The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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1 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: THURSDAY DECEMBER 20 1923 16 Late Christmas Shoppers Will irid Valuable Suggestions on This Page Today Articles Wanted to Buy 33 Gifts He Will Like 28 Household Articles To Late to Classify SAYS HUSBAND 18 Dancing Teachers 3 lorists and Nurserymen 42 Professional Serricea Builders and Contractor 20 Building Materials Mail Lost and ound 6 26'? Watches Diamonds Jewelry 27 STANDARD RAILROAD WATCHES Re duced prices 200 Worthington 28 Musical Instruments Legal Notices mended Plumbing Heating Metal Work 45 Personals except 28 Clothing and ootwear inp lot or diamond 46 Insurance Moving Trucking Baggage 47 Livestock 33 Dogs Cats Pete eed Coal and Vbod 23 1910 8 Men Wanted Bo ST his feet of Hillman Chestnut street or INISH CAR RENTE Painterg and Paper Hanging 48 HOSPITAL point thirty feet southerly from Stock paper Bos 25 Machinerv and Tools and between bu Kinglets on Chestnut Eggs Poultry and Supplies 36 Radio Sets and Equipment 50 Jobbing and Repairing coffee and Gifts for the Household 51 Cleaning and Dyeing or on either side of ort Horses Vehicles 50 Piano Tuning Household Articles 26 Clerk 5 Cleaning and Dyeing OUR 9 Women Wanted WANT AD RATES Business Service I'npcru Gifts He Will Like Koutfib to Let 32 Miscellaneous for Sale for The Ropub for The Daily EVER SHARP PENCILS and pens $1 up Chase 562 Main St DAYS DAYS work done at reasonable prices Estln at free Jordan 12 Stebbins St 192' HAVE your pets mounted by Bassett Taxidermist 25 Nevada Ave City know circles 20" 1 CIGAR AND CJGARET Silver plate sterling or gold $2 up Chase 562 Main $97 $125 $150 WHEN YOUR EYES OR YOUR GLASSES trouble you see A Nicolet Room 214 uller Bldg 317 Main St Swap for build G128 12 SCHOOL TOUCHETT EXPRESS and furniture mov ing lowest prices 7556 36 Pasa dena St Wanted first or second engi neer Apt ly Chief Engineer Northampton ELECTRIC VACUUM Western Electric or Sweeper Vac also used clean ers free trial easy terms cleaners rent ed repaired Alderson 40 Arch 1315 CKETBO I Containing about in Springfield Sat between orbes Wal Reward ILL SECTION URNISHED ROOMS BY THE DAY OR WEEK WINCHESTER 80 REALTY CO 780 STATE ST WAL 230 PH NE HI VER 3150 Mail orders Accepted CORONA AGENCY on the easterly side SPRINGIELD CONSERVATORY of Music Ini All branches and theory all grades New York teachers 54 Byers St Riv 370g BUY THE WEDDING RING At 200 Worthington St Springfield Typewriter Exchange Ino liver 4851 315 Bridge St Beauty Walnut 6540 BACK loor cases cash registers wall cases 524 High St Hol yoke Holyoke 1067 URNITURE OR SALIC and apartment for rent Walnut 562G Angelus Chase And CEMENT irst class: passed all official tests immediate delivery 2 Boston Road Ludlow Mass on Vernon street within fifty CONDENSERS Kellogg Decremeter type 11 plates 11 plate vernier $675 23 CHAMBERLIN metal weather strip guaran teed for life of building no cloth or felt white gold watches for old watches or jewelry Grimes Bookstore Bldg VON PLACE Newly furnished rooms single and light housekeeping RANCEVIEW SANITARIUM ormerly Nauheim 18Hj year new and Improved lo cation trained nurses chronic cases a specialty Dr Mary Sanderson 34 North Prospect St Amherst Mass PIANOS TUNED $1oo to introduce work to new customers price $300 thereafter ex pert repairing rebuilding go anywhere airfield 134 Littleton 6542 TYPEWRITERS (all maxes sold rented and Repaired rent $250 month $6 three months Lowest prices for multigraph ing Roqm 628 Myrlck Bidg 29 Worthington St River 3483 CITY DOLL HOSPITAL DOLLS ROOM 210 MYRICK BLDG a Male Holder hanker asks a $100000 MAPLE SANITARIUM for Invalids and elderly people 1656 Longmeadow St Longmeadow Tel Walnut 2695 RUGS actory prices Axmlnster Wilton Brussels Harold Moore Mill Agt 116 Pearl St Thompsonville Ct Tel 483 3 AND MASUNS' tools cheap Money loaned Deane's 180 Dwight St tlio thlug for a wavemeter or filter very high grade strongly made Carlisle Hard RUGS OR New al kinds factory prices Douville 882 Chicopee St Willlmansett Tel Holyoke and $95 WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO 31 HARRISON AVE PLUMBING AND Jobbing spe cialty Andrew Laleur 71 Pomona St near the Tel Walnut 3232 fully equipped to take care of all orders Prompt service reasonable rate Granger 34 Oak St Walnut DOES your Hobart meat chopper need re pairing Work guar: prices reasonable Hobart Mfg Co 179 Chestnut St 4740 BANJO Mandolins Ukuleles Guitars Vio lins Saxophones eane's480 Dwight St HOTEL MARROSE next to the Auditorium Rooms well heated $1 a night and tip weekly rates $4 and up River 8861 GIRL WANTED Apply Springfield hospital DRIVING and Repairing Instruction ree booklet Laporte Auto Schoo 94 Broadway DRY KINDLING WOOD Cut Rtnvp elpan and convenient prompt delivery now New England Co West Division 121 Lowell West Springfield Tel River 35S6 street or on the southerly side of Bridge street within fifty feet of THE STATE PLAYERS are now present ing winner is Mrs Elsie Bissonnette 140 Myrtle St Indian Orchard WE ARE closing out our stock of Pianos Grands and Uprights at very low prices Select one for Christmas We can save you from $50 to $100 on any piano in stock Cash or monthly payments Tay lor's Music House Room 201 115 State St BOILER SETTING urnace work of any kind Oscar Carlson Mason Contrac tor and Rullder 145 State St Riv 5013 ftet of any intersecting so that paragraph as amended will read as MIRRORS manufactured resilvered glass Io windshields etc Glass and Mirror Works 20 Congress St Riv 8050 IRE INSURANCE should be your first thought for the protection of your home Marsh 423 Main St Walnut 3033 DRESS PLEATING alt styles accordion knife and millinery Hemstitching done by expert operators Griswold's Edwardcu Proprietor 19 Bease Place River 5644 PARLOR SUITE 3 plece overstuffed tapes try latest design $125 Dwight urni ture Co 157 State St Walnut 1240 AQUAMARINE RINGS for ladles $15: rec tangular