monkeying around - saintsblade - 전지적 독자 시점 - 싱숑 | Omniscient Reader (2024)

When Joonghyuk rises in the morning, he knows something is amiss.

Not evil or dangerous, necessarily, but the air is charged. There’s an undercurrent of unexpected warmth. Usually, he’s the first one up, but he can hear humming in a familiarly strange tone outside his tent, and the smell of food is seeping in slowly through the flaps. Cautious, he slides his sword out of its sheath and steps outside, leveling it at the stranger who has decided to infiltrate their campsite on their hard-earned time off.

…It isn’t a stranger. Uncharacteristically, Kim Dokja is frying something in Joonghyuk’s precious wok. Kim Dokja, who should actually be tied up and resting inside the little den, not out and about. He almost lunges for the man right then and there, but miraculously it looks like he knows what he’s doing - he’s even using a wooden spatula and aerating the food every so often. When he looks over at Joonghyuk, it suddenly strikes him that Kim Dokja did not have blonde hair the night before. Therefore this must be…

“Good morning, Supreme King,” he says in a voice layered five times, mocking and sleepy and affectionate all at once. It’s leaking the Constellation’s Status ever so subtly. It makes his head spin. Immediately, he’s annoyed. “Do you ever actually rest?”

“Sun Wukong,” Joonghyuk says stiffly, ignoring his question and his greeting. “What are you doing?” Why have you incarnated just to do mundane tasks?

“Tch,” Sun Wukong grumbles, the cross expression looking out of place on Kim Dokja’s typically placid face. “Murim needs to beat better manners into its children, I see. Perhaps you also want a taste of the golden circlet?”

“Do not insult my master,” Joonghyuk growls, crossing the distance in a flash to grab at Kim Dokja’s neck in a familiar move. Sparks of probability fly as Sun Wukong instantaneously responds by raising his Status, staring him down with Kim Dokja’s narrowed eyes and Kim Dokja’s tightly drawn lips.

Irritated, but aware that confrontation would wake everyone else up, Joonghyuk reluctantly backs off. The surrounding pressure eases back down to that campfire warmth.

Sun Wukong snorts and returns to seasoning his dish. “Anyway, since I’m so kind,” he drawls sarcastically (though Joonghyuk is certain he genuinely believes he is being benevolent), “I’ll answer your question. We’re taking care of our dear maknae.”

“Kim Dokja gets approximately 4 hours of sleep every night,” Joonghyuk says flatly. “We knocked him out for a reason. Your inhabitation of his body is pushing him beyond his capability, especially so soon after our last scenario.”

“Do not insult our maknae,” Sun Wukong mocks his words. “The Demon King of Salvation is perfectly capable, and at this point you should know that already. Anyway, what good would it be for us to destroy our easiest method of incarnating? We’re feeding his body our power. Don’t worry so much,” Sun Wukong advises him, suddenly looking mischievous, “you sound like a clingy boyfriend. Are you jealous that he lets someone else take care of him instead of you?”

[You have used the skill Three Restraints Lv. 10.]

Sun Wukong practically howls at the ping, amused beyond amusem*nt, and Joonghyuk takes deep breaths through his nose and out his mouth while imagining basic stances for Breaking the Sky swordsmanship to balance himself. It somewhat works. He doesn’t imagine Kim Dokja fluttering his lashes at him (mockingly. Mockingly!). He doesn’t.

“Kim Dokja,” he growls, deciding to skip the middleman and speak directly. He folds his arms across his chest. “Wake up. Why are you letting this fool incarnate for such trivial purposes?”

“Yoo Joonghyuk,” Sun Wukong flings a hand to his chest, making a pouting expression that Joonghyuk files away and swears to never think about again, “you think preparing meals for others is trivial? How coldhearted of you! And I thought you were supposed to be the chef of this company!”

“Enough,” Joonghyuk snaps, feeling a headache begin to come on at 5:30 in the morning. What Kim Dokja sees in this clown of a Constellation beyond his enormous power, he doesn’t understand. This is why Kim Dokja is the Constellation, not him. “Answer the question before I figure out how to forcibly eject you.”

“You can’t,” Sun Wukong has the gall to look smug, thin lips curling like the cat who caught the cream. God, Joonghyuk has never wanted to punch that face more, even more than the retribution following the Lv. 100 punch of the Absolute Throne scenario. “Our cute little maknae is out cold, so we’re taking over for today. He’s not home. Or, more accurately, he won’t be responding to your summons.”

Joonghyuk stares at him for a minute then, though Sun Wukong is not intimidated in the slightest and simply returns to the fried rice sizzling in front of him, starting to hum again. Abruptly, Joonghyuk turns on his heel and leaves their camp to go train before he does something rash, like unleash the [Shooting Star Slash]. He thinks he hears Sun Wukong mutter “finally” to himself. Nothing good comes out of dealing with Constellations - even ones that are allies, and especially one called Kim Dokja - and clearly this one won’t budge, so there’s no use in arguing with him. It seems that between the two of them, there is at least one commonality - hating things that are troublesome.

When he comes back, it’s to the quiet sound of morning chatter. Yoo Sangah and Han Myungoh are awake already, and Jung Heewon is sitting with her legs crossed and gently running her fingers along Lee Hyunsung’s blade absentmindedly even as she converses with Yoo Sangah and Sun Wukong. For a moment, Joonghyuk’s heart throbs with a feeling he had thrown away a long time ago, and he buries it mercilessly again. There is time after the Final Scenario for such sensitive matters. For Yoo Joonghyuk, he only needs single minded devotion to carving a path to that future.

He strides into camp and grabs their attention. He returns their morning greetings with curt ones of his own, and quickly redirects his gaze to Sun Wukong, who is once again staring at him mischievously.

“What,” he grunts, not in the mood to deal with more of the Monkey King’s antics. It doesn’t escape his notice that his wok has been cleaned, and properly, at that. At least he can still use it to cook. Small mercies.

“Well, it’s much nicer seeing you up close and personal rather than through the stream,” the monkey says, in the same lilting tone Kim Dokja uses to tease him, but all wrong. “Those dokkaebis are great streamers, but, mm, you’ve got good qualities other than your handsome face.” Joonghyuk fights the urge to be violently ill as the monkey lets Kim Dokja’s eyes visibly trail downwards. At the same moment as he decides maybe it’s better if he doesn’t come back at all until Kim Dokja is really back, Yoo Sangah sharply smiles at the Constellation. His ridiculous, teasing smile instantly turns sour, and reluctantly, he grumbles something hardly audible about how he’s just repeating Kim Dokja’s unfiltered thoughts. That causes Joonghyuk to screech to a halt mid-step and turn around incredulously. There is no way that is true; he’s long figured out by now that none of Kim Dokja’s thoughts are unfiltered, his strange blocking skill aside.

[The constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ is screaming!]

[1,000 coins have been sponsored!]

“Good morning to you too, Uriel,” Jung Heewon mutters, cracking an eye open to halfheartedly glare at the still-dark sky. “Yes, I slept well, Uriel.”

[The Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ sheepishly apologizes to her incarnation.]

[The Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ says she is happy to see her incarnation doing well!]

[The Constellation ‘Most Ancient Liberator’ greets the Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire.’]

[The Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ insists that the Constellation ‘Most Ancient Liberator’ continue to help the Constellation ‘Demon King of Salvation’ open his heart to his companion!]

