcrecnfield COMPILED BY A 9X1 Lynn A THE AUTOMOBILE CLUB AMERICA 12 53rd St B0S10nX 0SCLE NEW YORK CITY Manhattan Drafting Co II I fob Landing fob Lansing A I 5 c'r'i iyunsisii 4 BUHi I i '1 1 6 is I A 1 I 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 I gZZT i I i 1 i I I I 1 1 194 1 Sd i a 1 B' ni I it Tv 73 ta I il ii 3 oa 1 i7ir41iu ijiIimi irrreRTSjj'dliiririii iiiMiiwrili iiiiwimi ni 1 Jk 1 1 CZTi 10 EEr The perfected Whippet oor offers such desirafele Teaturts as full Sf 71 force feed lubrication silent timing chain extra leg room and 7 A 73 1 twm frf more tHax XOOteOOO hkk cniatev motor can Kr 4' 51 1 fer 1 sT' i3 5 i I kern Hr i I 4 I Stnfforl Sorinirs Conn rz SU i 3 1 KZZZ the fi ne ar tow PRICE 1 1 II mlnii IIIII ill i min Ill 4 T1" 't V'A Ns jL '7 7 iT'fs i i A 'A "Pvi SYU I Jiw i rv i xjrtftwtr yr 1 rtif rr 1 A 4 14 gggssgggsSgs: JO JO a 9 I I Kt i I.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Delena Feil

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Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.