hexagonal and diamond shaped setting Grimes Bookstore Building WALTHAM Wrist Watch 20 year case jew eled movement $1250 Kalman The Jew eler 144 Main (next to Rood Woodburv) licit by further amended REDUCED PRICES on wood Ryder i alls Tel Chicopee 257 VERY old rare mahogany inlaid tete a tete: right price 162 Bridge St opp WINDOW SHADES made to order 59c up sold retail only Call 1539 Spfld Window Shade Mfg Co 122 Main St We carry a rqu i se te and scrim curtains BREAKAST SETS An appropriate Christ mas present in various combinations of colors New England urniture Co 583 585 Main St Walnut 1514 ACME JOB PRINT 500 cards $2 letter heads circulars announcements printed neatly quickly cheaply 224 Court St on the side on Catherine COZY COTTAGE Invalids chronic and nervous cases Est 1915 86 Lawn wood Ave Longmeadow Tel Wai i232 KLEEN MEET OIL BURNERS will heat your house at expense of $13 coal Inves Igs te Bacon Taplin Co 59 Hillman St ASOL1NE PNEUMATIC WATER SYSTEM with 220 gal tank price reduced $5 daily till sold regular price $220 today $125 Bacon Taplin Co 59 Hillman St BOOKS We buy and sell second hand books Johnson's Bargain Bookstore 77 Market St Main Street entrance through Bookstore MASON Builder and contractor garages built cement walks and plastering redA Ricardi 35 Wait St Tel Wai 4151 EXPRESS Daily Springfield to Indian Orchard and Ludlow or rates Tel 900 Orch 190 Davis Express CORNETS Here again the Buescher stands in the lead although in this as in other lines we have a wide variety of makes and prices Music House Cor Main and State Sts upstairs Open eve nings Terms GUARANTEED USED Weser Bros George Woods WEDDING RINGS All styles plain or en graved 14kt and 18kt gold and all colors $5 up Chase 562 Main LA TAUSCA to $5 up Chase 562 Main St OUR LAT WORK WASH Is growing be cause of Its excellent quality May serve you? Belmont Laundry River 3718 MOVING? our business: 'phone at Walnut 2855 (we know we can satisfy you) 48 Dwight St with beaten and DAYTON SCALES Makers of Dayton scales meat slicer bread slicer meat choppers etc Cruise 121 Lyman St AINTING and papernanrlng very lew price 240 Walnut St 1675 or 3171 Large assortment extraord bargains $10 to $500 Kalman the Jew 144 Main (Next Rood A Woodbury) CRYSTAT RADIO Set complete for rifle Tel River 7376 BLACK Small containing sum of money lost on orest Park car or Worthington St liberal reward River CEMENT BLOCKS ar yard or delivered any quantity immediate delivery 22c de livered in city machine made perfect 481 Main St Indian Orchard Tel 130 IVGRY Pyralln Du Barry 3 plece $7 up Chase 562 Main St MILLWRIGHT machinists trans and power instalation and maintenance Spfld Meeh Maintenance Co 47 Laurel Ave JRL WOMEN to paint lampshades for ns at home pleasant Interesting work whole or part time experience unnecessary Nile art company 2616 Wayne Ind CARPENTER Cabinet making and fobbing expert on store fixtures estimates given Albert Archambault River 6261 RENTING Premier Printing: society and commercial printing 56 Harrison Avenue Telephone River 1456 Exceptional opportunity hust lers earning big Write McCleery Calendar actory Washington la Seventy thousand feet 6 In clear gray fir in car due Springfield De cember 1st get our special price for de livery direct from car Wm Bent Inc 73 Dwight St Tel Wai 1366 DRY KINDLING Prompt delivery Miller 93 Cambridge St Tel Wai RUBBER COATS for children black tan llncd guaranteed waterproof practical gifts $450 Alling Rubber Co 261 Main WE PAY CASH OR DIAMONDS PLATI NUM AND GOLD 30314 MAIN ST LIGHT TRUCKING and moving local and Jong distance hauling reasonable rate Carr 948 State St River he met No vehicle except to receive or dis charge passengers shall stand on East side of Pynchon street between way and Columbus avenue or GOK WANTED Mrs Leshure 24 rby Dingle Tel River 1695 UR COATS and chokers gifts that she will appreciate spec value on all furs until ASPHALT ROOING fire retarding beau tiful lasting never needs painting: month ly payments: ask for estimate Kayrock Roofing Corp 27 Sanford St 6366 TAILOR WANTED Steady job Tel 205 or write James Doherty Lenox Mass AN ORIENTAL RUG combines both useful ness and utility always a treasured re membrance Piligian Bros Co 137 State CHRISTMAS PLANTS flowers baskets trees and wreaths for the cemetery and home Visit our store and see our display also get our price list Garden 128 Hanco*ck St Walnut 4724 URNITURE repalrea and upholstered Bought and sold Brightwood urniture Co 2736 Main St River 2611 A NTIQUE household bought Practically new at a bargain Kelley 110 Lincoln St Wai SEWING Singer 66 1 with new motor a bargain $45 WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO 31 HARRISON AVE CHRISTMAS TREES for sale wholesale and retail reasonable prices Walnut 6370 GOOD VIOLIN bow and ease $1350 some less some more: 300 all sizes Edw Kinney 242 WorthlngtonSt MYRTLE ST 13 urnished room in private family 1st floor gentleman Wal of Broadwav north of Bridge street within fifty feet of Bridge street or on right for an make Box St BRACELET A good selection in white and green gold upstairs prices A Cunliffe 2SS Main St 5302 Waltham or Elgin thin model green or white gold $1475 Chase 562 Main STOVE RANGE and urnace Repairs all makes The Burden Bryant Co 109 111 Lyman St GLOTH TRANSER Local and long distance moving: we are equipped with 5 trucks both open and closed vans reasonable prompt service RIBBON Christmas marie Nuttie Goodie Shop 216 St and Complete sets extra loud sneakers Get our prices first Springfield Radio Co River 2776 223 Main St OUR 1924 STOCK ot chicks will be just as sturdy as ever The Kerr Chickerles Inc West Springfield BEAUTIUL WALNUT DINING A bargain this week Call River 3679 OLD LETTERS mailed before 787(1 are wanted for the stamps and postmarks Atherton 318 Main St Room 610 PIANO and PLAYER repairing (111 year with orbes Wallace) Tuning $250 Rebuilding a specialty WOLE HENNTON 284 Walnut St Wal 3265 Supplies refrigerators meat display cases seconds and new Cushing