Scowling, Joonghyuk turns his attention away from the indirects. Uriel always becomes unreasonable when it comes to Kim Dokja. As far as Constellations go, she is far from the worst, but her incessant need to comment and intrude on their relationship can be frustrating.

“Great Sage,” Yoo Sangah warns, and they must have come to an agreement on something in the two hours Joonghyuk was gone, because Sun Wukong sighs and stops responding to Uriel, pouting at Yoo Sangah. At least someone has a leash on the monkey.

“You lot are awfully boring in the morning,” he grumbles, sitting back and crossing his arms across his chest. “Fine. I’ll be back later. Don’t have too much fun without me, or I’ll break your legs.” His expression smooths out into emptiness, lacking the faint upturn of Kim Dokja’s polite smile and his usual blank stare. If looking into Kim Dokja’s eyes usually was like meeting a glittering abyss, then this was staring into a yawning void.

“…This one sees the Great Sage has been causing trouble again,” the newcomer says. His posture straightens and his bones crack, and Douzhanshengfo’s expression contorts to one of mild disgust before it smooths out again. “He did not even stretch this body when waking…” Carefully and meticulously, Douzhangshenfo leads Kim Dokja’s body through a series of stretches, grunting in exertion. It becomes entirely too clear to the members of the camp that Kim Dokja’s strength is derived from the coins he has spent rather than personal effort. Thankfully, none awake are the type to hold that kind of information against him. Kim Dokja should be grateful that Han Sooyoung, Lee Jihye, and Mia prefer sleeping in when possible.

“Yoo Joonghyuk-ssi,” Yoo Sangah calls. Joonghyuk breaks from observing the stretch routine to look at her in question, and she holds up a bowl of still-hot golden fried rice. “The Great Sage put this aside for you.”

“I don’t eat others’ cooking,” he grunts, hiding his surprise, but Yoo Sangah gives him a disappointed stare that is eerily reminiscent of when Mia scolds him, so he wordlessly moves over and takes the proffered dish. Jung Heewon snickers, which he ignores.

It’s horribly good. It’s upsetting that that monkey apparently knows how to cook mortal food well, though he’s certain in no small part that the seasoning on his wok is half the reason why. He finishes the bowl begrudgingly and it cleans itself, another convenient gadget of the Dokkaebi Bag.

“Supreme King,” Douzhanshengfo addresses him, and Joonghyuk turns to look. The monkey has stood up, carrying Kim Dokja’s body with inhuman grace. His empty expression makes something inside of Joonghyuk squirm uncomfortably. The Ruyi Bang has manifested in his grasp, sparks of probability sizzling in the air at the appearance of the legendary weapon. “This one humbly requests an opportunity to test your strength.” A duel with a Constellation stronger than Myth-grade? Joonghyuk will never pass up. He nods and stands up to lead the way to the field where he had been practicing earlier.

Douzhanshengfo surveys the field before moving opposite of Joonghyuk and giving him a customary bow. Joonghyuk does the same, unsheathing his [Black Heavenly Demon Sword] in one smooth motion.

They hold each others’ gaze for one…two…three seconds, and suddenly the Ruyi Bang has extended and is hurtling down towards him. Swiftly, Joonghyuk side steps it, activating his Red Phoenix Shunpo to cross the distance and swing at his opponent. Predictably, the monkey dodges, expression barely twitching in concentration as he returns the Ruyi Bang to its normal size in order to counterattack. The ease at which the Constellation seems to intuit his every move irritates him, but he controls his emotion and channels it into the swing of his blade.

[The Constellation ‘Abyssal Black Flames Dragon’ is roaring for Constellation ‘Most Ancient Liberator’ to inflict absolute despair on Incarnation ‘Yoo Joonghyuk’!]

[The Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ scoffs at the Constellation ‘Abyssal Black Flames Dragon’s’ childishness.]

[The Constellation ‘Queen of the Darkest Spring’ warns the Constellation ‘Most Ancient Liberator’ to be careful with her heir’s Incarnation body.]

[The Constellation ‘Queen of the Darkest Spring’ is asking the Constellation ‘Most Ancient Liberator’ not to destroy her future son-in-law before she gets the chance to interrogate him.]

[500 coins have been sponsored.]

Vaguely he is aware that their surroundings are starting to destruct, the windshear off his swings and the sheer power of the Ruyi Bang ripping up grass and slicing into the trees on the outskirts of the field. The dirt is unlodging too, the unpleasant grit flying into his hair and his mouth as he breathes in.

“Hey! What the hell are you bastards doing!!”

Han Sooyoung’s voice breaks through the din and shatters the intense atmosphere that had been building up. She looks like she just woke up, her hair askew and pajamas rumpled, a furious scowl dragging at her jaw. Joonghyuk would usually just ignore her, but Douzhanshengfo immediately ceases movement and returns the Ruyi Bang to his ear, signaling the end of the match with another bow to Joonghyuk. Clenching his jaw - he hadn’t been able to land a single blow - he bows back and sheathes the [Black Heavenly Demon Sword], brushing past Han Sooyoung to go wash his hair out in the nearby stream. She grabs his coat, but with her measly strength it’s easy to toss her a glare and pull away. “Ugh, you…! And you, Kim Dokja, what the f*ck’s wrong with you today? You woke up and immediately decided to pick a fight with this jerk? Come on, I just want to take a break!”

“Black Flames Demon Ruler,” Douzhanshengfo interrupts calmly. “Be still. This one asked to test his strength…'' The rest of their conversation fades away as Joonghyuk stalks out of the clearing. He’s frustrated. He’s frustrated that he knows why he’s frustrated, but acknowledging it means it’s real, and they’re right at the end of the scenarios, and it’d be better if he waited until then to deal with these emotions, but…it’s annoying. He’s aware this makes him sound like a child, which also irritates him, and - well. Frankly, Joonghyuk is just not having a good day.

He dunks his head into the river, running his hands through his hair to scrape out the debris. Once it’s all gone, he stares at his reflection. He looks the same as any other day. It is the same as any other day. Persephone’s indirect messages linger in the back of his mind, and he scowls at the water. Even at the end of the line, even during their final hour, the Constellations still treat the Incarnations like dolls to play with. Sun Wukong may have incarnated with the purpose of helping Kim Dokja recuperate, but so far it feels as if they have been taking far more pleasure from bothering Joonghyuk. The typically levelheaded Persephone is spouting absolute nonsense, and Uriel is being ridiculous still.

The ripples from droplets dripping off his hair contort his features in the mirror, so he sits back and goes through the menial movements of drying himself off. Someone walks up behind him, their feet hardly making a sound on the ground. He doesn’t look up. He already knows who it is.

Douzhanshengfo gracefully settles on the floor next to him, Kim Dokja’s legs sliding effortlessly into a lotus pose. “Supreme King,” he greets again, but Joonghyuk remains silent. He has nothing to say to this Constellation, but the monkey doesn’t seem to mind. He seems to take the silence as a cue to continue speaking. “Your heart and mind are clouded. That is what this one has concluded from our spar.” Joonghyuk turns to say something scalding in response, but it dies in his mouth when he sees the seriousness reflected in Kim Dokja’s expression. “You are weighed down by your countless cycles of life and death. It blocks your tongue and stays your hand; the mirror reflects an imperfect image.” The Constellation stares at him thoughtfully, and unnerved by his gaze, Joonghyuk shamefully looks away first.

