59-87 - Flip eBook Pages 101-150 (2024)

Anyway, I was glad that the result was better than expected. I was able to thoroughly check the performance of the Ganpyeongui and I could get some coins and items from the Baekje members. [You have earned 5,400 coins.] [Coins Possessed: 74,950 C] Now I wasn't afraid of the final phase of the fourth scenario. "It is time to go to the north." [The remaining duration of the call is three minutes.] Kim Yushin's divine blessing still remained. I should take advantage of the remaining time left on the Ganpyeongui. It could only be used seven times so I couldn't waste it. "Rise up Dragon Flower Tree!" The broken fragments of the Dragon Flower Tree unit rose again and I pointed north with my sword. "Advance!" The consumption of magic power was huge so the operation time of the Dragon Flower Tree unit was short. The Dragon Flower Tree unit started to march north, randomly sweeping away the small and medium groups. It might be possible to wipe out all the forces of the other kings gathered at the National Palace Museum. There were screams as forces fought all over the street. "What are these skeletons? Aacck!"

The incarnations that ran towards me were crushed by the Dragon Flower Tree unit. Since I wasn't the one attacking, I didn't get a penalty for killing. Yes, this was an invigorating taste. Kim Yushin's holy voice was heard in my head. [There is something strange about you. Your mind is intact despite hearing my true voice…] "I have a strong mentality." I was a bit surprised by the words. The constellations used the 'indirect messages' to communicate for a reason. Kim Yushin was just a low-ranking constellation but most people would pee their pants or faint hearing his holy voice. In fact, I was a bit worried about that too… [Remember, you owe me a big debt. In order to help you, I had to embrace more possibilities than necessary.] There was something sinister about his tone. I quickly expressed my appreciation. "I am thankful. I won't forget General's help." [You are a hasty friend. You don't have anyone to pass it onto yet…] "…Won't it happen one day? If I give birth to a child, I will surely tell them what happened today." [Rather, you don't seem to have a sponsor.] I had an ominous feeling. Damn, this old fox kept talking.

[I like you. If you don't mind, I would like to become your sponsor in this world.] His words were nice but it merely meant to be his slave. "That will be a problem." [Why? Isn't my strength enough? You can become the strongest of this age with just my stigma.] The Gather the Hwarang stigma was good. But that was when applied to Kim Yushin's saga. The strongest in this era? He was trying to scam me. The words were ridiculous for someone who wasn't a narrative-grade. If the Great Sage, Heaven's Equal heard it, he would've squeezed Kim Yushin's head tightly. "Now isn't the age of the Three Kingdoms. You are old and should take a break." We had fun together but let's not see each other again. [The constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' is laughing at 'King Heungmu the Great'.] [300 coins have been sponsored.] Kim Yunshin was silent for a moment, perhaps because his pride was pricked. I thought he would back off but a sharp pain suddenly shot through my head. [Have you forgotten that my divine blessing still remains?] Currently, Kim Yushin and I were connected through the Ganpyeongui. The muscles of my body spasmed in an unusual manner. No matter what, wasn't he a great person

of Korea…? No, maybe he could do this because he was a great person of Korea. Dammit. [It would be better to think again.] Yoo Sangah looked at me with worry. "Dokja-ssi?" "Yoo Sangah-ssi. Get away from me. Quickly!" My trembling right hand didn't listen as it raised Unbroken Faith and started pointing it at Yoo Sangah. Kim Yushin started to exert control over my body. [Did you say there was a restriction on your actions? I wonder what the restriction is. What if I kill that woman right now?] "Kim Yushin, this is your will. It isn't my karma." [Huhu, I don't know. What if I disengage the moment I stab the blade? Won't it be recognized as your actions? And this woman seems to be quite precious to you?] "…Stop." [Make a promise. In the next Sponsor Selection, you will choose Kim Yushin.] The intent of this old fox was obvious. The second Sponsor Selection would begin the moment the fourth scenario was over. Kim Yushin wanted to use this pledge as an opportunity to acquire me.

If I hadn't read Ways of Survival, it might not be a bad choice. Kim Yushin was a fairly decent constellation and there were a few scenarios in the middle that could be cleared with Gather the Hwarang alone. However, if I was going to pick a sponsor, I would've picked the Great Sage, Heaven's Equal in the beginning. Why should I choose Kim Yushin now? "I said no." In addition, I had the contract with Bihyung that didn't allow me to choose a sponsor. Kim Yushin's voice hardened. [You are a stubborn young man. But it is the wrong choice. How long can you endure?] The blade in my hand started moving towards Yoo Sangah. "Yoo Sangah-ssi, quickly―!" Why didn't the smart Yoo Sangah move? I looked at my right hand moving against my will and finally made a decision. Dammit, I respected him as a great person but he forced me to do this… I took a deep breath. This was my body. I would never give it to this guy or any constellation. [The exclusive skill, 'Fourth Wall' is activated!]

Chapter 66: Ep. 14 – Master of the Throne, II The pages of Ways of Survival flashed in my head. A light streamed through my head and the strings of light started to line up. They were the text of Ways of Survival. [Heok…?] Kim Yushin discovered something was wrong and his presence became noticeably thinner. The old fox noticed quickly. [The echo of the constellation connected through Echo of the Stars has disappeared.] At the last moment, Kim Yushin's astounded voice was heard. [What are you…?] Then Kim Yushin was gone.