Refrig Co 193 Chestnut St Wal 4918 AUTO ACCESSORIES are bound to please the motorist Buy them at Imperial Auto Supply Co Cor Dwight and Worthinetn Sts (Open evenings) CHIMNEYS furnaces and boilers cleaned and repaired Anywhere within 25 miles of Spfld Sears Co 5 Grace St 2658 tack other than and robber fled before sea rolling tim According to Mellon it was time in 12 or 13 years Brought him to Worcester Henry Miller mahogany upright Good as new will sell at a bargain Address Box 725 Republican Office LIGHTNING Brach $250 Ja cobin $175 Teleradio $125 all passed by board of ire Underwriters Carlisle Hardware company 326 Main St new classes start December 31 information upon request 180 St River 7810 Bay Path Insti BUS1NESS A Xmas gift that will bring your son or daughter dividends for lire urther Chestnut tute I PAY CASH OR rags papers etc Will send for family trade William Hall 129 Cedar St River 2847 BLACKBOARDS $125 to $450 desks and chairs $10 to $20 272 Bridge St BATH TUBS $1G5 SOUTH END HD WE CO 620 MAIN ST TEL WALNUT 6170 Book Charge 50c Space 2 lines stnrt in either The or Daily News ASH Steel sold singly or in dozen lots Herlihy 102 Roseland St or GARAGES BUILT Concrete blocks furnished and laid reinforced concrete work Hartter 49 Dorn St River 1038 11 JEWELRY REPAIRED beads restrung: 30 years of experience red Williams Room 300 289 Main St Wal 2017 GREAT' Unredeemed watches diamonds 1 ry 180 Dwight CRYSTAL RADIO SET for Christmas complete with and aerial unassembled $250 postpaid The John son Co 259 Sargeant St Holyoke Mass DANCING studio private lessons arty time pupils learn in few lessons Memorial Bldg State St River 7585 SEWING Special bargaina for this week: One Standard nearly new regular $59 this sale $25 White Portable Electric regu lar price $115 slightly off grade this week $5750 two Martha Washington Electric White Rotary 1924 model $155 slightly crate marked this week $85 i i JJl 'JUJ PIWM combined wnn our Known age ana expe rience makes It possible for you to get the best results 35 tste St The Republican The Daily News WANT ADS AUKANGED JN ABC ORDER OR EASY READING CU LINKS or buttons 10 and 14kt gold $3 up Chase 562 Main St WOOD SAWING OUtit* $130 Bacon Taplin Co 59 Hillman St A MONODYNE ONE TUBE SET for Christ mas receives 1000 to 13OO miles ampli fying as it detects sent postpaid without tube $10 with phones batteries and aerial without tube $25 The Johnson Co 259 Sargeant St Holyoke A MOST PRACTICAL Xmas suggestion A ccrd of wood will fill the house with warmth and cheerfulness Chicopee Wood Yard 311 Center St Chicopee 'Phone 756 CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES of all kinds Hand painted by Mae Tivey cashier at Drue Store on display and for salp at Highland Taint Wall Taper Co 140 State St CARDS We have a very choice selection of Christmas and New Year cards Vining Bonner 179 State near Maple shampooing manicuring our work will convince Shop 25 Harrison Ave Printing Jobbing Stationery 49 SCHOOL of hah and beauty cul ture thorough course all branches Rrn 622 Ct Sq Bldg 31 Elm St Riv 6858 wanted by New York authorities on rm old indictment charging grand lar cf ny in connection with the failure vf an alleged bucket shop EXCHANGE YOUR OLD URNITURE for new we will make you a liberal allow ance River 7854 IT what you say that counts what you do Start right by getting vour printing from The Lothrop Press 288 Main St HE NEWEIiL EMP SERV Bookkeeping with packing house experience 138 Dwight St street within sixty rive feet of Harrison avenue on the westerly side ot Mar ket street between State street and Harrison avenue or on Dwight street vithin twenty five feet of any lutersect tlie first his duties BUSCALL Est 1890 efficient nurses pleasant surroundings moderate rates 235 Tino St Springfield River 6838 LOOR WITH THIS ADV presented we will sell one quart of LOOR GLASS worth $1 2i (the best all round varnish made) for 60 cents Only one can to a customer and none to dealers This offer is made to introduce to new users and only 500 cans will be sold Unexcelled for lours Lin oleums Oil Cloths and urniture ALBERT HALE CO Wholesale and Retail Wall Paper 11 and 13 Stearns Sq Riv 3630 Springfield Mass Player $195 Baker Player $250 many others Easy terms GIBBS PIANO CO 185 DWIGHT ST Ta Maio nf Long one of the must complaints on rec sale protected territory Men with automobiles preferred excellent op portunity for able salesmen to sell one of the most highly advertised lines of tea coffee and cocoa in New England Headquarters in Boston BOX 729 REPUBLICAN OICE Hard MIXED and wood Carr 948 State St River 3592 SMOKING What does a man en joy more than a smoking stand with all its fittings and equipment Get one for your man $139 to $11 and up at Adas 234 Main St METAL CEILINGS furnaces roof and sheet metal work Elmer Wellman 447 Bel mont Ave River 249 Christmas Gift Suggestions HYSTERIA AGAIN HALTS VETTER TRIAL RUGS Steam sterihzeo and compressed air cleaned 9x12 $150 Crescent iet Cleanifig Co 56 Harrison Ave Riv 3196 A COMPETENT MECHANIC wanted to fill beater and washing engines Taper mill experience desirable but not absolutely permanent posnion aaaress 28 Republican Office ENERAL CONSTRUCTION Brlckwotk concrete carpeniry Morrissey Stowell Co 137V State St River 170 CUSTOM TAILORING Steam and femh dry cleaning pressing Homlckl 249 Belmont Ave River 3281 We are the agents for the famous Buescher make used by the Brown Bros and other stars A full line of these and other less expensive makes on hand at all times Music House Cor Main and State Sts upstairs Open evenings Terms SECOND HAND DOORS sash and frame all sizes Pinney Inc Crane St Storehouse River 3333 ALL KINDS live poultry wanted The high est prices paid Wil) send truck anywhere Small Chicopee alls Tel 293 1J 1 MJAM JL I or riiuny rnv Atrnae Clanrun 111 WAShburtr St Coogan is playing in Live OICE URNITURE WANTED Chairs typewriters desks etc We are paying high prices for such furniture Bay State Store Office ixture Co Sanford and