[The Constellation ‘Most Ancient Liberator’ is gazing at you.]

“This one does not expect the mirror to be cleaned in one day. It is an arduous, daily task of polishing, one that must be accomplished on the lonesome. But it does not mean it must be in isolation,” his voice gentles into something more familiar, the tone Kim Dokja took on years ago when Lee Gilyoung and Shin Yoosung were still children and Joonghyuk would pass by their tent and hear him murmuring bedtime stories to them. “This one thinks you are lucky. You hold an affinity with someone who knows you intimately. Are you not like lanterns which guide each other's way? Do you not walk along the same path to the same ending?”

“He never lets us,” Joonghyuk snarls, and even to himself he sounds like a pathetic, wounded animal. How many times now have he and the rest of [Kim Dokja’s Company] tried to convince the man in question not to throw his life away for the rest of them and failed? Too many. How can this Constellation even suggest that they aren’t doing their best to prevent that?

[The story ‘Life and Death Companions’ wants to be told!]

“This one does not mean that you lack in effort,” Douzhanshengfo says calmly. Of course the bastard knows what he’s thinking. “This one has been watching your journey, too. This one merely means to suggest that you consider how your light is reflected in his mirror. A silent communication is only successful when the sounds of others do not interfere.”

Joonghyuk stares at him, feeling a vein bulging near his forehead. “You want me to talk to him.” That’s all? He had sat down and wasted five minutes listening to this monkey weave uselessly pretty words about proper communication? If he wanted a lecture, he would have just gone to Han Sooyoung. At least she didn’t beat around the bush like this bastard, even if she was twice as irritating.

The Constellation seems to understand that he’s not wanted around anymore, because instead of responding he just nods and stands, leaving Joonghyuk to curse and sulk around next to the river by himself. The faint feeling of helpless inadequacy that always bubbles up when Kim Dokja doesn’t listen to him and does something stupid again is now like a massive wave crashing against his mind unforgivingly.

Yoo Joonghyuk is Yoo Joonghyuk. This is a fact he has never compromised on. Yoo Sangah’s quiet acceptance, Jung Heewon’s spirited pain, Lee Hyunsung’s fervent loyalty, Lee Jihye’s familiar grief, Lee Gilyoung and Shin Yoosung’s unconditional love, and Han Sooyoung’s strange camaraderie - none of these had ever stopped Kim Dokja from sacrificing himself. Rather, it spurred him on, so Yoo Joonghyuk swore he would not be like the others, whose words sank in one ear and flowed out the other.

What had he done instead? He had threatened and cursed and shouted too late for his companion. He had held onto hope against all odds and fought Demon Kings and Constellations just to bring Kim Dokja home. After all, they were two beings who defied fate, each others’ first and last hopes, and ‘life and death companions.’

[Fable ‘Life and Death Companions’ has begun its storytelling.]

The story wraps around him comfortably, warm and weighty like a purring cat. Yet miserably - uncharacteristically, even - Joonghyuk begins to feel the familiar drag of his regression depression. All this time, he had only parroted Kim Dokja’s words which saved Joonghyuk back at him. He had played his part as the Yoo Joonghyuk who saved Kim Dokja in the distant past, a role which ended the moment he woke up in a daze in the Theatre Dungeon - the moment Kim Dokja had saved him for the first time.


Had he been a fool, then? Whatever Kim Dokja presumed him to be, Joonghyuk was certain that he was no longer that person. Perhaps it was that he was so certain of Joonghyuk’s reaction to his sacrifices that Kim Dokja continued to recklessly throw himself in as the final chip in every gamble.

“Oi! Supreme King! You’ve been sitting here for hours!

Then, if Joonghyuk pleaded with him and refused that destiny Kim Dokja created for himself, could he - a ‘story’ which Kim Dokja loved more than himself - save him again? Or would he be refused, as it was during the Disaster of Floods, the 8th scenario, the Eater of Dreams, the Demon King Selection, Reincarnation Island, and the Great War of Saints and Demons?

“Tch, this guy, ignoring me! Hah! Fine! You asked for it!”

A shock of cool water breaks Joonghyuk out of his rapidly declining state of mind, and he sputters as he rises from the river, practically growling as he looks for his assailant. It is, as expected, the stupid monkey, though it can’t have been either of the ones which had already visited him. This one commands Kim Dokja’s body recklessly, hanging from one of the nearby trees like he really is a monkey and laughing at him.

“I thought you were supposed to be all powerful, but you just looked like you were forced to swallow piss,” the monkey jeers. The expression looks like Kim Dokja’s face is being pulled in all different directions, eerie and inhuman. Joonghyuk snarls in response, casting Air Steps and Red Phoenix Shunpo to launch him into the co*cky monkey and bring him down from the tree. With a shout, the two of them fall from the branch, Joonghyuk pinning Kim Dokja’s body firmly to the ground to prevent the Monkey King from escaping. Under him, the trapped Constellation writhes and scrabbles for purchase with Kim Dokja’s legs like a wild beast.

“Is this any way to treat a king?” The Constellation spits up at him, and Joonghyuk just tightens his grip around Kim Dokja’s wrists, causing him to yelp in pain. “Ow, ow! Hey! Watch it! Ugh, you smell like a wet dog.”

“Who’s fault is that?” Joonghyuk snippily asks, and Meihouwang sticks his tongue out at him, blowing a raspberry in his face. Joonghyuk grinds an elbow into his arm in response, eliciting another yelp of pain. Sharp satisfaction rolls through him.

“Not my fault you don’t know how to relax,” the Constellation laughs at him meanly, catching his breath in between words. “I just came here to have fun. That uppity nerd kept saying things about how our maknae doesn’t have a single loose muscle in his body, so of course it’s my job as the first Monkey King to fix it.”

“Falling from trees isn’t going to fix anything,” Joonghyuk says through gritted teeth, wishing he could rip the monkeys straight out of Kim Dokja and make them go back to simply watching. “If that’s the issue, put Douzhanshengfo back in charge and we’ll go see Lee Seolhwa.”

“No, absolutely not,” Meihouwang screeches, flailing Kim Dokja’s limbs wildly again. Joonghyuk ignores the blows to his body. Kim Dokja might be significantly stronger than Mia, but he is no stranger to this method of tantrum throwing. “He already got so much time, it’s my turn! I refuse to get poked at by some human!” Twisting Kim Dokja’s hips, he drives Kim Dokja’s toes directly into Joonghyuk’s abdomen, causing him to reflexively relax and allow the Constellation to make a swift escape. In that moment, a handful of clones also appear, all of them running off in different directions.

Joonghyuk curses viciously as he scrambles up off the ground.

[You are activating the exclusive skill, Sage’s Eyes Lv. ??? !]

Only one body has the distinctive blank of Kim Dokja’s aura - or rather a lack of aura - a block that prevented his Sage’s Eyes from ruthlessly digging up all secrets. Hot on the trail, Joonghyuk doggedly pursues the whooping Constellation through the sparsely wooded area for what feels like hours on end. The clones keep trying to pull him away or interrupt his progress, and mercilessly he draws the [Black Heavenly Demon Sword] to cut them all down.