I was surprised as well. I expected it to be possible with Fourth Wall, but I didn't think the Ganpyeongui connection to the constellation could be broken so easily. The encounter in the Theater Dungeon was a hint. The Fourth Wall had destroyed the theatre master the moment he tried to look inside my head. I was hoping the same thing would happen to the constellation but Kim Yushin noticed quickly and ran away. [The constellation 'King Heungmu the Great' has doubts about your existence.] [The constellation 'King Heungmu the Great' will be watching you closely in the future.] In any case, I was still being followed by the old geezer. "…Are you okay?" "Yes. I'm fine. But…" What was this? I looked up and found that my limbs were tied up with magic power. It was a chrysalis-like appearance. Yoo Sangah's face was completely red. "That… I couldn't run away but I couldn't let you attack me." I roughly understood what was going on. She used Binding Thread on me during that short interval. I thought she was frozen with surprise but she was actually using a skill. "Your improvisation is amazing." "…I'm sorry."

"It is a compliment. If I start acting strange in the future, act like you did now." "I-I will release you!" Yoo Sangah looked embarrassed but I was serious. It was my mistake when I thought of her as an ordinary office worker. I looked back and saw Min Jiwon looking between me and Yoo Sangah with curious eyes. "Well…it turned out like this. I came to help only to end up being helped." I nodded. "We will be enemies the next time we meet." "…Why don't you join us now? It is a common proceeding in dramas." "This isn't a drama." "My friend! Make friends with faith. It is the banner of our Hwarang." Min Jiwon said with a smile before moving away. Could she be a good king? I don't know. Perhaps even the King of Beauty didn't know. "We will go as well. Lee Sungkook-ssi! Come on." Lee Sungkook emerged from behind the building with Lee Gilyoung. This bastard, when did he hide in such a place? I took my companions and started to move north. The place that Kim Yushin's Gather the Hwarang swept through was devastated. The armed forces of the small kings were lying all over the place. This was the dignity of a proper constellation. Kim Yushin was a cowardly but useful constellation.

I picked up three flags and built up my achievements. [Your brown flag has absorbed the cumulative achievements of the brown flag.] [Your brown flag has evolved into a purple flag.] [You are able to use the perks of the purple flag.] Indeed, the best thing was to grow without a fight. I looked around and saw that most flags had already been collected. From the purple flag onwards, the achievement values of the flag wouldn't rise well. In other words, it was useless to grab a small king from now on. "Jung Minseob-ssi, are you there?" The next moment, Jung Minseob appeared out of thin air. The Recluse's Cloak that I handed him in advance was covering his body. Jung Minseob's mission was to scout the National Palace Museum. "How many have gone inside so far?" "A total of nine kings have entered, including the Tyrant King and True Reader." Nine. It was a reasonable number. "What are the flag types?" "There are seven purple and two brown flags. In particular, there are two with really a really deep purple colour." "I guess they are the Tyrant and True Reader." "That's right."

Jung Minseob, wasn't his talent quite useful? I opened my mouth. "This time, I will only go with Yoo Sangah-ssi and Gilyoung. Both of you wait outside. Stay hidden using the cloak." "…Will it be okay?" "Yes, I only need three people right now." "I will enter if you call us." I appreciated the thought but it would just be a disruption. It was because the current Seoul Palace Museum was a dungeon. [A new hidden scenario has arrived!] [Hidden Scenario – Artifact Trials] Category: Hidden Difficulty: F ~ A+ Clear Conditions: Clear the right 'artifact dungeon' with the proper personnel. Time Limit: None Compensation: 500 ~ 5,000 coins Failure: Death A white marble lobby appeared before us as we entered the museum. There were no signs of anyone else in the lobby.

Yoo Sangah spoke in a soft voice. "I can't like culture now without feeling scared. There was the previous theatre and now this museum…" "Hyung, are we going to get the legendary sword?" "No, not right now." Of course, I could find the Four Yin Demonic Beheading Sword in this dungeon. That's why I sowed the information. [Please select the type of dungeon you want to enter.] * Single player dungeon – Nagak * Three person dungeon – Acupuncture Copper Man * Five person dungeon – Dongui Bogam (Korean book compiled by a royal physician, considered as one of the classics of Oriental medicine) * Seven person dungeon – Dragon Jar However, the dungeon with the Four Yin Demonic Beheading Sword couldn't be entered in a normal manner. It was because the dungeon was only accessible using the Sang Pyong Tong Bo coin which was given as a reward when clearing a dungeon. "I will choose the three person dungeon, the Acupuncture Copper Man." [You have entered the three person dungeon.] Lee Gilyoung looked a bit disappointed. He had been expecting to get a great artifact. "Gilyoung. An artifact isn't about the outward appearance."

"…Huh?" "There are many impressive looking things that have no substance." The Four Yin Demonic Beheading Sword was one such item. Rather, the good things in this dungeon could be obtained from the commonplace dungeons. An example was the skill that could be obtained the Acupuncture Copper Man dungeon. Yoo Sangah was amazed and surprised as soon as we entered the dungeon. "…There are other people besides us." Intermittent screams could be heard from the dungeon. "Uwaaaaack! Go away!" It was a monster in human form with a matte colour. The three person dungeon was filled with these copper people. It was the 7th grade species, the Acupuncture Copper Man. After a certain amount of time, these guys would selfproliferate unless the method to attack them was known. The Acupuncture Copper Man didn't suffer because they had a strong body, no internal organs and no neural networks. "Aaaah! Save me!" Some of the incarnations' swords cut at copper men but they didn't receive much damage. Rather, they pulled the incarnations' bodies down.