Market Sts Tel Walnut 5995 MAKE YOURSEL A PRESENT nf a new bathroom outfit Come in and sop them Lyon Co 47 Court St 2396 URNITURE AND PIANO MOHNG of every description Plano boxes for sale plenty of them Tvers Express the oldest and best Estab 1871 Offices 44 Pynchoo St River 595 Res Walnut 2994 Contract rates upon request Count 6 words to a line 14 lines to au inch Minimum Minimum DOLL Pick out while the assortment Is complete $365 $498 $659 up to $1975 Metropolitan urniture Co 538 Main St WHITE SPITZ PUPPIES thoroughbred 4 mos male female reasonable 4977 Hard $14 50 mixed $1350: birch $5350 and chestnut $1250: sawed and delivered Tel East Longmeadow 33 ring 41 BEAGLE HOUND for sale brown Leghorn breeding roosters Pouter pigeons all thoroughbred stock Miller heed ing Hills Opp Poplar St YOUR CHRISTMAS cleaning nnd dyeing will be done well if done by City Dye Workai 216 Worthington St 5660 WORK HORSE for sale Walnut St Wood yard Walnut 923 IAND BAG (Tin seal) containing keys and glasses lost Dor 13 on King St car or on Chestnut or Pearl Sts River 2648 AUTO METAL PARTS Plated improves appearance adds to re sale value Enter prise ria ting Co 49 Taylor St 2036 BUILDINGS wrecked Building material every description ft sal Bricks doors and windows etc Low prices Mass Wrecking Co 161 Lyman St Walnut 3670 point opposite Byers street and Chestnut street or on any street around Winches ter square square or seventy five State street within fifty An 1 fa PURITAN Produce teal music a small deposit will deliver yours for Christmas Metropolitan urniture Co 538 Main St CENTRAL TRANSER urniture and piano moving Lowest rates In city Ex periencc men Call 6370 58 Main St MOVING in cold weather is not very pleasant to think of But you can employ and rest assured that the job will be done right even though you are not there yourself Call or writ for rates Sullivan 19 Broadwav Wal 2960 2S00 2 horse covered ice wagon: 1 dump cart At very low price as 1 have no use for same Inquire 359 King St MALE SCOTTISH TERRIER or sale 6 months old beautiful finest companion pet and watch dog price $75 Also German police pups Only raise a few but rase the best price $50 and up Con nor 61 Cherry St PAINTING DECORATING Cut prices on all work Realty Repair and Construction Co 10 Cross St 7461 ARTIICIAL EYES matched nnd fitted careful and courteous attention given A Gordon Opticians 119 State St MARIMBAS XYLOPHONES AND The beautiful harp like tones of the Ma rimba make it one of the most appeal ing of all Instruments We are exclusive agents for Hhe best Deagan Music House Cor Main and State Sts upstairs Open evenings Terms HORSES Large variety always rost West Springfield Mass 8163 RANGES New and used We have a few reconditioned ranges from $2950 up 234 Main St WATCHMAKER engraver jeweler Watch es clocks and jewelrv repaired Watches diamonds jewelr for sale Grimes Bookstore Bldg 389 Main SL DO YOU KNOW THAT WE DO THE BEST I TU RE RE I I I NG REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING CITY UPHOLSTERING CO 96 WILBRAHAM RD WAL 5465 An Internationalooh information desires the ser of an ambitious young man as representa tive for Springfield Must be familiar with correspondence ull to Mr Strange 618 Onondaga Syracuse ERMAN SPITZ Snow wnite German Spitz puppies reasonable: make nice Christinas gift Mrs Green 51 Tenth MOVING A problem easily solved hv calling CENTRAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE RIVER 98 Movers packers and shippers of household furniture Our estimator will cap Private fireproof storage rooms Office and warehouse 276 Liberty St SNOWSHOES AND Tire chains Shop early Deane's 180 Dwight St RUBBERS sizes 2Jj to 6 a heavy' strong substantial rubber with service heel construction for hard work Special price of 90c pair regular $115 Alling Rubber Co 261 Main St What gift would bring more jov to your family at Christmas as well as" throughout the year than a dependable used car from Auto Exchange 757 Main St River 5646 RINGS Gold 10 Hk signet and emblems $5 up Chase 562 Main Gifts the Children Will Like sagewav at the rear of the United States Postoflice on nn the south side of ort street west of the west line of said Das sageway or on the east side of Colum bus avenue between Court and Pynchon streets or on the north side of Hillman street within one hundred fifty feet west This restriction nnoi United I louse BOSTON TERRIERS AND RENCH BULLS Puppies and grown dogs for sale price reasonable Stahl 98 Whittier St River 5559 CALL ancy articles novelties stationery books unexcelled dis play of Christmas greeting cards Mrs Novelty Shop 8 Clifton Ave Op posite Central Street School COAL OR GAS RANGES (used) taken as payment on new ranges all sizes Metro politan rninture Co 538 Main St THIN ribbon candy home made plum pudding pics cakes: order now for A CRYSTAL RADIO SET for your boy or girl head wire ground clamp In sulators complete $1075 Barnev Radio Co 35 New Dwight St just off State Open 9 a 9 1207 ASOLINE L5c A We are the only distributors of this one grade straight run gasoline in this territory 25 more mileage and power Rockrlmmon Oil Co Above the Bosch License MARSHALL SMITH MD MEDICAL DIRECTOR TEL WALNUT 6600 OR 47 MERWIN ST HOUSE and garage building Always qual ity work at fair prices from Morin Bros 18 Denton Circle Wal 3307 HOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN Nation wide demand for high salaried executives: past experience unnecessary we train you by mall and put you in touch with big opportunities everywhere Write at once for particulars Lewis Hotel Training Schools Desk 5918 Washington DESKS In flat and rolltop $198 $349 $550 $750 to $1675 Metro pol i an rniture Co 538 Main St flaiurh acqtiainted No vehicle or troll: rornivn rr disrhat'ee ll 'll a i ti in k''ist i'liiirt street Lx man street or on the northerly side of East State street within one hundred feet Main EN WANTED A few live i epresentatives to sell Spfld Kelly brushes direct to the consumer liberal commission and big bonus Apply