Finally, he gives in and purchases a speed-boosting item from the Dokkaebi Bundle, quickly utilizing it to increase the efficiency of his Red Phoenix Shunpo and tackle Meihouwang in Kim Dokja’s body once again. With another familiar but strange shout, the two of them go tumbling in the grass. If he finds grass or blood stains on his clothes after this, Joonghyuk thinks murderously, he will force Kim Dokja to clean it up for him.

They are both panting heavily when they finally fall still, Joonghyuk caging Meihouwang in with his knees on the side of Kim Dokja’s hips and his hands gripping Kim Dokja’s wrists. A thick red flush paints Kim Dokja’s cheeks and a wide, gleeful smile stretches across his lips. Meihouwang does not look upset to be captured; in fact, he looks rather pleased.

“Nothing like a little romp around to loosen up the muscles,” he says playfully, and Joonghyuk slams a hand around Kim Dokja’s neck, throttling the monkey.

“Your clones were aiming to kill and you call that a little romp?” He thunders, shoving his face close to Kim Dokja’s. He hopes the Constellation can feel the weight of the fury emanating off of him, but Meihouwang just wheezes a laugh out and continues smiling as if the person above him is no threat.

“You’ve done well! See ya later!”

With that, Kim Dokja’s whole body slackens for a moment, his eyes falling shut and his breathing evening out. A second passes. Two seconds pass…On the third, his eyes flutter open again, but instead of the previous glint of mischief, this time is an unfamiliar gleam of pride and a slight frown.

“Would you mind letting go of me? This is a rather unbecoming position.”

Joonghyuk remains in place, eyes narrowed in suspicion. The monkey in front of him arches Kim Dokja’s brow in an expression remarkably similar to Kim Dokja’s usual disbelieving expression.

“I’m not like that brat, Meihouwang. I won’t try to run.”

Joonghyuk remains still. In fact, his muscles only tense up further, tightening his grip. Bimawen scrabbles uselessly at Joonghyuk’s hand, the frown deepening. When he feels that perhaps Kim Dokja’s body is reaching its limit, he lets go, and Bimawen coughs and turns Kim Dokja’s head on the side, practically retching with the speed he inhales and exhales. When he can finally breathe properly again, he cranes Kim Dokja’s head up with a weak glare.

“Look, Supreme King, I don’t know what you and our maknae get up to in the times when cute little Biyoo’s channel turns off, but need I remind you who exactly is in charge of his body right now?”

If Joonghyuk had any less control over his facial expressions, he might describe himself as “burning up in embarrassment.” In any case, he quickly removes himself from the compromising position, though his hand lingers near the handle of the [Black Heavenly Demon Sword] as a warning. “Kim Dokja and I don’t get up to anything,” Joonghyuk tersely informs the monkey, who just scoffs and sits up, rubbing at Kim Dokja’s neck. Joonghyuk resolutely ignores the burn of his ears and the back of his neck.

Luckily, Kim Dokja’s stamina stat and healing factor is nowhere near flimsy, so what might have been enough to kill or darkly bruise another only shows in reddish-yellowing fingerprints collaring Kim Dokja’s neck. He wonders, not for the first time, what it would look like if he sunk his teeth in instead and promptly buries the thought in a deep grave somewhere outside the scenario, where it would hopefully shrivel up and die. (The regularity of the thought is off putting. Perhaps he should come up with a better end to it, seeing as “somewhere outside the scenario” is apparently not the best killing tool anymore.)

“I just don’t know what he sees in you,” the monkey murmurs, though it sounds less like a direct insult and more like a condescending confusion. Joonghyuk refrains from getting violent again, though his left eye twitches.

“He’s my companion,” Joonghyuk says. Everything they are, everything Kim Dokja has done until now to ensure not only his survival but his happiness - for Joonghyuk, it can be summarized in this single word. It is a word that holds weight for someone who has seen what happens when his closest allies forget him 1,863 times, because it is also a promise that meant he would not give up again. That finally he could keep someone and he could rest knowing he would not be forgotten again.

Of course, Joonghyuk doesn’t bother explaining this to the monkey. He doesn’t owe that Constellation any information about him, after all. “Do companions normally try to kill each other?” Bimawen stares at Joonghyuk, unimpressed. “You know, for all that [Kim Dokja’s Company] has done to keep our maknae alive, it seems like you guys are also the hazard most of the time…”

What can he say to this? It is true. Kim Dokja cares deeply about the members of his nebula, even though at times he can come off as cold and distant. It is because he cares that he constantly puts himself on the line. Still, Joonghyuk finds his mouth moving to say a defense he did not think he had in him. “It’s Kim Dokja’s stupid choice to sacrifice himself. The rest of us are willing to share the burden, if only he would let us.”

“Aren’t you capable of forcing him to let you do just that?” Bimawen frowns again. “Don’t try to kid yourself into believing you aren’t okay with it if you are. You know, it doesn’t look good to be fooled by yourself.”

“Shut up,” Joonghyuk seethes, anger rising explosively by the second now. “Have you spent so long watching, protected by your Status, that you forgot how to struggle?” For the fourth time today, he draws the [Black Heavenly Demon Sword], allowing his Status to swell around him. “I don’t care if you’ve supported us from afar. I…acknowledge that without your strength, [Kim Dokja’s Company] would have suffered great losses in the Journey to the West. But to ignore Kim Dokja’s will in the name of protecting him…” He remembers facing Lee Sookyung back in the Dark Castle. That ahjumma still doesn’t like him and he still doesn’t like her, probably never will. Perhaps it is because he never experienced any type of care from his parents that he still finds her actions overbearing and unnecessary. “You will have destroyed him instead.”

Bimawen whistles, sliding Kim Dokja’s arms behind his head in a show of nonchalance. “Wow, I didn’t realize you could get so wordy. I thought you were just some one liners and grunts, but it’s nice to know you can actually have a conversation.”

Joonghyuk wishes deeply that he could stab this stupid monkey, but simultaneously the thought of stabbing Kim Dokja again sends an unpleasant feeling tingling up his spine and settling in his stomach. Bimawen notices his expression darkening and giggles. “Well, I’ve seen enough. When the next time comes, try not to lay down and let him die, alright?” Before he can even say anything in response, Kim Dokja’s body staggers towards him like a puppet with cut strings. Hurriedly Joonghyuk sheaths his sword and catches Kim Dokja, whose eyes have fluttered shut yet again.

“Kim Dokja,” he barks, lightly slapping the other’s cheek. “Wake up already.” He’s sick of dealing with this annoying Constellation. Without him noticing, the entire day has gone by already; he’s lucky they decided to take a break, so it doesn’t interfere with any ongoings. He lost several hours to spiraling and another few to chasing after Meihouwang, and now it’s getting close to dinner time. The others will expect him back to cook dinner, or they’ll buy strange things from the Dokkaebi Bundle again. He doesn’t have time for this. He smacks Kim Dokja one more time, a little harder, and when that doesn’t work he breathes out a frustrated sigh and slides his arms under Kim Dokja’s knees and neck.

Fine. If that’s how this is, he’ll haul Kim Dokja’s ass back to camp instead of leaving him for the beasts to gnaw at. The trip back once he manages to locate himself is easy; it turns out the monkey had mostly just led him in wide circles. Kim Dokja weighs worryingly little for a man of his height, as well, so his speed isn’t impeded in the slightest.