The body of a man in his 50s was torn to pieces in the hands of the copper men. "…Dokja-ssi, how do we deal with these guys? They don't receive damage at all." Yoo Sangah and Lee Gilyoung aimed their weapons or skills at the incoming copper men but there was hardly any effect. Sometimes Lee Gilyoung's blunt attack would damage them but he didn't have any idea of what he did. "Look at their bodies." The monsters that appeared in the 'artifacts trials' were based on relics kept in Seoul Palace Museum. For example, the monsters in the one player dungeon was literally a musical instrument made of a seashell and as for the Dongui Bogam five person dungeon… there was no need to explain anything. It was the same for the Acupuncture Copper Man in the three person dungeon. Yoo Sangah stared closely at a copper man and opened her mouth. "Is there something etched on the body?" "That's right." In fact, the Acupuncture Copper Man was a relic that displayed 354 acupuncture points on the human body, including the front, back, arms, legs and head. It was an artifact used to study acupuncture in the Joseon Dynasty. [Blade of Faith is activated!]

I stabbed one of the acupuncture points on the copper man. Then I twisted it and the body scattered into powder. It was a meaningless end for a 7th grade reproduction species. [You have hunted the first Acupuncture Copper Man!] "If you look closely, the colour for each acupuncture point was subtly different. Some are devoid of blood and some are deadly. Some of the points… there is a different effect every time an acupuncture point is hit." "Ah…!" The important thing was to find the acupuncture point that didn't break the flow. I demonstrated a few times and Lee Gilyoung and Yoo Sangah got the knack for it very quickly. Lee Gilyoung used Diverse Communication to shock the points with small insects, while Yoo Sangah applied Binding Thread. I honestly admired what I saw. These two people, they really had excellent growth. [Your party is the first to hunt 100 Acupuncture Copper Men!] [You have cleared the three person dungeon.] [Four Sang Pyong Tong Bo coins are obtained as a basic reward.] [The exclusive skill 'Hit a Pressure Point' has been acquired.] I got the skill I aimed for. Hit a Pressure Point. It was a unique technique to use the pressure points to subdue the enemy. It was an essential skill

for me to maintain the 'King of No Killing'. Yoo Sangah looked at the Sang Pyong Tong Bo coins curiously and muttered, "Can we buy something with this?" "It can be exchanged for coins or a dungeon ticket." "Then…" "Of course, we will use it for the dungeon admission ticket. Pay me three each. I have four so combined, it will be 10 coins." "10? Wait a minute, Dokja-ssi…?" "We will enter the hidden dungeon where we can get the Four Yin Demonic Beheading Sword." Yoo Sangah asked with surprise. "But didn't you say we wouldn't get the Four Yin Demonic Beheading Sword?" "We aren't going after the Four Yin Demonic Beheading Sword." We were going to 'hunt' the kings.

Chapter 67: Ep. 14 – Master of the Throne, III We were going to enter the dungeon but not to get the Four Yin Demonic Beheading Sword. Yoo Sangah and Lee Gilyoung immediately understood what I meant. "You are going to take their flags." "Then you will kill them." They had different interpretations. Yoo Sangah looked down at Lee Gilyoung with surprised eyes. The interesting thing was that Lee Gilyoung looked up at Yoo Sangah with disappointment. "Hyung, leave the finishing touches to me." This boy… he already noticed that I couldn't directly kill a person.

[The exclusive skill, Character List is activated.] [This person isn't registered in 'Character List'.] [Currently collecting information about the corresponding figure.] Lee Gilyoung's information still wasn't available. I turned my head and encountered Yoo Sangah's worried eyes. She looked between Lee Gilyoung and I before bowing her head. I spoke to Lee Gilyoung, "Do as you please." I could see what Yoo Sangah was worried about. Lee Gilyoung wasn't even in middle school yet. But she should be aware of it. The morals that we used to have were now useless in this world. "This isn't a game. Be careful." "Yes, don't worry." I listened to Lee Gilyoung's voice and hid the flag on my back. Until now, the flag was a good bait to attract the small kings. However, from now on, it would just be bait for predators. There was nothing good about advertising that I was a king on this battlefield. The intermediate dokkaebi's voice was heard. [Huhu, everyone is doing well! So many people are doing hidden scenario then what is the meaning of 'hidden'?] It had no nerves. I would find it embarrassing now and again.

[Someone has already fulfilled the requirements for the first qualification. Once again, this is interesting.] A king had already achieved the black flag. It was probably one of the Seven Kings. [After a while, the requirements of the second qualifications will be revealed.] I turned to look at the party members and said, "Quickly. The dokkaebi's 'after a while' might not be long." I put together the Sang Pyong Tong Bo coins in the lobby one by one. [You have entered a hidden field using 10 Sang Pyong Tong Bo coins.] [Do you want to enter the hidden chapter, the Big Dipper?] Right now, I had the purple flag. The kings with the same purple flags would flock to the Big Dipper. In other words, my prey were all gathered in one place. [You have entered the Big Dipper chapter.] My vision waved and the lobby soon changed. The white marble lobby was transformed into a spacious waiting room. There were seven doors at the end of the waiting room. "Uh…!" Yoo Sangah let out a brief groan and took a step back. There were bodies at Yoo Sangah's feet. They were the bodies of group members who had fought each other. Lee Gilyoung looked down at the corpses with an expressionless face.

There were so many bodies that it was hard to walk straight. Hundreds of bodies were scattered all over the place like graves. There was a wave of blood already. I felt a bit strange. If I hadn't spread the plagiarist writer's textbook, they might not have died. Then didn't they die because of me? "Hey, there are people." The center of the waiting room contained a huge bonfire using the bodies of people as fuel. I could see the faces of some survivors. I didn't know if they were allies or held a truce, but they weren't fighting. I looked at the group of people and spoke to my party members. "Be careful." A group stood up. Greed could be seen in their eyes. "You are a newcomer. Who is your king?" Some people secretly moved behind out party while others drew our attention. The encirclement was gradually becoming narrower. "Is it you? Or maybe the woman next to you? It can't be the kid." [Many of the constellations are annoyed by the pests.] [A few constellations want you to take serious action.] I was already planning on that. "Hey, why aren't you answering… aack!"