all day 27 Dwight St town State school salary $60 month with Willi WRIST WATCH Lever 25 yr white gold $975 1 Chase 5C2 Main tit J1UDSON SEAL COAT for sale Bought November 1 Sell cheap Box 241 Re publican Office riicsrnut street between erry and ranklin streets or on the side of Min street between Main street and Locust street nr the southerly side of Mill street within fifty feet on either side of the fire station lot or on Broad way within fifty feet of Court Pynvhon or Vernon streets or on the easterlv side of Broadway between and chair and iTioanintT prayer of Willow street between State and Union streets or on the easterly side of Gifts She Will Like 29 Ji A THE NEWELL JIMP SERV 1st class steuo $25 steqo for office 138 Dwight SL full maintenance Communicate DUTCHER SUPPLIES Saws cleavers Ice boxes cases benches See our window display Schorer Store ix ture Co 179 Chestnut St River 4740 OXHOUND Bred by Champion Hustler IL Dudley Agawam Mass DDLS Carpenters' masons and machin tools Deane Jr 180 Dwight 'ILL BUY YOUR OLD furniture mirrors clocks lamps and glass Write Box 245 Westfield Mass THE IRST PAYMENT on a lot at Car penter Park or Carew Gardens would make an ideal Christmas gift The Arthur Taylor Co 377 Main St Wal 1620 to sengers shall re on NEWS Tne most popular evening in Conn valley Why not make an gift to your friend wno Is going to out of town or working away from He or she would appreciate this tetuy POCKETBOOK OUND on Patton St Owner may have by proving property and paying for ad Inq 114 Patton St TABLES chairs rocking horses veloci pedes wagons and autos 272 Bridge St HOOSIER Slightly shop worn at a reduced price a suitable gift Car lisle Hdwo' Co 326 Main St large rooms to rent furnished or un furnished or basem*nt Val 4u31 CHAIRS AND A very large assortment of chairs rockers and office chairs 75c $198 $298 $398 to $9 Metropolitan rrniture Co 538 Main St 'HIT SCOTC 1 COLLI Beau tiful brainy gentle like we sent to the White House and Canadian Mounted Police will cheer your entire family city or coun try Nrnas morning single or money mak ing pairs Wire Island White Collie Ken nels Dept II Oshkosh Wis feet of either Broad on the southerly side of Railroad street between Rusiness and Office Equipment 21 VASES Dainty patterns hand colored de signs if desired Eastern Importing Co 258 Main tit (Next to WOOD By power saw anytime anywhere Walt er Henry 5315 ACCORDIONS are welcome everywhere: we have the kind that really play from $375r to $150 Joseph Music Shop 154 Main St Open every evening That paragraph six of section 17 of Ar ticle 1 of the Rules of the Road as amend ed be hereby further amended by striking out rhe clause Vernon street between Main street and so that said paragraph as amended shall read as fol ARTIIC1AL Also other branches of dental work Dr Harvey 280 Chestnut St Tel 212 LIVE POULTRY of all kinds Highest prices paid Superman 48 Thomas St Local and Private Instructors 15 RENCH GERMAN LESSONS by Swiss lady or Information call Walnut 4038 A SET of drums and traps for the small bey Edw Kinney 242 Worthington St Park avenue cast nr on either side of YVnrt nL'tnn street within one hundred feet of Chest nut street or on either side of Lillian GERMAN POLICE Eight weeks and four months old for sale at reasGi able prices Get a police dog and cut our insurance ew white est High land black and red Chow Cliow puppies Imported stock thoroughbred registered Reducing Kennels for the winter Cant Chipman Charan Kenneis "Wildwood" East River Conn Tel Optometrists and Dentists 11 nf Tivuipht strppt not apply to the vehicles of the States Postoflice nr the Custom Approved December 17 1923 Attest CLIORD SMITH City AUTOMOBILES J750 a real 5950 value The 'dream of every child Geo Kimball Sou Co 60 64 Main St BROADWAY Mrs Chas A Granger 20 Blake St wins 2 tickets for riday's matinee perforn tance of "Iamlng Youth" Ads may Republicnn Sunday ratVs the same as The Repuollcan and Daily News com bined Closing time li an is 9 News 9 a Misclassification Not Allowed USD TUB TELEPHONE ASK OR A WANT AD TAKER Or leave nt our downtown office 377 Main Kt reef ALL MEN women boys girls 17 to 65 willing to accept government positions $I17 J25O (traveling or stationary) write MrOzment "S6 St Louis Mo Immediately OUND emale lieagte hound Tel Chicopee 22 COLUMBIA Special Christ mas snlc Save a couple of dollars by buying from Dver Everett Inc 555 State St Wal 4370 Open evenings WHAT HAVE YOU TO SWAP? Au ad here will turn the deal for you URNITURE ITLHOLSTERED Parlor suites etc slip covers made ree esti mates Paley Uphol Co 697 Main St LOST riday out of nn automobile prob ably between Springfield and Hartford a navy blue silk velvet dress trimmed In gray and in a box from store in inder please communicate with Mrs A Ashcraft 5 South St Brighton Mass and receive reward Merchandise at the Stores 30 'rhe Daily or Sunday Re publican can be sent anywhere for $1 o0 i a quarter or $6 a year dally Sunday uui toward the reet within or on westerly of Catln rine street ftsfu rf Catherine street or strbet easterly of Catherine street within seventy five feet of Cathe Hne street or on the southerly side of State street between Eastern avenue and a point sixty feet easterly of the west erly end of the building of the Hendee Mfg Company on Wilbraham road within one hundred fet easterly of East ern avenue or on Maple street between State and Stockbridge streets or on State street within fifty feet on either side of the white pole in front the old State Street Baptist Church buildingr on the easterly side of Rutland street within one hundred fret Wilbraham road or fin the easterly side of Market BOSTON TERRIER 9 weeks old 5 males 1 female rich dark sealbrindle screw tails blue ribbon stock nice Christmas gift for the kiddies I Mul lins 150 Patton St I'LUE CROSS COMMUNITY shoot dogs good homes are waiting for them 1 one River 1137 Woman Defendant ollows ather to Hospital After His Collapse on Witness Stand New York Dec 19 Hysteria of Mrs 5lario Vetter