When they reach the side of the camp, he’s met with some relieved glances and a nasty look of disgust coming from Han Sooyoung, who is mostly blocking his way. “Dude, what happened while you were gone? You look like sh*t.”

“Sun Wukong happened,” he says, short and concise. “Do you want dinner or not?”

Before she can open her mouth to reply, he’s distracted by a pair of arms snaking up to rest on his shoulders and a voice murmuring smoothly in his ear, “Only if I can get dessert too.” Promptly, Joonghyuk drops his grip and feels a sort of vindictive glee at hearing Sun Wukong yelp as he hits the floor again. (Unfortunately, it does not change the fact that his ear feels unbearably warm now. Again.)

[Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ scolds Constellation ‘Most Ancient Liberator’ for hogging the channel all day!]

[Constellation ‘Abyssal Black Flame Dragon’ doesn’t know why Constellation ‘Most Ancient Liberator’ just got dropped on his ass, but gleefully declares that he deserves it!]

“You sooty bastard!” “Why would you just drop Ahjussi like that!” Lee Gilyoung and Shin Yoosung shriek at him simultaneously, rushing to Kim Dokja’s body, and Joonghyuk brushes them off. Han Sooyoung looks like she’s discovered some kind of disturbing truth as she stares at his face. Jang Hayoung also has a complicated expression on her face, a mixture of amusem*nt and horror.

“It’s Sun Wukong,” he says gruffly, like that explains everything. “I’m going to clean up and make dinner.” Without another word, he stalks off. They can deal with that monkey while he finally gets a break.

When he re-emerges from his tent, now clean and ready to cook, he stills. Across the way is Sun Wukong quietly murmuring to Shin Yoosung and Lee Gilyoung, and even Lee Jihye and Jang Hayoung are sitting nearby and intently listening to what he has to say. They look comfortable. Enraptured.

“…Sanzang also got himself captured often, back while we were on our Journey. Of course, I would never let him get eaten, so I usually went out on my own to save him. It worked most of the time, but it would cause a lot of misunderstandings too. So make sure you don’t go out on your own, okay? Always have a buddy. Even if you’re backed into a corner, at least there will be two of you…”

Joonghyuk slips away quietly. He won’t disturb them. It’s hard to keep these kids still and quiet for long.

He’s almost done with dinner when Sun Wukong appears again, this time a subdued presence. Joonghyuk thinks talking to the kids must have put him in a reminiscent state, because his eyes are far away, as if in a dream. “Yoo Joonghyuk,” he finally says. “What are you cooking?”

Joonghyuk pauses to look over. “Murim dumplings. In chicken broth.”

Sun Wukong smiles, and his eyes crinkle up the exact same way Kim Dokja’s do when he’s being genuine. “Oh, our maknae’s favorite. Are you feeling guilty for all the trouble you put his body through today?”

“Don’t say it like that,” Joonghyuk snaps back mulishly. “It was you who wasted my time today…I just wanted dumplings. If he likes them too, then all the better.”

Sun Wukong laughs at that, reaching up to pinch Joonghyuk’s cheek. “Ah, aren’t you such a cute tsundere?” Joonghyuk jerks away, ears coloring with what he will convince himself is irritation at hearing Kim Dokja’s voice call him cute. “Even though I want to try your dumplings, I think that we’ve done what we needed to do today. Thanks for the entertainment, Supreme King. You’re worthy of our maknae.” As usual, before Joonghyuk can even say anything or ask what the hell that means, Kim Dokja’s body falls towards him, and Joonghyuk adjusts to catch him with his shoulder.

Kim Dokja’s warmth seeps through his clothes where they touch. It’s an addictive feeling. When was the last time he let someone touch him like this other than Mia, accidental or not?

“Hn?” Kim Dokja mumbles, lifting his head up blearily from his shoulder. “Whaz’ th’t smell?”

“Dinner,” Joonghyuk says quietly. “…did you rest well?”

Maybe the question is too forward of him - or OOC, Kim Dokja might say - since Kim Dokja suddenly seems to regain clarity and leaps backwards, [Unbroken Faith] springing to life in his hand. He looks between an unamused Joonghyuk, the kitchen, and his sword, before looking at Joonghyuk again. “…is this a dream?” He asks cautiously. “Am I hallucinating?”

“No, you fool,” Joonghyuk almost sighs aloud. For someone so intelligent, Kim Dokja can also be rather belligerently stupid when he feels like it. Whatever weird, soft mood he’d been in just now has faded away. “Put your sword away. It’s dinnertime.”

Bewildered but compliant, Kim Dokja trails behind him like a lost puppy as Joonghyuk brings the food out to the campsite. “Um. Okay…so, why am I covered in grass, then? Where are we even? And you cooked??”

“Sun Wukong,” Joonghyuk responds gruffly. “…and we’re on company-mandated breaktime. I just made extras.” He sets the pot down on top of the rack above the firepit.

“Oh, oi, Kim Dokja, are you finally back with us? Welcome to the worker’s revolt!” Han Sooyoung appears from the ether to shove her hand into Kim Dokja’s hair, messily ruffling it. He squawks in distaste and retaliates, causing her to shriek and aim lower. Joonghyuk clears his throat and stares at the both of them disapprovingly. They stop tussling physically and sit down, but continue to toss insults back and forth.

“Ah! Ugly ahjussi is back!!” Jihye slides into the ring from her tent, her hair pushed back messily with a soft, ichthyosaur-themed headband. “Oh, Master, this smells awesome!”

“Welcome back, Dokja-ssi,” Yoo Sangah greets, also settling down next to Kim Dokja. She looks as serene as ever, but in an unusual deviation from normal she also gives his hair a quick ruffle. He yelps and looks at her as if betrayed, and she giggles. Joonghyuk almost laughs too, but more so at the fact that he thought they were together at some point. (He will admit, in the deepest, darkest recesses of his mind, that he might have felt some jealousy that a man who wanted Joonghyuk to call him his companion so easily allowed himself to fall in with others, while Joonghyuk had to be alone all the while. Then again, it was nobody else’s fault that he staunchly refused anything more than allyship.)

Soon enough the three kids show up, and Jang Hayoung and Gong Pildu and Jung Heewon and Lee Seolhwa, and the noise level resumes to being just shy of unbearable. Joonghyuk answers Lee Jihye’s prodding, insistent questions with one-word answers, watching Kim Dokja all the while, and when she finally catches it she giggles and tells him that Yoo Sangah would be more than willing to switch seats with him with a wink. He stares at her flatly.

[Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ thinks Incarnation ‘Lee Jihye’ has a good point!]

[Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ is urging Incarnation ‘Yoo Joonghyuk’ to sit next to Constellation ‘Demon King of Salvation’ and feed him dumplings to increase their companionship!]

[Constellation ‘Most Ancient Liberator’ agrees with Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire.]

[Constellation ‘Most Ancient Liberator’ says that Constellation ‘Demon King of Salvation’ must be tired from his tumble with Incarnation ‘Yoo Joonghyuk’ earlier.]

[Constellation ‘Most Ancient Liberator’ says that Incarnation ‘Yoo Joonghyuk’ should take responsibility.]

[Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ has passed out.]

[Constellation ‘Abyssal Black Flame Dragon’ is cringing in disgust.]

[Constellation ‘Bald General of Justice’ is celebrating their companionship.]

[500 coins were sponsored!]