The white light of Unbroken Faith filled the air. The unstoppable trajectory cut off the limbs of a person. A confused person shouted, "Damn! Just kill him!" The people took out their weapons like they had been waiting. But it was too late. "W-Why are you so fast?" There were few people with agility higher than me right now. They didn't have high level skills so no one other than the Seven Kings could follow my movements right now. The Blade of Faith swung in a semicircle and cut five or six people at the same time. The attack that followed cut off a hand holding a weapon. I pierced another wrist. "Kuaaaak!" The severed limbs flew unrealistically through the air. I walked behind a man screaming painfully and used a skill. [The exclusive skill 'Hit a Pressure Point Lv. 1' is activated.] I had cut off the man's limbs but there was no need to be cruel. There was a dark blue dagger hidden in the man's arms. This was the poisonous dagger that could be obtained at the end of the 5 person dungeon, the 'Dongui Bogam'. If my response had been even a bit late, this would've been us. As soon as the people collapsed, I called to Lee Gilyoung. "Please."

Lee Gilyoung nodded. Lee Gilyoung's hand stopped the people's breathing one by one. He moved his hand like he was killing insignificant insects. I was also a little surprised. Then Yoo Sangah came forward. "I'll do it Gilyoung…" "…Can you do it?" "I will still do it." Yoo Sangah's tone was unusually stubborn. She looked grimly at Lee Gilyoung. She held a knife and turned her back to me. Maybe Yoo Sangah despised me. Perhaps it was fortunate that I couldn't read Yoo Sangah's mind. Yoo Sangah moved even more efficiently than Lee Gilyoung and took the lives of the remaining people. Her fingertips trembled as the work finished. "…Will we continue in this fashion?" "Yes, probably." "I will do it in the future instead of Gilyoung." "Can you do it?" "…There is no problem. It is just like breaking an egg." Yoo Sangah used an analogy as she pretended to be calm. "I can do it better." Lee Gilyoung grumbled, making Yoo Sangah place a hand on his head.

There would be many twists and turns in the future. Sometimes we might feel like collapsing or want to give up. But we had to overcome it. Most of the Seven Kings we would soon meet would have higher stats than us and they would also possess unique skills. There would certainly be situations where we couldn't win without being hit by the enemies. We silently picked up the items that the group dropped. [You have earned 2,300 coins.] [The item 'Dongui Bogam – Various Diseases (Upper Half of the Body)' has been acquired.] As expected, they were people who cleared the five person dungeon. A total of eight books were available from the five person dungeon, each with different usages. I was sure there were a few people who cleared the five person dungeon so the others should be moderately easy to find. Unfortunately, there was no 'king' in the group I just killed. Clap clap clap. Then the sound of clapping was heard. One of the men watching from the big bonfire approached me with a smile on his face. He showed no signs of panic despite the other group being wiped out. I raised my item and warned them casually. "What do you want?" The man took one step back and raised both hands as if he had no intention of fighting.

"Uhh, calm down. I don't want to fight." I took a closer look at the man. There was a large spear on his back. The firm chest muscles were revealed by the clothes and his long hair was tied back. "You have great skills. You don't seem to have any passive skills but you wiped out the Chungjeong group… those bastards, they are one of the groups that lost their king." Of course, that's why they came forward so recklessly. "But you're a little late. The major kings have all entered the dungeon. They will be busy fighting now. Well, the winner is almost decided but… the last king who passed through here was incredibly fierce." "Who is that?" "Do you know the Tyrant King?" The man continued to speak. "He is currently the most powerful king in northern Seoul. This is a story between those who already know. The owner of the Absolute Throne will surely be the Tyrant King." A person might think so if they saw the Tyrant King in person. The Tyrant King's armed force was certainly the top among the Seven Kings. But it was laughable for him to be the owner of the Absolute Throne. The Tyrant King was strong but he wasn't the strongest among the Seven Kings. As if reading my mind, the man opened his mouth. "But I don't think so. I think that the Tyrant King will never become the owner of the Absolute Throne." "…Why do you think that?"

"I saw it myself. He has a strong power but he doesn't know how to handle people. A king must know the hearts of the people." The hearts of the people? "My king is able to do that. It is why many incarnations follow him. I am sure that my king will become the master of the Absolute Throne." I followed the man's glance. The Big Dipper chapter consisted of seven entrances. Perhaps his king was moving in one of the passages. "What is your point? Do you want us to join you?" "Haha, that would be nice but you won't follow me just like that, right? I just want to make an offer. If you don't mind, why don't you ally with us?" I realized why this man was still in the waiting room. This guy was a bait. "Why should I?" "The Tyrant King is very strong. I believe in my king but I don't think he can defeat the Tyrant King alone." In contrast to his loyalty, he was a very realistic guy. But he was a 'real' loyalist. "Think about it. What will happen if we can't stop him from holding the legendary sword? What if he gets the Absolute Throne and controls all the kings in Seoul? Don't you think that you should stop this no matter what?" I dimly remembered.

It didn't happen in the third regression but the 'Anti-Tyrant King Alliance' had formed many times in Ways of Survival. Once again, the future had changed. "You have a point." "That is why I'm making this suggestion. Our group will soon be acting against the Tyrant King. We have already talked with several other kings. I don't know what group you belong to but you won't lose anything by joining us. You just need to give us a spoonful." It was exactly as he said. The problem was that the price of the spoonful was bigger than he thought… The man took my silence as my acceptance. "If you are serious, you can meet our king and think about it. It is almost time for him to return to the waiting room… Oh, there he is." In fact, one of the seven doors opened and the group that entered the Big Dipper returned. "King…" The people standing at the door knelt down at once. Then the man in the center of the crowd approached this side. He was a clean shaven man. There was a brown club in his hands. Wait. This guy, was it him?