on trial with her hus band for the murder of her former lover Alonzo Storey again halted the trial today while the woman wab led sr reaming from the courtroom Ernest Vetter her elderly husband tried to quiet the woman as shecreamed "Oh God help me" over and uver again Adding to the dramatic confusion rederick Krnnnemer Mrs fainted on the witness st and i nder severe cross examination of Dist Atty Wallace The prosecutor 9 ad accused him of making a bid for sympathy and staging theatrical ef tcts when he knelt on the steps of the witness stand before giving testimony on the easterly side of North Main street within sixty feet measured southerly from Grove street at any time Barbers Hairdressers Masseuse 39 HKAUTY PARLO Beautiful 1st quality switches in all shades from $595 up Ruby Call Hartt 417 Main St I'lsOOn AND TABLE Latest de signs In silk shades and ihogany poly chrome and Japanese pedestals JCnrland urniture Co 583 585 Main St RAY SITjK Lost Wednesday evening Telephone Wal 989 NEEDLEWORK and laves mended lor ence Chilson 52 Oak St Wal 6204 DRY WOOD AND KINDLING Sawod tc order and delivered Walnut St Wood yard Walnut 923 Millinery and Dressmaking 52 HOUSE rit at $1 2 brown kid $2 up Alley 542 Worthington St near Spring Open evea TRIED TO SELLtf nrn urnnn HER 10 lUbKU rir 4 fhp VPHT cm 1 1 1 pi U1 of town folks will enjoy this every day gift as both sensible andw pleasing Mail orders accepted or drop into our down town office at 377 Main St It was under this attack that the nis IRST CLASS fox hound for sale River THE OLLOWING ESSENTIAL should be fed with HEN CHOW and CHOWDER oat straw as a litter hard sharp grit and oyster shells George Mothe Co 493 Worthington St Tel River 866 37 The Ira Johnson Horse Co heavy draft and matched pairs a specialty 14 16 Emery St River 272 PAINTING and paper hanging Prices right Koehler River 4817 COOKS $15 general housemaids $L0 $J5 I Employment Bureau Wal 2431 Housekeeper CITY SPRINGIELD In Board of Aidermen December 17 1923 ordered that paragraph three ot section 17 Gifts for Dinner and Decoration TREE LTGlfTlNG Set ot 8 $225 set of 16 $425 colored bulbs 15c each Imperial Aut? Supply Co or Dwight and Worthington (Open evenings) HARD Dry slab and kindling prompt delivery Mulloy Wal 6291 128 Walnut St MP DEPT 1S 20 in office: junior acct $40 week 18 20 ATE TADS Nothing more useful for the office man Get one for him Spfld Office Supply 71 73 Worthington St PR1NG PEARLS Lost between Vir ginia St and the or on Worthington St near Myrlck Bldg Mrs Kaihen berg 57 Virginia St Reward ATIONAL New and second hand supplies and repairs Colegan Sales Agent 37 Worthington St EVERYTHING OR THE Doors hardware jambs wood or steel sash slate surfaced shingles or marked off roofing wall board etc Bent Inc 73 Dwight St Tel Wal 1366 READER WHO WOULD CARE TO BOARD A BABY BOY 3 YEAtlti CAN NOT AORD PAY VERY Ml CH JUST DISCHARGED ROM HOSPITAL Business Services Rendered 40 NORTH MAIN ST 188 pleasant furnished rooms all conveniences REPRESENTATIVE Permanently in Springfield over 30 interesting profitable outdoor work Write Keane Phelps JEERSON AVE 99 Steam heated fur nished room Tel River J698 man fell from his ri Hiditrr sot tin 11P Aiinilts Tnihnncj Hit Victim Mrs Vetter had admitted that she lad been intimate with Storey before ber marriage to Vetter The slaying her counsel asserts came when he forced his attentions on her after the ma rriape Mrs young sister had testi fied that Storey when he was a Uxtrdcr at her mother's home had tried to seduce her "If I had known about these things 1 would be on trial and instead of my daughter" the aged father testified "I would have killed the cur" A few minutes later Brunnuner col lapsed Court attendants carried aim from the room Mrs liysteri al outburst followed and she was 'ed tc an anteroom still screaming ather and daughter were taken to St John's hospital while court was recessed for two hours bister Wears Hair InStand Krncst Vetter jointly with Imvinsr lulbed Storey to death sat unmoved dining the excitement Mrs Vetter collapsed twice yester rlav once when her confession was in a second time when that of her husband was read in which he rut all blame for the murder upon her Laura Brunnemer 1 year old sis tor of Mrs Vetter told on the wit ness stand of attempts by Storey to seduce her The girl wore short dresses and had her hair down her back in ringlets but admitted under cross examina tion that until two weeks ago she had worn her hair Brunnemer had Storey three years him to board at his this wav he said ter Mrs Vetter became i Kinrcv An effort wns mode to Introduce as rvidenco i number of pictures al Jegetl to have decorated the wall of room Counsel for the Vetters described the pictures us The court lel'used to admit the pictures Two girl employes at a Western Union telegraph office where Storey worked said he continually made ad vances to'vard them Pefi'iise Hests Case Brunnemer went back an tlie wit ness stand after the recess and with the completion of his testimony the defense rested its ease without send ing either Vetter or his wife to the stand The state Immediately began calling witnesses in rebuttal NORTHAMPTON MASS INI NG ROOM living room anfl kitchen furniture wanted In seta or odd nieces Howard urniture Co Rivr 4189 STOVE and furnace all kinds of repair ing: price reasonable 6254 HANGING AND Will do room for $5 I eete 1 821 West Brides street "st of Broadwav within fifty feet of Broadway or on the southerly side of Bridge street east street or on tlie southerly side of East State street within seventy feet of Main street or on the easterly side of Walnut street from opposite tlie tire station to State street or on the westerly side of Walnut street within one hundred sixtv one feet of State street or on cither side of Walnut street from No Itv Walnut street to Pine street or on the easterly side of Oak street between State and Union streets or on either side of Bridge street witiiin flffeet of Chestnut street or on the easteny side of