“Your what? Yoo Joonghyuk should what?? ” Han Sooyoung says far too loudly, staring at the indirect messages. All conversation ceases as the entire nebula takes a look at the indirects. She turns to stare at Kim Dokja with wide, suddenly glinting eyes. “Dude, if you wanted to go off into the forest for some privacy to have s —“

Stop talking right now,” Kim Dokja hurriedly slams his palm over Han Sooyoung’s mouth, bright red rising on the high points of his cheeks. Joonghyuk’s never heard his voice pitch so high before. “Th-there are children. Here.” She licks his hand and he jerks back before wiping it on her sleeve, much to her displeasure.

“We can leave if you want us to, hyung,” Lee Gilyoung says pointedly, eyes flicking between Kim Dokja and Joonghyuk. “I still don’t get why you like that…sooty bastard, but. You could do worse, I suppose,” he declares, and Shin Yoosung nods.

“Mhm. I’ll trust Ahjussi’s heart,” she adds. Still, she shoots him a glare. “But you have to make sure. You have to be by his side and tell him until he accepts that it’s true.”

Mia frowns at that, a pout pulling at her lips and her arms crossed. “What? It should be the other way around! Oppa is too good for this ugly ahjussi…”

Joonghyuk just stares back at his little sister, not quite sure how to deal with this. Something like a quiet hope he’s not sure he should entertain is stirring in his gut when he sees Kim Dokja looking at him out of the corner of his eye. “Didn’t I tell you all earlier that Sun Wukong was bothering me? Kim Dokja hasn’t even been awake all day until now. Why are you suddenly assuming anything happened?”

Exactly,” Kim Dokja stresses. His face is totally red now. It isn’t helping his case, or maybe he’s just embarrassed to be associated with Joonghyuk like that. It isn’t like they’ve had many opportunities to discuss things like romance, after all. Not that Joonghyuk wants to, despite what his pesky student thinks. Does Kim Dokja even like men? “We - there’s nothing going on between us. We’re just…life and death companions. Not. Anything else. So what, exactly, happened?”

Joonghyuk scowls, ignoring the slight and shameful twinge of disappointment that rises at Kim Dokja’s words. “Sun Wukong decided to throw me around like a ragdoll. That’s what happened. Why don’t you ask him yourself?”

[Constellation ‘Demon King of Salvation’ is gazing at Constellation ‘Most Ancient Liberator.’]

[Constellation ‘Demon King of Salvation’ demands a proper explanation.]

[Constellation ‘Most Ancient Liberator’ says Incarnation ‘Yoo Joonghyuk’ is no fun.]

[Constellation ‘Most Ancient Liberator’ says he just wanted to make sure Incarnation ‘Yoo Joonghyuk’ was suitable to pursue Constellation ‘Demon King of Salvation.’]

“What the f*ck,” Kim Dokja hysterically mutters to himself. He’s unable to meet Joonghyuk’s eyes. The camp explodes into noise. “What the f*ck.

“I called it,” Lee Jihye squeals, “I knew it! Squid ahjussi can deny all he wants, but…!” Joonghyuk shoots her a vaguely murderous glare. She shrinks back but still looks smugly proud of herself.

[Constellation ‘Queen of the Darkest Spring’ reassures Constellation ‘Most Ancient Liberator’ that the Underworld’s vetting process is most thorough.]

[Constellation ‘Demon King of Salvation’ is looking at Constellation ‘Queen of the Darkest Spring’ in horror.]

[Constellation ‘Queen of the Darkest Spring’ says she thought Constellation ‘Demon King of Salvation’ would be okay with the pairing, as he hadn’t disagreed with her question about his sexual preferences.]

Kim Dokja looks like he’s about to faint, throw up, or explode, or maybe some combination of all three. Han Sooyoung has absolutely lost it. Yoo Sangah watches the chaos unfold peacefully, a knowing smile practically etched into her face. She must have discussed it with Sun Wukong while Joonghyuk was gone this morning. Jang Hayoung has crossed the circle to sullenly congratulate Kim Dokja, and Jung Heewon is shaking with barely restrained laughter.

Through it all, Joonghyuk sits as still as a stone, watching Kim Dokja sputter and deny and whine about being bullied by his nebula as he fends off question after question. Still, he keeps glancing over to Joonghyuk and ripping his gaze away as soon as he realizes Joonghyuk is still watching him. Joonghyuk almost hates to admit it, but it’s rather endearing.

“Yoo Joonghyuk doesn’t like men,” Kim Dokja shouts as a last defense, finally meeting Joonghyuk’s gaze with a plea in his eyes. Unfortunately, while Joonghyuk is a man of very few words, he also isn’t in the habit of lying, even though admitting it might be just as annoying. He doesn’t respond, watching as Kim Dokja vacillates between what seems to be hope and despair equally the longer he stays silent. “You’re joking,” he meekly says, and Joonghyuk shakes his head.

“Why would I lie?”

“You said you didn’t when we fought Nirvana!”

“Because Nirvana was a right bastard, and I was trying to dissuade them. Regardless, people’s hearts can change. Or did you forget that?” Joonghyuk co*cks his head at Kim Dokja. “Where is the Kim Dokja that defied the scenario and braved the Underworld to save the 41st Shin Yoosung?” As if summoned, Biyoo pops into existence and settles in Kim Dokja’s arms. He absentmindedly moves to pet her.

Kim Dokja sputters for a moment trying to come up with words to say, then shuts his mouth and gives Joonghyuk a weak smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “Well, alright, but in any case since when has going along with Constellations’ plans suited you?”

“…What?” This bastard, what is he implying? Joonghyuk narrows his eyes at Kim Dokja and stomps over to him, grabbing him by the wrist and dragging him away. Behind them, hooting and shouting fades into the distance. Biyoo floats not far behind as Joonghyuk pulls at Kim Dokja, and he gives her a meaningful look. She chirps and disappears.

“Hey, you damn sunfish jerk, what the hell are you doing? Is it that offensive for me to assume that you would work with other Constellations?” Joonghyuk slams a hand down next to Kim Dokja’s head, crowding him against the tree. Kim Dokja squeaks in surprise, then slaps a hand over his mouth, looking mortified at the sound.

“Kim Dokja,” he growls.

“Ye-e-es?” He slowly replies, slowly settling back into his taunting rat bastard personality. “That’s me.”

“Shut the f*ck up,” Joonghyuk sighs, then leans in very, very close. His self control is waning. He can feel Kim Dokja’s breath on his cheek, right next to his lips.

“What. Are you doing,” Kim Dokja says, breathless and quiet. “Are you being mind controlled? Threatened? Is Persephone bribing you with a Star Relic? You know, just because she implied that you were the third candidate she chose to marry me doesn’t mean you need to. I only listened to get her to stop asking, so — “

“Are you saying,” Joonghyuk mutters heatedly, his breath ghosting over pale, milky skin, “that you want me to back off right now? Also, third candidate?” He can’t help but feel a bit peeved. Who are the other two? Why do Persephone and Hades think anyone else would be a better candidate for Dokja when he’s the one who shares [Life and Death Companions] with him?

“Uh. Yeah, marriage candidate...since I’m the heir of the Underworld, I think she was kind of hoping for grandchildren, or something like that? She and Hades even suggested Bihyung - nevermind. Not important, not important,” he mumbles. He’s looking anywhere but Joonghyuk.

“Answer my question, Kim Dokja,” Joonghyuk insists. “Do you want me to back off?”