Chapter 68: Ep. 14 – Master of the Throne, IV The one-eyed man approached us. This was my first meeting with one of Seoul's Seven Kings. Yoo Sangah talked in the group chat. –Dokja-ssi, this person is perhaps… –Yes, you're right. I nodded to Yoo Sangah. It was impossible not to think of this person when seeing the appearance. –By the way, I don't understand. Even if the constellation is 'that person', why is the incarnation dressed like that? –His synchronization with the constellation seems to be high. The higher the synchronization, the more the incarnation is influenced by the lifestyle of the constellation. –I should never cough in front of him.

The man with long hair tied back was bowing to the man approaching us. "Your Majesty. You came." "Yes." "What happened?" "Do I need to say it? Here." The one-eyed man pointed to his staff. There was a blue jewel available from the Big Dipper embedded on it. [Greedy Wolf Star]. The long-haired man admired it. "Ohh…!" Wasn't he quite good? Already gaining one star jewel… The star jewels were the rewards of the Big Dipper chapter. It was an item that increased overall stats by one level. It had a good effect on its own but the star jewels were meaningful when seven were collected. It was because the jewels were the summoning material for the Four Yin Demonic Beheading Sword. The one-eyed man looked at me. "Who are these people?" "They have just entered the Big Dipper chapter. Their abilities are quite good so I was thinking about getting them to join." "Really?"

The one-eyed man and I extended our hands to each other at the same time. "I am Cha Sangkyung." "I am Kim Dokja." I shook his hand while activating a skill. [The exclusive skill, Character List is activated.] [Character Summary] Name: Cha Sangkyung Age: 26 years old Sponsor: One-eyed Maitreya Exclusive Attributes: Pseudo Sect Founder (Hero), Maitreya King (Hero) Exclusive Skills: Weapons Training Lv. 5, Mental Barrier Lv. 3, Eloquent Speech Lv. 3, Skillful Deception Lv. 3, False Prayer Lv. 1… Stigma: Maitreya Promised Land Lv. 2, Law of Interest Lv. 2, Demonic Enemy Lv. 3 Overall Stats: Physique Lv. 28, Strength Lv. 26, Agility Lv. 28, Magic Power Lv. 25. Overall Evaluation: No one can be free in front of his 'eye' that gives insight into everything. Be careful not to cough in front of him.

It was regrettable that Jung Heewon wasn't here. If she saw this man in front of me, she would never speak nonsense about my sponsor again. Cha Sangkyung said, "I have a burden of seeing things. Can I look at you once?" "Yes." Yes, he could try. [The character 'Cha Sangkyung' has used Law of Interest Lv. 2!] The stigma 'Law of Interest' was quite interesting among the investigation techniques in Ways of Survival. It didn't reveal the attributes window of the opponent but it was a skill that roughly gave information about the personality of the opponent. In other words, he would see a 'Easily fooled Demonic Enemy' if the person was 'good', while he would see a 'Back-stabbing Demonic Enemy' if the person was 'bad'. For example… [The character 'Cha Sangkyung' has discovered that you are a demonic enemy that shouldn't be touched.] It was like this. "T-This?" "King, why are you acting like this?" [The character 'Cha Sangkyung' is greatly disturbed.] Cha Sangkyung shouted with a pale face. "D-Demonic enemy!"

"Huh? It can't be…" At his words, the group members of the Maitreya King simultaneously looked at me. The atmosphere became tense when Cha Sangkyung urgently added. "N-Nothing. I have made a mistake." "Huh? There's nothing?" "Yes, it is nothing. Everyone back off." Indeed. He would be a fool to ignore the warning of the constellation. By the way, a demonic enemy that shouldn't be touched… Maybe the One-eyed Maitreya didn't want to fight with me. "Sigh… it isn't surprising." The dubious thing was the reaction of the long-haired man. It was momentary but there was an expression of 'regret' on his face. "The plan will start in one hour. I'm looking forward to your participation despite being a bit late." Cha Sangkyung said before returning to his group members. The first encounter with Gung Ye ended like this. The long-haired man said, "Phew, it almost became a major event. I'm glad." "It is absurd to say that he is a king who knows the hearts of the people."

"Haha, Gung Ye might be recorded as a tyrant later on but he was a good and wise king first. You never know what will happen in the future. History can change." I looked carefully at the long-haired man and asked, "By the way, who are you?" "Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Han Sooyoung. I am Cha Sangkyung's assistant." A man who supported the incarnation of Gung Ye. It was highly likely that he was attached to Gung Ye's side because of his sponsor. Who was it? Perhaps it was a king? I immediately used a skill. [The exclusive skill, Character List is activated.] [The information of this person can't be read in 'Character List'.] [This person isn't registered in 'Character List'.] …What? "Um? What's wrong?" I looked at the shamelessly speaking Han Sooyoung and couldn't help laughing. I see… now I knew who this person was. "It's nothing. Just… I feel like you are a demonic enemy." "Haha, what do you mean?" I could see Han Sooyoung's eyes change strangely. Maybe at this moment, both of us were thinking the same thing. The question was who would pull out a sword first.