Chestnut street within titty feet of Pearl street or on the southerly side of Pearl street within liftv feet of Chestnut street or on thow LA TUSCA CGennine) Kal man The Jeweler 144 Main St (Next to Rood MORRIS AUCTIONEER Livestock farm eale and specialties Holyoke HOLYOKE 2880 Jefferson Is Jackie the URNITURE built repaired and uphol stered Stratton Co 127 Marlboro St Call and deliver River 3530 GET THE Springfield Steam Carpet Clean ing Co to clean your rugs and carpets after Christmas Now I a good tlmatc renovate feathers 764 40 Taylor fit City critical condition deep gash on the head and slashed tliroat a victim oE an attack by some unidentified assailant Mellon according to his story to the police reached Wore soon after 1 a nt anti was on his way to nport to tlie freight office when he was hit on tlie head and his throat cut lie could give no reason for the attack He said he ran after his as sailant but could not locate him The injured man was found soon after 5 o'clock in a dazed condition and suffering from loss of blood A row of blood spots from the point near tlie freight office to where Mel lon was found enabled searchers to locate him On Mellon's person was found $140 and a gold watch Police so far were unable to assign a motive for the at tnat tne his vlc ROLL BILLS Lost Dev 13 Reward if returned Telephone River 2269 WILL TRADE 2 house lots 50x100 eaclr on Maple Rd Longmeadow for 2 famlly house or cottage Walnut 6890 DOG AND CAT DISEASES AND SURGERY DOGS AND US DR DOWLING 24o COLLMbUS AVE WAL COOKING UTENSILS MENDED at less than the new utensils cost It pays Try the Hercules loat Works 200 ranklin St Walnut 5380 bv Unlunibus avenue strikiiur out the words on the northerly side of Vernon street between Broadway and Water and bv inserting in the place there of the following on Columbus avenue within fifty feet of any intersecting street between Elm and Bridge streets both streets ii clusive or on Vernon street within rtftv sam fol NE RABBIT HOUND 3 mos old $10 white Pomeranian and 2 pointers great hunters River 1017 Sumner Ave CONDUCTOR ATTACKED BY UNKNOWN Worcester Dec red Mellon 42 ot Somerville a Boston Maine railroad freight conductor was at tlie hospital here today tn a seiul siittertng from a CYCLAMEN BEGONIAS ERN'S and other house plants fresh cut carnations Muel Greenhouse 49 Greene St Walnut GOOP or sale donee 43 Church St Tel nd ifmii ago and invited home 1 that his Lowest Rates in the City 16c line per day for 1 14c a line per riny for 12c line per day for BLANKETS $1 and $156 regular $150 and $2 values Pink and blue plain and scalloped Alley 542 XV orthing ton St near Spring Open evenings BLACKBOARDS C9c Educational gift and a world of enjoyment for all children Geo Kimball Son Co 6'1 64 Main St school hrtrtAO as a gift because It would keep them In touch with the home town topics: 6 mos $3 1 year $6 Drop in at our downtown office and get this subscription started DI XiilON Ti ffany or elcher settings 14kt gold $15 up Chase 562 Main St SALESMAN wanted to sell preferred stock experience unnecessary steady position good salary Cail mornings only before 10 a Ask for Mr VerVeer EXTERMINATOR Rats mice roaches bedbugs by contract or Job 40 yrs experi ence Martin Malllard 38 Jefferson Ave River 8390 LUY RUGS Look well and wear well Have one made froni your old carpet Economy Rug Co J7 Taylor St 743 INDS NEVIN MET DEATH BY ACCIDENT Philadelphia William Jr of Port Kennedy and rank Nicholson of Brooklyn hr Id in with the death of Charles Nevin society man nnd World war veteran were absolve i from all blame by Coroner Knight to day rj he coroner jury returned a ver dict that death plunge a nintli floor window of tlie St James hctel last riday was The coioner ordered the two menwho had lieon held without bail ai a technical charge of manslaughter re leased at once Nicholson iv as Immediately re (arrested by detectives on a charge of being a fugitive from justice He ia Mrs La Maio Makes Sensa i tional Charges Against ilm i Director in Los Angeles Di I vorce Suit 1 Los Angeleif' Cal Pec 19 Chnrg 1ng that her husband Elsior La Mate i film director and theatrical manager tried to sell her for $500000 to a Negro Mrs Helen Beach today filed fcnsational divorce erd In local courts In her complaint Mrs I ames Mis Mary Ella Howe widow of an El Paso (Tex) si co respondent She also share of La asserted estate The Negro named in tlie complaint by Mrs La Maie with whom La Male is raid to have bartered for his wife is Lou Baker wealthy gambler and central figure of the Juarez Underworld it was revealed La Mate is declared to be well In Texas and Oklahoma social Priven to desperation because of the asserted efforts of her husband to ll her to Baker for wliiflt trans Tion she claims she was to receive 150000 Mrs Ln Maie said in her com plaint that she contemplated commit ting suicide but was persuaded by Jriends not to do so Poverty and death unless she went to Baker in Juarez prompted Mrs La Maio to legal action and the divorce complaint fol lowed Although La Maie his wife says has fortune of looooo Mrs iJi Maie re cited in Tier complaint that she nad een compelled to support herself and two minor children or four years Mrs La com plaint states I a Maie insisted that rhe submit to Baker so lie might bewealthy and when she refused he abused her and threatened her life b'he also charges that her husband wrote her and foul letters" Kl'ICHEN RANGES In all sizes and makes from $10 up Kimball Second Hand ur niture Store 47 53 Main St Wal 2178 MATTRESSES made over as good as rew We call for and deliver Standard Mat tress Co 56 Harrison Ave Walnut 5288 DOLLS games railroad trains mechanical toys and books 272 Bridge St DOLL CARRIAGES $250 to $20: sulkies $2 to $450 272 Bridge St Antiques ANTIQUES or sale at 128 Mulberry St River and office furniture i3v a reasonable Drice It pays to call Dwight urniture Co 157 State St "alnut 1240 DRUMS AND What delights the heart of a bov more than a drum or a bugle? We have them for the boys as