“W…wouldn’t you rather be with the person who…” Joonghyuk feels his veins pulse in irritation as he clenches his jaw. Is he serious? Is he acting like this on purpose? It’s been a whole lifetime since Joonghyuk even considered romance, but even he isn’t this oblivious.

[Fable ‘Life and Death Companions’ is telling its story!]

“Kim. Dok. Ja. Finish that sentence, and I’ll kill you.”

“…haha! That’s more like it!”


Joonghyuk recalls his conversation with Douzhanshengfo and the words Shin Yoosung had said to him only 10 minutes ago. He sighs and steps back, letting his hand fall. Right. He needs to be clear. Kim Dokja trembles against the tree, where he hasn’t moved.

“Kim Dokja,” he starts, making eye contact. “…this doesn’t need to be accepted now. You can even reject me if you want and I won’t ask you again.” I will keep my promise, goes unsaid. “But I…it has been a long time since I first thought that I wanted you to stay with me,” he admits, finally. “No, needed you to stay with me. Teacher told me once. There isn’t only one interpretation of a story. Maybe yours is different from mine. In that case, all I can do is explain mine to you.”

[Fable ‘Life and Death Companions’ is continuing its storytelling!]

“Sometimes I wondered why I hadn’t encountered this story before. I cursed that it gave me hope, and I accepted it when it brought me despair. But you kept coming back.” Joonghyuk steps closer again. He thinks his desperation is probably written all over his face by now. How painful it is to be honest without the penalty of life or death. “You told me you wanted to see the end of the story. I asked you to promise me you would. Kim Dokja, I cannot see a conclusion without you. Can you not do the same?”

Kim Dokja’s face crumples by a fraction, and he looks away. It takes a long moment before he speaks again, and his voice has faint trembles when he does. “Why?”

“Why can’t I see an end without you?”

“I…suppose, but…wouldn’t you say that about any companion? That’s also why the you of the 999th regression gave up everything…so why me ? Is it because I’m a new variable? Because I have accomplished the impossible and saved many people who are precious to you? Because I was able to lead this new world-line this far where you failed previously?” His eyes are shining. Joonghyuk wants to reach out and wipe the tears away, but first he needs to dispel this incorrect notion.

“Kim Dokja, am I the Yoo Joonghyuk who has regressed 999 times?” At the very least, he has the decency to look guilty about that statement. “I don’t care for you based on your utility, Kim Dokja,” he stiffly says. “While I am…grateful to have come so far because of your leadership, we all struggled and suffered to make it happen. It’s because you’ve reminded me about the value of living. You saved me. You’re always saving me, and the others, and you’re always paying the price. Are we not equal companions? Can I not want to do the same for you? You may walk a unique path, but it does not have to be alone.”

Kim Dokja lowers his head, then laughs, a little bit watery. “Wow, Yoo Joonghyuk. This is definitely the power of the protagonist. Were you hiding this silver tongue the whole time or is this a new development?”

Joonghyuk steps forward again and tugs Kim Dokja towards him. Bonelessly, the latter complies, allowing his head to fall into the crook of Joonghyuk’s shoulder. He can feel it getting wetter, but he ignores it. “Shut up, idiot Kim Dokja,” he grumbles. “You have all of [Kim Dokja’s Company] behind you. Though I still think that’s a stupid name for our nebula. You aren’t alone. What did you say to me - that I shouldn’t throw away this round so I could see the end of it as a human?

“I’m not a writer. I’m not a reader either, and I’m not used to saying or seeing nice words. So I’ll have to repeat yours to you as well. Don’t believe that just because you give up your life for us, all impossible situations can be solved. Let’s find another way, Kim Dokja. So that we can see the end of the scenarios and past that wall together.”

It is embarrassing to say so much, especially for Joonghyuk, but he wants Kim Dokja to know his sincerity. He wants Kim Dokja to understand - as much as you care about me, I also care about you. He has realized, just a bit today, that if he wants Kim Dokja to understand these sentiments he has to leave no room for the misinterpretation Kim Dokja is so fond of doing.

“I can’t promise that the scenario will allow for that,” Kim Dokja finally whispers. Already, Joonghyuk’s heart is squeezing in anticipation of a rejection, but he waits for Kim Dokja to finish. “It’s going to be different from what I know. Well, it already is. Still, I want to try it.”

“By it, you mean…”

“Do I have to spell it all out…?” Kim Dokja huffs, but he pulls back to shakily smile at Joonghyuk. “Let’s save the marriage talk for after the scenarios are over. For now, I just want to believe that we can break past the wall together.”

“Without sacrificing yourself.”

Kim Dokja grimaces, but he nods. “To the best of my ability.”

[You have used the skill Lie Detection Lv. 8.]

[You have confirmed that his statement is true.]

As Kim Dokja complains about the use of Lie Detection, Joonghyuk gives him a rare smile, one that tugs at the corners of his mouth and makes him look a few years younger. Kim Dokja reaches out impulsively, a hand tracing the shape of his face. The words have died on his lips. He looks stunned.


“I once left a comment on that novel,” Kim Dokja says slowly, almost reverently. “I asked the author, ‘was that a typo? How can Joonghyukie smile brightly?’” A second hand rises to join the first. It is warm on his cheek. “He replied, ‘anyone would change like that after regressing over 600 times.’ So…I’m kind of glad to see it in the ‘third round’ instead.”

Joonghyuk leans down to complete the action he aborted earlier. Kim Dokja’s lips are soft, probably because of that not-so-useless moisturizing skill. It’s chaste and quick, but when he pulls back Kim Dokja looks beyond flustered, a hand automatically going up to glide over his lip. It’s a good look on an usually unflappable man.

“I - uh - um —?”

“Was that not okay?” Joonghyuk quirks a brow at him. It seems to throw him off even further, and he begins that familiar babbling habit of when he gets stuck in an unfamiliar situation.

“No! No, it was great, really, you’re good at it, Joonghyuk-ah, I just…you caught me off guard. That’s all. I didn’t think you would…I mean, it’s just…me? You…”

“Twenty-eight…. No, wait. I was twenty-eight, and I was an employee of a game company. My hobby was reading web novels…It’s pathetic, right?”

Joonghyuk recalls the words said to him and it clicks in his mind. “It’s fine if you’re unfamiliar with this,” he says, just a tad bit smugly, and that of all statements is what makes Kim Dokja color in embarrassment again.

“You jerk, do you really have to point it out…” Joonghyuk leans down and cuts him off again, going in for a longer duration. They separate when Kim Dokja weakly pounds at his shoulder, and Joonghyuk gives in to the impulse to bite at his lower lip.

Kim Dokja whines at that. “Ah, what the hell is wrong with you? Are you a beast?” Joonghyuk snorts.

“It is a relatively new experience for me as well,” he says monotonously, and he watches in real time as Kim Dokja realizes that —

“Wait, seriously? You only got together with Lee Seolhwa once in the second regression, and there - nobody else? Isn’t this unfair? You’re too good at it already??” He smacks Joonghyuk’s shoulder again. “This damn protagonist…”

“Enough about that,” Joonghyuk mutters. “Let’s go back before the others start getting the wrong idea.”

It is apparently the wrong thing to say for Kim Dokja’s overactive imagination, because his expression instantly shutters, he takes a step away from Joonghyuk’s side, and starts picking at the hem of his coat sleeve. “…Right. Wouldn’t want to…give them the wrong idea.”