The doors of the waiting room started to open one by one. "The kings are coming!" There was tension in the Maitreya group while several people in the waiting room started cheering. I watched the kings walking out the door and asked Han Sooyoung. "Are they on the same side?" "Yes, they are all kings who promised to cooperate with us. From left to right, there is the 'Prudent King' Yoon Kiyoung and 'Fighting King' Kim Baekho Then the last one who came out is the 'Earth Dragon King' Gu Daesung." I remembered something when I heard this nickname. The Prudent King and Fighting King. They were just like their nicknames. They had decent skills and stats but they were one step lacking compared to the Seven Kings. The only one I needed to pay attention to was the Earth Dragon King Gu Daesung. Gu Daesung discovered Cha Sangkyung and asked, "You have already come out? Fast." "You are a rude earthworm." "…Earthworm? Is that what you are calling my sponsor?" Yoo Sangah was startled when she heard their words and whispered to me, "That person, I think he has a good sponsor behind him."

"…How do you know?" "I heard the story that the king of Baekje was born from an earth dragon." "Earth dragon?" "That's what they meant by 'earthworm'. The other kings are calling him the son of an earth dragon in a mocking manner." She was really amazing. She figured out the identity of Gu Daesung with this much information. Yoo Sangah was right. Earth Dragon King Gu Daesung. In my memories, he was one of Seoul's Seven Kings with the late King Gyeon Hwon as his sponsor. "There are quite a few people who have a king for a sponsor. Then the king we saw before…" I nodded. In fact, it wasn't a coincidence that there were so many incarnations whose sponsors were all kings of some kind. The situation would be similar in other areas, not just the Seoul Dome. In Japan, there would be a competition between the three heroes including Oda Nobunaga. In the UK, there would be a competition between Richard the Lionheart or Henry VIII. The world's greatest constellations would be preparing for a war over the Absolute Throne, raising their synchronization with their incarnation to a breathtaking level.

[The constellation 'Maritime War God' is expecting the appearance of a new story class constellation.] [The constellation 'Bald General of Justice' is watching the situation with sweaty hands. The other high-ranking constellations were also interested. It was natural. As I said before, the fourth scenario was an event for the greatest constellations of each country. "Is everyone gathered?" The kings soon gathered in the middle and gave a speech. "Our enemy is the Tyrant King who entered the third door! The Tyrant King has already received two jewels from this dungeon and cowardly raided innocent kings. Some of the people present would've lost a king to him." That's why this waiting room was a field of corpses. Perhaps the Tyrant King killed two kings and took away their star jewels. It meant he would soon gather all seven star jewels… "The new Seoul shouldn't be handed over to such a person. If he gets the Four Yin Demonic Beheading Sword and then takes the Absolute Throne, there will be endless grief and tragedy in Seoul!" "Thus, the people have to fight! Get up right now! The kings here are all wise. The future will be fine no matter which of us becomes the absolute king. We have to at least stop the worst king!" "This will be a struggle for a righteous way of living! Take care! You will be great fighters taking your first step into a new history!"

The speech didn't have much substance but people became excited. Some people cheered, some sympathized while others were touched to tears. It was like they were real revolutionaries fighting for justice. I looked at the scene alone. Just one month ago, the people here had voted for a president. They did their duty and agreed to have private property through legitimate economic activities. All of a sudden, it felt like a dream. In just one month, Seoul had returned to the kingdom days. "Depart!" Hundreds of people entered through the third door. Cha Sangkyung's group was at the back and we moved in line with them. Our vision wavered before a giant tunnel appeared. It was a huge tunnel where the size couldn't be easily measured. Han Sooyoung walked beside me and opened his mouth. "This is so exciting. I feel like I'm in a martial arts novel." "A martial arts novel?" Han Sooyoung nodded with a meaningful smile. "Why, don't you think it is like a martial arts novel? It is like a treasure map. The legendary sword is sleeping in the stone chamber and whoever obtains the sword shall be the best person in the world!" Han Sooyoung spoke accompanied by gestures seemed quite plausible. It wouldn't be unbelievable if he was an actor.

"It is a common cliche in a martial arts novel, the treasure sword." "Oh, Dokja-ssi, do you read martial arts novels as well?" It couldn't be missed when talking about genre fiction. "I read quite a bit. By the way, there is a common development in these cliche novels." "Common development? What is it?" "It turns out that the treasure map is a fake! This type of development." Han Sooyoung's eyes shook. "This is interesting. What happens next?" "It is an obvious story. The 'shadow' laughs quietly and kills the people gathered because of the fake treasure." "Hoh… is that the current situation? Could someone be a shadow?" I nodded and stated, "It is a possibility although I don't like such obvious cliches." "Um? What does that mean?" "To be honest, there are too many cliches like the treasure sword. "Hmm… there are too many stories, making it bad?" "For writers, I think it is a story that lacks distress." Han Sooyoung's expression slightly hardened. "Then what would Dokja-ssi do if you were the writer? What if you had to

write about the treasure sword?" "I'm not sure. I am a 'reader' as my name suggests." "I think that a reader would do the same. Writing familiar cliches will give satisfaction to the readers." Yes, I thought he would say something like this. I smiled and asked, "Who said this? You are speaking as a writer. I'm not saying that cliches are bad. At the very least, a plagiarist shouldn't use it." "Pla…giarist?" "Yes, a plagiarist." It was funny to see Han Sooyoung's face change colours. "Well, every story is similar. It is the details that are a bit different… Can it really be called plagiarism? Perhaps if Dokja-ssi is the writer―" "Nope, I would do it differently." Han Sooyoung's eyebrows twitched. "…You would write it differently? How?" "For example, like this." I raised Unbroken Faith and cut his neck. No blood was visible as his head fell down. I added, "Why are you hiding when it will be revealed anyway?" Then Han Sooyoung's head spoke from where it was lying on the ground. "How interesting. Kim Dokja."