well as for the professional players Our stock the largest in Western Mass in cludes the standard makes such as Leedy and Ludwig Music House Cor State and Slain Sts upstairs Open eve nings Terms GERMAN SPITZ PUPPIES for Christmas 145 Union St River 2352 ART A suggestion for Christmas that she will appreciate East ern Importing Co 258 Main St (Next to A BEAUTIUL ORIENTAL RUG from our choice selection is sure to please Bros Co 137 State St POLLS repaired and dressed See Miss Smith Store 272 Bridge St DOLLETTE DOLL Dolls and doll repairing 25 Dwight St Dresses knitted goods shoes stockings etc DRESS SUITS and tuxedos rented clothing bought sold exchanged 373 Central St Walnut 5216 DIAMONDS wanted top prices paid In cash Diamonds exchanged red Kalman 144 Main (next to Rood VATUABLE collection of 1100 varieties of old stamps from nearly every country in tlie world nothing under 10 years rid Box 194 Republican Office VIOLIN CASE Bow or small musical in strument We have them all at low prices Edw Kinney 242 Worthington St Up one flight VIOLIN outfits of the better grade $15: In cludes Strad model violin Gord bow full lined case and all trimmings at Joseph Music Shop 154 Main St Open eve ry evening WATCH Elgin 12 size thin model green gold $1350 Kalman the Jeweler 144 Main St (Next to Rood Woodbury) CHIMNEYS CLEANEp and repaired all kinds of roofs repaired Work guaranteed estimates free A Richardson 123 Wal nut St Walnut 6291 CONCRETE LOORS wanes walls drfve wavs and garages or estimates cal! King Co 265 Boston Rd Wal MUSIC STANDS BOWS STRINGS ETC music stand is a tine gift and for a violinist or a bow of quality is sure to please Our line of strings and accessories we believe you will find com plete Music House Cor Main and State Sts upstairs open evenings Tennis SILK HOSIERY in Xmas boxes: toilet and other gift articles The Hosiery Shop over Public Market Business Services JM OXIDIZING lacquering pollfhlns M4 coloring silver brass or copper field Plating Works 17 Taylor St g6 SDK regular $150 value $1 this week (guaranteed) ILAlley 5i2 Worthington St near Spring Open evenin gs UNDERWOOD portable typewriters a tast ing gift that he she will appreciate In quire as to price terms etc Underwood Ty pe wri er A ge cy 282 Worthington St WATCH Wrist watch 14K white gold 25 yr jeweled movement $650 Kal man The Jeweler 144 Main (next to Rood Woodbury) WHITE GOLD Wrist Watch 14k 15 jeweI very snappy $15 Kalman The Jeweler 144 Main St (next to Rood Woodburv) WRIST WATCH 20 yr case jeweled move inent small size beautiful looker only $8 Kalman 1 41 Main next Rood Woodbury WRIST 14 kt Octagon small size Reg $28 50 my price $20 Kalman the Jeweler 144 Main (Next Woodbury BUY THE DIAMOND RING at 200 Worthington St THE WRIST WATCH at 20O Worthington St New designs URNITURE HOUSEHOLD and office fur niture antiques feather beds best prices paid New England urniture Co 583 585 Main St Walnut 1314 Largest in West ern Massachusetts HOUSEHOLD AND OICE furniture want ed highest cash prices paid Kimball Second Hand urniture Store 47 53 Main St Wal 2178 MOLES Superfluous nair warts and blem ishes permanently removed Ma uger 21 Bese Place Room 201 2954 PERMANENT Reasonable prices Let us give you a consultation 389 Main St Walnut 1494 in PAPER Also rubber and scrap met als isher A Kumltsky 68 70 Liberty St Telephone River 3210 PAPER STOCK in bundles Will pay 10c more per hundred than anyone else Send card to Box 401 or Tel 41a3 LESSONS What could be a finer cift than one of our instruments and a course of lessons? We have competent teachers who ran teach you to play for your pleas ure or prepare you as a professional As soon as the student is prepared we place him with an orchestra through our Mu Bureau Music House Cor State and Main Sts upstairs Open eve in cs Te ms ROCKINC HORSE for sale prirr reason able good condition River 4199 ROCKINGHORSES or the children have a world of fun with them Geo Kimball Son Co 69 64 Main St Good Things to Eat 24 candv 39a lb home choice selection of chocolates HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN Na tion wide demand for high salaried execu tives past experience unnecessary: wO train vou by mail and put you in touch with big opportunities everywhere Write at once for particulars Lewis Hotel Train ing Schools Desk 5918 Washington HOUSEKEEPER In Protestant family of 2 Call 44 Rochelle St after 6 River 1( 6 THE Darling Revue has 22 stars Poli's The winner for riday is Ethel Mould 21 Grove St Blocks games doll beds and wood and metal toys at less than half price Carlisle TIdwe Co 326 Main St RUGS at less than halftorme? prices Cal) write or 'phone 126 3 Garside mill agent 176 Pearl St Thompsonville Ct SEWING Expert repairing all makes reasonable charges guaranteed We cal) and deliver White Sewing Mach Co 31 Harrison Avs River 4M8 RADIOLA SR with WD 11 tubes and Brandes head phones $3950 Radiola 2 stage amplifier with 2 WD 11 bulbs $39 59 JT Barney Radio Co 33 New Dwight St just off State Open 9 a to 9 in River 1207 Willard 2 vnIt A $250 Willard 24 volt $1110 Willard battery charger $2 Gould Unipowrr batterv (batterv and charger combined) $47 80 A 6 volt $18 Car ASPHALT SHINGLES AND RQLL ROOING The Burden Bryant Co 109 111 Lyman St ARTIICIAL Wall board for In terior finishing clean light and conven ient to handle: easy to apply The Burden Bryant Co 109 111 Lyman St BRICK lumber doors and windows of every description at low Springfield Wrecking Co 62 Osgood Sc Wal 990 Educatiowal Situations Wanted Men 12 JANITOR EX PERI ENCED Married man wants apartment block for the winter or steady Can do repairs of all kinds Wal Situations Wanted Women 13 WHEN YOU want the best in domestic ueln call Einpl Bureau Wal 2431 Auto Driving" 18Vt AUTO DRIVING and repairing on model ears courses $10 up license vosi tlon Sptld Auto School 98 Dwight St.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Views: 5593

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (64 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.