“You fool, I meant so they don’t think we’re out here doing indecent things,” he sighs, exasperated as he shoots an arm out to grab Kim Dokja’s wrist, and then slides down to his hand to pull him back in. “Haven’t we been arguing for a while? The food will be all gone by the time we get back. I don’t know if Sun Wukong fed you at all today and you just woke up a few hours ago.”

“… oh,” Kim Dokja sheepishly says, like his nebula’s own overactive imagination didn’t occur to him at all. “Right.”

“Is that all you can say?” Joonghyuk starts walking, and Kim Dokja hurries to keep up the pace. They eventually fall back into a comfortable, quiet rhythm.

[Kim Dokja,] he thinks, just to see if it works, [if you want to kiss me, you don’t have to just stare at my face, you know.]

Judging by the way Kim Dokja trips over air, it absolutely does.

When they get back, everyone’s already dispersed to do their own nighttime activities. Mia, who has been sitting at the campfire, perks up when she sees them, her gaze sliding down to their connected hands. She meanders up to them.

“Oppa always sounds happier when he talks about you,” she finally addresses Kim Dokja. “So don’t hurt him again, ahjussi, or I’ll really be mad.” He sputters something unintelligible out while she turns to Joonghyuk. “Oppa, I saved you both a serving of dinner.”

“Thanks, Mia,” he pats her on the head. “You didn’t have to sit there by yourself, you know.”

“Gilyoung and Yoosung are just arguing again,” she sniffs. “No thanks.” Still, she runs off to the tent that the two of them are in, judging by the silhouettes. Joonghyuk makes Kim Dokja sit down and ladles a bowl of soup and dumplings for him, which he eagerly takes and begins to chomp down on.

“Oh, you two are back,” Yoo Sangah peeks out from her tent.

“Hey! You bastards!” Han Sooyoung peeks out next, and Joonghyuk catches a glimpse of Lee Seolhwa inside as well. Some kind of girl’s night, maybe? “Took you long enough to resolve that UST! Can we try not to include me in the murderous crossfire next time? Thanks!”

“What – are you talking about when that bastard killed you? There wasn’t any - any sexual tension there? We didn’t do anything just now,” Kim Dokja blunders, then he catches his own statement when a scary expression makes its way onto Han Sooyoung’s face. “I mean, we didn’t do anything but we did resolve the issue!”

“When I said ‘the others’ earlier, I meant Han Sooyoung,” Joonghyuk says flatly, looking over to Kim Dokja. Understanding dawns on his face, followed by a flat look of annoyance reserved only for Han Sooyoung.

[Midday Tryst has been activated!]

— Kim Dokja, I swear, what the hell do you mean you didn’t do anything? He looked like he was gonna eat you up?

— Han Sooyoung, please shut up.

— C’mon, tell me! Not the details, because I’ve seen your “black fire dragon” more than I’d ever like to, but???

— Why do you still call it that??? Maybe you’re really a chuuni at heart?

— You two remember that I am also in this chat, right?

At that, both Kim Dokja and Han Sooyoung freeze, turning awkward. Yoo Sangah laughs, having caught on to what is happening.

“Well, don’t let us keep you,” she says. “Come on, Sooyoung-ssi. You were in the middle of a story.” With a light touch to Han Sooyoung’s shoulder, the two of them retreat back into the tent. Joonghyuk wonders when they got so close.

— So, then, Yoo Joonghyuk, what did you guys do?

Nosy woman.

— We kissed. Are you satisfied?

They can hear her shriek of victory from outside, and Joonghyuk sighs, returning to his dumplings and soup.

“Biyoo,” Kim Dokja suddenly says, and his daughter appears before him, sinking into his lap. “Biyoo, you can stop hiding the channel now. Go sleep.” With a yawn, the baby dokkaebi does as told, and suddenly the indirect messages are stacking up in his inbox. Kim Dokja quietly pets her, apologizing for pushing her for so long as he scrolls through them, his face scrunching up and contorting into amusing expressions.

[Constellation ‘Demon King of Salvation’ greets Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire.’]

[Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ is itching to know what went down after Incarnation ‘Yoo Joonghyuk’ pulled Constellation ‘Demon King of Salvation’ away!]

[Constellation ‘Demon King of Salvation’ says he will field questions tomorrow, after he wakes up.]

[1,000 coins have been sponsored!]

[1,000 coins have been returned.]

[5,000 coins have been sponsored!]

[5,000 coins have been returned.]

[10,000 coins have been sponsored!]

[10,000 coins have been returned.]

“Stop trying to bribe me,” Kim Dokja scolds the open air. “Tomorrow, Uriel.”

[Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ is pouting.]

[Constellation ‘Abyssal Black Flame Dragon’ laughs at Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire.’]

[Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ says Constellation ‘Abyssal Black Flame Dragon’ is a ***** *** ************!]

[Constellation ‘Queen of the Darkest Spring’ says that patience will be rewarding.]

[Constellation ‘Most Ancient Liberator’ is confident about tomorrow’s results.]

[Constellation ‘Queen of the Darkest Spring’ wishes Constellation ‘Demon King of Salvation’ and Incarnation ‘Yoo Joonghyuk’ good night and sweet dreams.]

Joonghyuk acknowledges the message with a nod and switches off his indirects for the night. He’s long since finished with his bowl, and Kim Dokja follows soon after.

After they both clean up, Joonghyuk invites himself into Kim Dokja’s tent. The latter is reading on his phone again, and Joonghyuk snatches it out of his grip, causing him to yelp and punch Joonghyuk on reflex. Not that it does anything, he thinks, amused.

“Oh. It’s just you. Give it back here. Wait, what are you even doing here?”

“No,” Joonghyuk mutters, setting the phone down on what he’s now claiming as his side of the bed. He slides in under the covers and drags Kim Dokja down with him. The other stutters and says something unintelligible. “Sleep now. Worry later. We’re supposed to be on break.”

“But —! …” He goes silent for a moment, as if contemplating something, and then sighs, expression contorting into annoyance. “You’re right, I guess. Okay.” He turns off the lights and climbs back into the bed, turning his back to Joonghyuk. Is he uncomfortable? Joonghyuk shuffles closer and drapes his arms around Kim Dokja, who stiffens under his weight.

It’s warm. His skin almost feels like a fire is raging underneath. Just as he’s about to pull back, thinking that he might have taken it a bit too far for Kim Dokja, he shifts in the bed so that he’s facing Joonghyuk. He holds his breath as the faint shimmer of familiar obsidian glides over his features. After a minute of hesitation, Kim Dokja leans in to kiss him one more time. He goes quickly, pulling back after only seconds pass as if afraid, so Joonghyuk chases him and presses one fuller, deeper. They will talk more about this tomorrow, Joonghyuk is sure, because Kim Dokja is nothing if not a worrywart and an obsessive planner, but for now it is just them in the distant ambience of the mountainside and their quiet breaths.

“Goodnight, Joonghyuk-ah,” he says, quiet and unsure.

“Goodnight, Kim Dokja,” Joonghyuk responds, contentment curling through his veins, and that night’s sleep is the most peaceful one either of them will have for a while.

monkeying around - saintsblade - 전지적 독자 시점 - 싱숑 | Omniscient Reader (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.