Chapter 69: Ep. 14 – Master of the Throne, V I picked up his severed head and asked, "As expected, this is also an avatar. Han Sooyoung is your real name?" "Yes." Han Sooyoung was the First Apostle as I thought. That damn plagiarist was always hiding like a coward. "W-W-What is this guy?" People shouted with alarm from all sides. There were confused voices and voices filled with betrayal. I stepped to one side with Yoo Sangah and Lee Gilyoung. Of course, Han Sooyoung's talking head was still held in one hand. "I was right. It is you who spread out the 'text novel'. Right?" "That's right, I scattered the text version of your plagiarized novel." "…The revelation isn't plagiarized."

"It is plagiarism. Did you write the original setting?" "Don't compare my work to that rubbish." "You understand what I am saying and don't deny reading the original." Han Sooyoung glared at me. "Everyone, kill him! What are you doing?" "A-A head is talking!" Han Sooyoung's expression distorted. People were alarmed by the turmoil but showed no signs of acting. In addition, they would soon have no room to worry about us. I smiled at Han Sooyoung. "The cliche that you said will start soon." I waited and there was a burst of light. The rings of light moved, drawing lines of blood on the bodies of some people. "What…?" A person screamed as blood spurted from a body cut to pieces. The people in the back screamed and moved. "Damn these guys!" It was black magic power that came from a strong presence approaching in front of me. "Raise the palanquin." The neutral voice came from the large palanquin. There was the shadow of someone inside the palanquin. I reflexively shouted.

"Yoo Sangah-ssi, Gilyoung! Move back!" A voice flowed from the palanquin. "Move." The palanquin started to approach the group of people. The three rings of light mercilessly swept over the battlefield. Dozens of people died at once. People stared with disbelief as their limbs disappeared and blood spurted. The start of the battle lines instantly became bare. "Uwah…" The terrified group members retreated. In the seething silence, everyone shut their mouths like dead mice. The Tyrant King walked out of the palanquin. "They really aren't very good. The kings of the previous age…" He held the Three Ring Loop in his hand, an item that released condensed magic power. It was a hidden item available in northern Seoul but it wasn't something the original Tyrant King had. It must be true that he had some prophets. [The exclusive skill, Character List is activated.] [Character Summary] Name: Jung Youngho

Age: 33 years old. Sponsor: Great King Heoncheon Hongdo Gyungmun Wimu Exclusive Attributes: Circus Member (Rare), Tyrant King (Hero) Exclusive Skills: Grabbing Techniques Lv. 5, Sky Steps Lv. 3, Weapons Training Lv. 5. Stigma: Palanquin Tank Lv. 5, Cheoyongmu Lv. 5, Tyranny Lv. 4 Overall Stats: Physique Lv. 30, Strength Lv. 28, Agility Lv. 28, Magic Power Lv. 34 (+2) Overall Evaluation: The worst tyrant on the Korean Peninsula has met disgruntled citizens. Small citizens dissatisfied with the social system won't ignore the opportunities he gives them. * 'Starter Pack' is currently applied. * A growth package is currently applied. * The New Scenarios package is currently applied. The attributes window made sense. He was so strong because he used three packages. He also had a constellation who liked to walk dangerously on a tightrope. An aura covered his entire body. The Tyrant King was raising his synchronization with his sponsor to the limit. Several dokkaebis, including Bihyung, were staring at him from the air. They were prepared to make a 'plausibility request' at any time if he violated 'plausibility'. "I certainly was a tyrant. But I am no longer a tyrant."

The Tyrant King, Great King Heoncheon Hongdo Gyungmun Wimu. "History isn't scary. It is because from today onwards, I will make a new history for this land." The top tyrant of the Korean peninsula who wasn't recorded as a 'king' in history. "I am Yeonsangun¹, born Lee Yung!" A tremendous magic power emerged from the Tyrant King as synchronization with the sponsor reached its limit. The group members in the way exploded. Level 30 magic power was inserted in the Three Ring Loop. It was very dangerous. "Don't back down!" "Everyone fight!" However, the Anti-Tyrant King Alliance was also unbelievable. Apart from the other kings, there was also the Maitreya King and the Earth Dragon King. Once the kings united, the disadvantages were gradually reduced. The other kings raised the synchronization with their sponsor close to the limit. It wasn't just the incarnations, the constellations were also desperate. I looked down at Han Sooyoung's head and asked, "You aren't going to fight?" Han Sooyoung laughed at my words. "Laughing? I guess you still have room to spare," I said.

"You… do you think it will go as you planned? Yeonsangun and the other kings have started to fight. Once they are exhausted, you will be able to take the Four Yin Demonic Beheading Sword. Right?" It was pretty close. "But it won't work! Your act of spreading the text was quite good but I have been preparing for today much longer than you." "What nonsense are you saying?" "In the end, the cliche will win." The voice of the intermediate dokkaebi was heard in the air. [Huhu, everyone is fighting well. Great constellations, are you desperate? I see. The incarnations and constellations should work hard. Does everyone want to go up another narrative class?] The battlefield quieted down at the dokkaebi's voice. [That's why I've brought good news. From now on, the second qualification test will begin!] [King's Qualification] 1. 「 The owner of the throne should be braver than anyone else. 」 –The Absolute Throne never wants a 'weak king'. To challenge the throne, you must own at least a black flag. 2. 「 He who dreams of the throne must desire it. 」

–The number of 'kings' that can challenge the throne is decided. In order to gain the right to challenge it, you must remove the other kings around you. The intermediate dokkaebi laughed. [Please note that only five kings can challenge the final qualification of the Absolute Throne. The remaining number is… let's see.] [Number of kings remaining: 14.] The people started murmuring. "F-Fourteen?" "Are there still kings outside?" [For your reference, there are 12 kings currently inside the hidden dungeon.] I was a bit surprised. There were so many kings in this dungeon. Well, I didn't think I would be the only 'hidden' king. "Who is it? Who is the king that is hiding?" The Tyrant King laughed at the confused people. "Hahaha! It is very funny that you are hitting each other in the back of the head!" "Now isn't the time to fight among ourselves! We must pay attention to the Tyrant King!" It happened when the kings barely regained their sense of reason.

"Here! This guy is the king!" Han Sooyoung's head shouted to everyone. "I saw it! He has a flag!" "What?" This was really… I quickly trampled on Han Sooyoung's head. Everyone's attention focused on me. It was the moment when the death of one of the 'remaining kings' was decided. "If we kill him…" I felt it was cheap. The plagiarist's plot was too shallow. Wait a minute, perhaps? …How interesting. Was it like that? I focused on the people secretly moving behind the kings. They were the loyal subjects that the kings cherished. "Cough…!" The thin knife cut off the head of a king. [The number of remaining kings has been reduced.] [Number of kings remaining: 12.] The Prudent King and Fighting King were exhausted, while the Maitreya King and Earth Dragon King were hit hard by the surprise attack. Even the Tyrant King was stabbed in the side and thighs by three men from behind. "These damn people…!" I realized who was behind this. The humans who betrayed their kings didn't bleed when their heads were cut off. The

gems of the fallen kings were quickly taken by someone. "The jewel! My jewel!!" The star jewels were moved through the hands of the hidden 'avatars' and gathered in one person's hands. "I told you. In the end, the cliche won." A beautiful girl moved through the air and laughed as she landed on a niche. Surely this wasn't the main body of the plagiarist writer? …I hadn't expected a woman. The seven jewels gathered in her hands emitted light. [The Fake King Han Sooyoung has gathered all seven star jewels!] [The seven star jewels are sacrificed to summon a new item.] [Fake King Han Sooyoung is summoning the Four Yin Demonic Beheading Sword!] In the end, the plagiarist writer became the master of the Four Yin Demonic Beheading Sword. She was the Fake King. It was an attribute that matched amazingly well. "Dokja-ssi. What should we do?" "It is still okay." Yoo Sangah made a strange face at my blase words.

"Is it okay to be so calm? That is a great item." That's right. The S+ grade item was great. But Yeonsangun's Three Ring Loop was also an S-grade item. The performance was a bit different but it wasn't that bad. "Hahahaha! Die! Die!" A dazzling magic power poured out of the Four Yin Demonic Beheading Sword and swept through the battlefield. However, people didn't die easily. People thought they were going to explode but they managed to neutralize her magic power. Her magic power was weakened because she used a lot of avatars and above all, the three main kings were still alive. The confused Han Sooyoung shouted, "W-What is this? Why is it so weak?" "Kill her! Kill her and take away that sword!" "U-Uwaaah! Back off! Back off!" It turned out like this. Han Sooyoung was pushed back to where my party was located. I said to her, "The cliche was subverted. This is what usually happens." "Shut up!" "Do you want me to help you?" "No need!" Han Sooyoung cried out and waved her sword again. But she seemed to be getting pushed back. I wanted to say something to this silly girl. The weapon wasn't famous

because it was strong, but because the original owner was strong. "I will kill you!" The Tyrant King recovered his confidence and started attacking, while the other kings started to fight as well. The battle soon became a melee with no allies. By the way, it should be time for him to come… Was he still wandering? The northern region of Seoul was far but it was enough time for him to return. [Number of kings remaining: 11.] The signboard in the air changed. [Number of kings remaining: 10.] Ah, indeed. [Number of kings remaining: 9.] He came. "W-What?" "Why is the number dwindling suddenly?" The surrounding kings were filled with fear. The number of kings started decreasing for an unknown reason. [Number of kings remaining: 8.] The fear of the kings' reached the limit as the number decreased to one digit. "There is someone. Someone is killing the kings!"

On the other hand, there was someone rejoicing. The Tyrant King. "Hahaha! Who cares? You will also die!" The Tyrant King was about to fire the Three Ring Loop again when the ceiling collapsed and the Tyrant King fell. Kwaaaaang! A formidable storm of magic power struck and the Tyrant King screamed painfully. The enormous storm of magic power that disassembled all living things into particles destroyed the Tyrant King's body. "Uhh…ahhh…uwaaack!" Then. [Number of kings remaining: 7.] Only the cold appearance of a person remained in front of them. The people close to the unusual scene trembled and flopped down. "W-What? What is this?" A man had killed the Tyrant King in a single blow, like he was a bug. The explosion cleared and his appearance was gradually revealed. The surviving kings and dying kings, everyone looked at him with captivation. Han Sooyoung's legs shook with fear and she retreated. "Nonsense… this is nonsense!"

The words of her avatar suddenly came to mind. The strongest among the Seven Kings in Seoul was the Tyrant King. I previously thought so but these words weren't true. So far, I had met five out of the Seven Kings, including Han Donghoon who didn't become a king because of the prophets. Hermit King of Shadows, Han Donghoon. King of Beauty, Min Jiwon. The Maitreya King Cha Sangkyung. Earth Dragon King Gu Daesung. Tyrant King Jung Youngho. Apart from the Neutral King, who hadn't appeared yet, there was still one person. Then who was the remaining person? The answer was simple. In fact, I met him before any other kings. A furious voice rang through the battlefield. "Kim Dokja…" I smiled and waved towards him. A large black flag flew behind the person heading towards me. "You came…" Of the Seven Kings of Seoul, the strongest was naturally the Supreme King, Yoo Joonghyuk.

59-87 - Flip eBook Pages 101-150 (2024)
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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.